Asking Scientific Questions IRSL Fall 2017
Scientific Method, revisited Where in the process of the scientific method does asking a question play a role?
Key Questions for Research Design Topic: WHAT is the research topic and HOW research topic will be addressed in this study? Methods: WHICH methodology? WHEN and WHERE will the topic be studied? (WHAT is the subject?) HOW will the data be collected? Analysis: HOW will the data be processed and interpreted? Reporting: HOW will findings be communicated to the community? Circle rather than top down Where do scientific questions come up in the research process?
What are the goals of a scientific question? Describe Predict Increase understanding Mechanisms Answer “why?” Cause and effect relationship Scientific research starts with a scientific question.
What are the characteristics of a good scientific question? Is testable An experiment can be designed to find the answer Has a hypothesis that is falsifiable Is not biased Consider many alternative explanations/ hypotheses Has a real answer Is not too broad or vague
Weak Questions Too broad Too narrowly focused on collecting a fact (specific amount of chemical in methods) Vague comparisons Why? Examples –Check out Tips handout
Thought Processes (to form strong questions) Analogy: compare similar situations Induction: infer general from particular instance: P G (small idea to big idea) Process: Data collection analysis theory “Few guidelines to tell…which measurements to make and how to make them” Especially important in early stages of a field, developing hypotheses and theories I have a bag of change in my purse. I pull out a quarter and then two more quarters. All the coins in my purse are quarters. Lee, Pg. 88-89
Thought Processes (to form strong questions) Analogy: compare similar situations Induction: infer general from particular Deduction: infer particular from general G P Process: theory prediction data collection “Less likely to lead scientists astray” Important for applying theories All Greeks are men, all men are mortal; therefore, all Greeks will die. All elephants are mammals, Bessie is an elephant; Bessie is a mammal. Lee, Pg. 88-89
Thought Processes (to form strong questions) Analogy: compare similar situations Induction: infer general from particular Deduction: infer particular from general Intuition: helpful for forming questions (dangerous for analysis!) Little concrete information Lee, Pg. 88-89
Thought Processes (to form strong questions) Analogy: compare similar situations Induction: infer general from particular Deduction: infer particular from general Intuition: helpful for forming questions (but not for analysis) Serendipity: unexpected observation Penicillin Lee, Pg. 88-89
What is the purpose of your question? 1) Define or measure a specific fact or gather facts about a specific phenomenon 2) Match facts and theory 3) Evaluate and compare two theories, models, or hypotheses 4) Prove that a certain method is more effective than other methods
Questions when Designing an Experiment Choose an answerable question Choose type and amount of data Choose data analysis
Experimental Design Include controls Understand variation between experimental conditions Be aware of bias Anticipate types of error
What to look for in an article Hypothesis or clear goal Controls Careful unbiased observations Accurate documentation Systematic analysis Analyze variability and certainty Did the scientists ask the right questions?
Scientific Question Activity: Intersex Fish Video clip Mark Fritts
Scientific Question Activity Write down as many questions you can about anything related to the video or intersex fish research. Review your questions. Cross out any that are considered “weak” scientific questions OR re-word to improve. Categorize your remaining questions- which part of the Scientific Method do they belong? Choose three testable questions. Share with your group. Weak question Good scientific question Share with the class.
Homework for next Monday Start brainstorming ideas for a research topic Come to class with Preliminary topic form filled out and PRINTED (have 1 topic in form, and some extra topic ideas just in case) Preliminary topic form will be due at the end of breakout session next week (Monday or Friday) Preliminary topic form found on my website and Dr. Guzman’s