Arranged Marriage To consider the religious responses to the issues of love, parental involvement and race in the choice of marriage partner.


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Presentation transcript:

Arranged Marriage To consider the religious responses to the issues of love, parental involvement and race in the choice of marriage partner To understand that there are alternatives to marriage, including vocation, celibacy. COMPLETE THE GAP FILL ON TWO RELIGIOUS WEDDING CEREMONIES WATCH THE VIDEO CLIPS ON ARRANGED MARRIAGES WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?

Read text Explain your views on arranged marriages. Do you agree with them? Give reasons for your views. Include another point of view (6 marks) Explain the alternatives to marriage (8 marks)

Create an advert to go onto a dating website for your requirements of the ‘ideal partner’ Make sure that you include ideas about; Love Parental involvement Race Your ideas about: Cohabitation Children Career choices etc.

Feedback examples of your dating profiles How important is it to marry someone who has a similar backgroun d to yourself?

Group work... GROUP 1 - discuss (mind map) the advantages of a love match GROUP 2 - discuss (mind map) the disadvantages of a love match GROUP 3 discuss (mind map) the advantages of an arranged marriage GROUP 4 discuss (mind map) the disadvantages of an arranged marriage