Mission Statement The mission of the City of Norfolk is to provide quality public services. Goal 1 – Continue to Support Area Economic Development Goal 2 – Pursue Recreation Enhancement and Quality of Life Opportunities Goal 3 – Street Expansion and Maintenance Goal 4 – Continue Positive Community Engagement and Public Relations Goal 5 – Increase Emergency Cash Reserve Goal 6 – Encourage Community Property Maintenance Goal 7 – Partner to Stabilize the Elkhorn River Embankment Goal 8 – Complete Library Remodel and Expansion
GENERAL FUND REVENUE The following is the proposed FY 2017-2018 General Fund revenue budget by source: Budgeted Percent Source 2017-2018 of Total Sales Tax 9,870,591 43.70% NPPD Rent & Other Revenue 5,241,148 23.20% Property Tax 2,729,321 12.08% Charges for Service 2,200,896 9.74% Other Taxes 1,112,800 4.93% Licenses & Permits 265,945 1.18% Intergovernmental Revenues 532,713 2.36% Other Interest Income 18,100 0.08% Non-Revenue Receipts 615,000 2.72% Total Revenues 22,586,514 100.00%
SMALL CAPITAL OUTLAY Administration - $20,000 Copier Street - $30,000 LED Signs - $25,000 Brine Maker - $17,000 Snow Plow Park Maintenance - $30,700 DTR Grant Match - $15,000 6” Front End Mower Library - $30,000 Self-Checkout Machines (2) - $15,000 Security Gates Fire - $37,600 Staff Pickup Police - $88,200 Cruisers (3) - $40,000 IBM Replacement Server - $17,800 from Police - $4,218 from 911 Fund - $17,982 from Wireless 911 Fund
LARGE CAPITAL PROJECTS - $2,750,000 Street Maintenance Contract Work - $5,700,000 Reconstruct Bridge on Norfolk Avenue - $4,750,000 FY 2016-2017 - $950,000 FY 2017-2018 - $500,000 Bridge Maintenance Improvements - $625,360 Radios - $525,300 North Fork Riverfront Trail Project - $705,400 Improvements to Park West of YMCA including Splash Pad - $8,150,000 Library Renovation and Expansion - $270,115 FY 2015-2016 - $3,785,885 FY 2016-2017 - $4,094,000 FY 2017-2018 - $676,000 Drainage for Eastern Norfolk - $1,300,000 Aerial Fire Apparatus - $500,000 Victory Road Trail
ENTERPRISE FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS Water - $705,000 Water Main Improvements; Omaha Avenue and Victory Road - $2,300,000 Industrial Tank at Victory Road and Benjamin Avenue - $1,150,000 Water Extension on 1st Street and 13th Street to South of Elkhorn River - $620,000 Connect 1st Street extension to 13th Street extension - $130,000 Water line on Victory Road; Magnet Drive to Eisenhower Avenue Sewer - $950,000 Northeast Industrial Sewer Main Extension, Phase II and III - $900,000 West Highway 275 Sewer Extension - $2,035,000 Highway 35 Interceptor - $3,040,000 Omaha Avenue Lift Station & Force Main - $1,450,000 Southwest Sewer Main Extension, Phase II and III - $1,120,000 25th Street and Eisenhower Avenue from 13th Street Solid Waste - $1,858,000 Truck Maintenance Facility Engineering, Construction & Equipment
Highlights of 2017/2018 Budget Property Tax Levy Rate Remains the Same as the Prior Year Increased Infrastructure Improvements and Extensions Increased Emergency Fund Balance Half-Cent Sales Tax for the Library Expansion and Renovation Expires March 2018.