Hardware and Fastener Identification Interactive Quiz Nails
Can you identify the following hardware? To answer the question, click on the photograph you think is the correct answer. A correct answer will generate an APPLAUSE. An incorrect answer will generate another sound. To see the common names of the hardware, click anywhere on the background. Then use the “page down” key, “down arrow” key, or another mouse click to move to the next question. Start Quit Slide 2 of 33
Which of the following represents a smooth-shank roofing nail? Nail, galvanized joist hanger Nail, barbed-shank roofing Nail, smooth-shank roofing
Which of the following is the drywall nail? Nail, drywall Nail, galvanized twisted-shank (spiral shank) (8d) Nail, bright joist hanger
Nail, bright joist hanger Which of the following is the hardened trim nail? Nail, bright finish (10d) Nail, bright joist hanger Nail, hardened trim
Which of the following is the 8d cement-coated nail? Nail, common (16d) Nail, common (10d) Nail, cement-coated (sinker) (8d)
Nail, ring-shank pole barn (4-inch) Which of the following is the 8d ring-shank nail? Nail, ring-shank pole barn (4-inch) Nail, drywall Nail, ring-shank (8d)
Which of the following is the 8d galvanized twisted-shank nail ? Nail, scaffold, or duplex (10d) Nail, galvanized twisted-shank (spiral shank) (8d) Nail, coiled roofing
Which of the following is the 8d bright finish nail? Nail, galvanized casing (16d) Nail, bright finish (8d) Nail, bright finish (10d)
Nail, ring-shank pole barn (4-inch) Which of the following is the 4-inch ring-shank pole barn nail? Nail, ring-shank pole barn (4-inch) Nail, drywall Nail, ring-shank (8d)
Nail, galvanized twisted-shank Which of the following is the 10d bright finish nail? Nail, galvanized twisted-shank (spiral shank) (8d) Nail, galvanized casing (16d) Nail, bright finish (10d)
Which of the following is the 6d galvanized box nail? Nail, galvanized box (6d) Nail, galvanized twisted-shank (spiral shank) (8d) Nail, galvanized joist hanger
Nail, scaffold or duplex (10d) Which of the following represents the 10d common nail? Nail, scaffold or duplex (10d) Nail, common (10d) Nail, common (16d)
Which of the following is the barbed-shank roofing nail? Nail, galvanized joist hanger Nail, barbed-shank roofing Nail, drywall
Nail, cement-coated (sinker) (8d) Which of the following is the 16d common nail? Nail, cement-coated (sinker) (8d) Nail, common (16d) Nail, bright finish (10d)
Which of the following is the 50d cement-coated (sinker)? Nail, cement-coated (sinker) (50d) Nail, common (16d) Nail, ring-shank pole barn (4-inch)
Which of the following represents the barbed-shank roofing nail? Nail, barbed-shank roofing Nail, drywall Nail, galvanized joist hanger
Nail, galvanized casing (16d) Which of the following is the 16d galvanized casing nail? Nail, bright finish (10d) Nail, galvanized casing (16d) Nail, galvanized twisted-shank (spiral shank) (8d)
Which of the following is the 10d scaffold or duplex nail? Nail, ring-shank pole barn (4-inch) Nail, common (10d) Nail, scaffold or duplex (10d)
Which of the following is the galvanized joist hanger nail? Nail, galvanized joist hanger Nail, galvanized twisted- shank (spiral shank) (8d) Nail, barbed-shank roofing
Which of the following is the bright joist hanger nail? Nail, bright joist hanger Nail, galvanized joist hanger Nail, drywall
Which of the following is the nail stick for a power nailer? Drive pin Nail stick for nail gun Staple, construction
Which of the following represents a poultry netting staple? Fence staple, barbed-shank Poultry netting staples Fence staples, barbed-shank
Which of the following is the barbed-shank fence staple? Fence staple, barbed- shank Screw hook L-hook
Which of the following is the smooth-shank fence staple? Fence staple, barbed-shank Fence staple, smooth-shank Poultry netting staple
Which of the following is the corrugated fastener? SP connector 90˚ corner brace
Which of the following represents the plastic cap nail? Anchor, pin set Nail stick for nail gun Nail, plastic cap
Poultry netting staples Which of the following is the upholstery tack? Poultry netting staples Upholstery tack Nail, plastic cap
Nail, barbed-shank roofing Which of the following is the fluted masonry nail? Nail, barbed-shank roofing Nail, fluted masonry Nail, drywall
Which of the following is the drive pin? Pin, clevis Linchpin
Nail, barbed shank roofing Which of the following is the coil of roofing nails? Nail, barbed shank roofing Nails, coiled roofing Nail, plastic cap
Poultry netting staples Which of the following is the construction staple? Poultry netting staples Corrugated fastener Staple, construction
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