Chapter 7 Review “The Origins and Spread of Islam”
Muhammad Receiving the word of God from the angel Gabriel. Islam: A monotheistic religion based on the word of God as revealed to Muhammad during the 7th century. Muhammad Receiving the word of God from the angel Gabriel. Muhammad told his followers that he was the messenger of God.
Arabia During the 6th Century The Arabian Peninsula became a major trading hub for all three continents. The Arabian Peninsula, the center piece of ancient trade routes The people of the Arabian Peninsula learned how to survive in the desert. They raised sheep, goats, and camels and learned to keep moving in search of food and water. Over time, they also learned to earn a living through trade. These skills proved valuable as merchants came to the Arabian Peninsula from surrounding countries, buying and selling. Trade between Africa and Asia passed through the peninsula, as did trade between Asia and Europe.
1. Why is Mecca important to Muslims? Before Islam: Important trading center Religious Center Abraham built a shrine birthplace of Muhammad
2. Characteristics that made Mecca a wealthy city Located in a dry, rocky land in Arabia Merchants traveled and purchased goods Center for trade
3. How were people in Arabia united before Muhammad? Language Polytheistic religions Trade
4. What did Muhammad do for a living 4. What did Muhammad do for a living? How did this take him to places outside the Arabian Peninsula? Merchant He went on trading journeys
MUHAMMAD’S EARLY LIFE Following custom, Muhammad’s mother sent her baby to live with a family of nomads in the desert. There, the young boy learned about traditional Arab values, such as being kind to strangers and helping orphans, widows, and other needy members of society.
As a boy, Muhammad tended his family’s flocks of sheep and goats As a boy, Muhammad tended his family’s flocks of sheep and goats. When he was about 12 years old, he accompanied his uncle on a trading journey. They traveled far north to Syria. On this journey, Muhammad gained his first experiences outside Arabia.
As Muhammad grew up, he took on more duties and made more trading journeys. He became a merchant who enjoyed a reputation throughout Makkah for his honesty. People called him al-Amin, which means “the Trustworthy.”
Muhammad as a Young man. Muhammad was still a young man when he began managing caravans for a widow named Khadijah, who ran a trading business. Muhammad earned her great profits. Impressed with his abilities and honesty, Khadijah proposed marriage. Muhammad accepted her offer, and when he was about 25, they married.
For the next 15 years, Muhammad made his living as a merchant For the next 15 years, Muhammad made his living as a merchant. Although he enjoyed success in business, he also cared about spiritual matters.
5. What did the angel Gabriel tell Muhammad to do? To teach compassion, honesty, and justice To be a prophet (messenger of God) and teach monotheism (belief in one god)
6. What is a Muslim? A person who surrenders to God Someone who practices Islam, a way of life and the basis for creating a just society
7. The Qur’an is the _____ of ______. Holy book Islam 8. Why is the Qur’an significant to Muslims? It’s the book of Muhammad’s teachings The words of God spoken by the angel Gabriel
9. Why did leaders of Makkah become upset at Muhammad and were against the Islamic faith? They did not want to share their wealth Afraid Muhammad would seize political power To prevent the spread of Islam, some people: Called Muhammad a liar Persecuted his followers Boycotted (refused to do business with) Muslim businesses
10. What is polytheism and why did leaders of Makkah prefer this? The belief in more than one God It was a business to Makkah leaders because people would go to worship Gods
11. Explain the Night Journey A winged horse took Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem Muhammad spoke to other prophets and met God Still a holy city for Islam
12. Why did the city of Medinah become so important to Muhammad’s followers? Muhammad brought peace Muhammad lived there and converted more Arabs to Islam Asked his followers to respect Jews and Christians
13. What happened to the Islamic faith after the four caliphs? By the time Mohammad died in 632 C.E., most of central and southern Arabia was Muslim. Needed a new leader = Four Caliphs (Muslim ruler) I. Abu Bakr (Muhammad’s friend and father-in-law) Completed the unification of Arabia
II. Caliph Umar continued to expand the Muslim empire by conquest By 643 the Muslim empire included lands in Iraq, Persia, the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa Taxed non-Muslim more, but let them practice their beliefs as they like
III. Uthman (644-656) United Muslims when he oversaw the creation of an official edition o f the Qur’an IV. Ali ibn Ali Talib (656-661) Mohammad’s cousin and son-in-law
14. What is the difference between the Sunnis and the Shi’ah? Shi’ah wanted Muhammad relatives to rule the empire Sunnis accepted Umayyad Dynasty (first ruled by Mu’awiyah) Schism between Shi’ah and Sunnis lasts through today
15. How did the Umayyad dynasty expand Islam? They conquered lands Lawnds of Muslim empire took on elements of Arab culture, including language, goods and coins 711 conquored Spain 732 tried to invade modern-day France, but were repelled at the Battle of Tours by Frankish king Charles Martel
16. What was the capital of the Muslim empire during the Umayyad Dynasty Damascus
17. What major bodies of water are located to the east, west, and northwest of the Arabian Peninsula The Persian Gulf (east) The Red Sea (west) The Mediterranean Sean (northwest)
18. In which battle did Charles Martel defeat the Muslims and kept them from moving into Europe? The Battle of Tours (732)
19. What is the name of the country that kept Muslims out from Europe? France
22. List 3 facts about the origins of Islam, 3 facts about the spread of Islam during Muhammad and 3 fact about the spread of Islam after Muhammad Origins of Islam During Muhammad After Muhammad 1. Muhammad is born in 570 AD 1. Muhammad’s teachings are rejected by leaders of Makkah 1. The first four caliph the the Muslim empire 2. Starts in the Arabian Peninsula 2. Muhammad preaches monotheism 2. The Umayyad dynasty takes over the Muslim caliphate 3. Angel Gabriel speaks to Muhammad in a cave 3. Muhammad moves to Medinah and converts Arabs to Islam 3. Islam splits into Sunnis and Shi’ah