Community Emergency Planning Ian Travers Smith
Sutton Courtenay 30 Jan 2008 District Council WRVS Red Cross RSPCA Highways Schools PCT
“You Can’t Plan For Everything But You Can Plan For Anything” Community Plans YCPFEBYCPFA “You Can’t Plan For Everything But You Can Plan For Anything” “Just because the river is quiet does not mean the crocodiles have gone away”
Purpose …to provide a self-help response during any emergency affecting the community, ahead of the response by emergency services and the local authorities.
……for instance Following a disruptive event or explosion Particularly involving evacuation During a widespread emergency Snow, storm damage, flu pandemic, flooding Usually preceded by a warning Emergency services stretched Extended loss of utilities
Multi-Agency Responsibilities Emergency Services Saving and protecting life Containing the emergency Local Authorities Welfare Co-ordination of voluntary agencies
Community Response Short-term welfare needs Deal with consequences NOT emergencies Displaced people Lack of immediate access to: Professional medical assistance Prescription medicines Shelter Warmth (cooling) Water & food Light
Health & Safety Ask of people only what is reasonable Trained or competent to use machinery Think what might go wrong Do not let a responder become a casualty Check public liability insurance for activity other than low risk
Plan Contents First assemble information based on key questions………………… Who? What? Where? When? How?
Plan Contents Who? Will lead and co-ordinate local response? Emergency Management Team (EMT)? Assign roles
Plan Contents Who? Can provide assistance? Off-duty emergency service staff Farmers Electricians Plumbers Willing volunteers
Plan Contents Who? Might be vulnerable? Young, old, disabled, single parents Displaced people
Plan Contents What? Might cause a problem? Busy roads (accident blackspots) Watercourses Industrial Premises (COMAH Sites) Extreme Weather Conditions Local impact Receipt of warnings Post event action Extended Utilities failure
Plan Contents What? Local Resources might be useful? Hotels/pubs/restaurants Sandbags & sand 4x4 vehicles Tractors Chain saws Two-way radios (RAYNET)
? Plan Contents Where? Might the EMT meet? Might you provide shelter? Call it a “Reception Centre” Identify suitable facilities Arrange for rapid access Provide comfort for displaced people
Plan Contents Reception Centre Characteristics Out of the flood plain Accessible in flooding Access from more than 1 direction Accessible by coach-sized vehicles Separated by at least 500 metres Option in neighbouring community
Plan Contents Reception Centre Desirable Features Toilets Potable water Heating Light Seating Kitchen facilities Landline telephone An area for pets
Plan Contents When? Should the plan be activated? Disruptive event involving evacuation Utilities failure Receipt of weather warnings (Judgement!!) Met Office: National Severe Weather Warning Service Environment Agency: Floodline Warnings Direct
Plan Contents How? Communication! Communication! Communication! Understand when to communicate & with whom Identify the means Contact list is essential Requires the most frequent review Contains personal information