Session 2: Examples from Philippines and Nepal National Capacity Building Workshop: Competency-based ICT teacher training development 12-14 October 2016, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Auken Tungatarova Programme Assistant ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
Philippines case TTLs divided by teacher groups Each course divided into units Course objectives aligned with course content and assessment
Philippines case: Technology for Teaching and Learning Course Objectives: Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning process Integrate media and technology in various content areas Apply learning theories and principles in the design and development of lessons through appropriate media and technologies for teaching-learning Formulate teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources Course Content: ICT Policies and Safety Issues in Teaching and Learning ICT in Various Content Areas Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning ICT Concepts, Principles and Theories as used in Teaching-Learning Processes Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of Technology Driven Learning Lessons Innovative Technology Tools for Teaching-Learning and Assessment Task Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Use of Technology Tools
Philippines case Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Tasks Resource Materials Time Table Understand ICT in Education 1.1 Define basic concepts in understanding ICT in Education Unit 1: Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning Basic concepts to be defined: Technology Information and Communication Educational technology Technology, Media and Learning Instructional System and Instructional technology Technology tools Lucido, P & Corpuz, B (2012) Educational technology 2……. Brief Lecture: With the aid of a PPT, provide an overview of the subject Technology for Teaching and Learning. Small Group discussion: give graphic organizers of the different concepts to be defined through the use of content mapping and semantic webbing. Whole group discussion: Present to the whole class group outputs. Individual Research: Encourage students to validate the concept map/semantic web and conceptual definitions Use a rating scale for the concept map developed Use a rating scale for the semantic web developed by each group OHP/Multimedia Projector Computer/Laptop Graphic organizers 1 week
Philippines case Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Tasks Resource Materials Time Table 1.2 Identify the ICT Principles and Theories in teaching-learning processes 1.3 Enumerate the national ICT policies affecting classroom practices ICT Principles Theories As used in Teaching-Learning Processes Unit 2. ICT Policies and Safety Issues in Teaching and Learning Smaldino, et al. (2005). Instruction technology and media for learning… Teacher-led Discussion on ICT principles and theories used in teaching and learning Small Group Discussion Forum With Resource Pencil and Paper Test Checklist Power Point Presentation Video clips 1 week 2 weeks
Philippines case Types of assessment used: Paper test Class observation Oral examination Lesson exemplar analysis Group project Individual research / group research Interview Google App Posters Practical test
Nepal case Courses divided into modules Basic to Proficient level for each module Module X: Assess Learning and Provide feedback Target: Beginner teachers who are fairly literate to the computer operation
Nepal case Expected Competency: To use ICT for learning assessment and feedback Learning Objectives (based on performance indicators) - Identify some means of assessment tools of ICT - Use the simple assessment tools in teaching learning activities Performance Indicator 1. Use word-processors and spreadsheet for assessing students’ learning and giving programmed feedback 2. Use spreadsheet to improve test construction, managing student progress, and analyzing results 3. Use other tools of ICT so as to assess the students Examples of Performance Developing a survey handout - Prepare a test item for the assessment - Development of rubrics
Nepal case - Lesson 1: Identification and enhancement of Basic ICT Tools for Assessment Description Teaching Method Length Teaching Materials/Tools - Identification of ICT tools for assessment - Presentation, Demonstration Discussion 1.5 hrs PPT presentation with different screenshots - Basic consideration on using ICT tools for assessment
Nepal case - Lesson 3: Preparation and Use of various tools in word processor Description Teaching Method Length Teaching Materials/Tools - Create rubrics, survey forms, feedback sheets, worksheets, quiz etc. using word processors Group work 3 hrs Computer lab - Develop simple test items (questions, project work outline/details) on their own and apply them in the teaching learning Group work, presentation 4.5 hrs
Nepal case Evaluation Lesson # Evaluation Modality What to evaluate Weight Lesson 1 Interaction - Basic understanding on ICT tools for assessment 10% Lesson 3 Observation - Preparation and use of various tools in word processor 30% …
Important to note Alignment of course objectives with course content and assessment Consideration of the level of teachers’ preparedness and course level Proper time allocation Prioritization of learning outcomes Diverse assessment methods Contextualization and country findings