Interview of Stakeholders Andrea Harper MEDT8461 Diffusion of Innovations
Stakeholders Jessica, 11th grade student Kim, 9th grade student Karen, parent of 3rd, 7th, and 9th grade students Mike, parent of 6th grade student
How is technology affecting the learning process? Jessica It makes doing work faster and easier Kim It is completely changing the world. It is taking away from learning but it also helps because you can easily solve problems and study online.
How is technology affecting the learning process? Mike Increased emphasis on computer skills. Allows rural schools to obtain education that they would not have local access to. Karen It’s reaching those visual learners the most.
When you hear the phrase “technology integration” what does that mean to you? Jessica Putting technology into a work place where technology usually isn’t used that much Kim It makes work easier
When you hear the phrase “technology integration” what does that mean to you? Mike- The use of all technologies combined to allow a comprehensive access to educational resources. Karen I guess I would just say that it mean technology is being incorporated into the classroom (interactive whiteboards, etc.)
How should technology be used in education? Jessica Not to the extreme but to help the children the best way possible and the easy way. Kim The projectors to let you see better and computers to help you learn faster.
How should technology be used in education? Mike I am old school, so I think sparingly. There should be an emphasis on how to use technology to obtain information. In other words, technology is a means, not the ends. Karen It should be readily accessible to the students, not necessarily just for teacher use. It should truly be interactive. Students should be very comfortable with using it themselves.
Are you happy with the level of technology used at your school Are you happy with the level of technology used at your school? Why or why not? Jessica Yes, I am but I think people take advantage of the technology they are given. Kim Yes, it helps you do your work faster and easier to learn.
Are you happy with the level of technology used at your school Are you happy with the level of technology used at your school? Why or why not? Mike Unable to answer; not quite aware of what our local school has. Karen Elementary: No...our school does not have interactive whiteboards in every classroom...while the school down the street in the same county does! Middle & High school: children have to access blogs to watch videos, take on-line quizzes, etc. In the classroom, my children are exposed to a lot of technology (even in orchestra!)
Has technology changes the way you work in your classrooms and has it changed your assignments? Jessica Yes, the technology we have in classrooms help us do our assignments faster. It has changed our assignments because most are done on the computer. Kim Yes, most of the work is on the LCD projector.
Has technology changed the way your child works in class and has it changed his/her assignments? Mike I have not seen much change with homework. Karen Absolutely....homework is no longer a worksheet. It involves getting on-line and viewing either on-line text (like from a textbook), take on-line quizzes, watch video clips, review class notes posted on blogs, etc. (this is for middle & high). I am not super sure how it has changed the way my child works in the classroom.
How would you assess your teachers’ integration of technology into the classroom? Jessica Some of my teachers love it. They use computers and much more every day but others just simply write on the board. Kim It like it because it helps me learn.
How would you assess your child’s teachers’ integration of technology into the classroom? Mike Unable to answer Karen I have no idea. I’m not there! I just see what they do at home.