Debates Oral Communication
Debating What is a debate? Do you have to believe in your argument to be good at debating it?
Debate Structure Debates have two opposing sides. Opening statements Point Counterpoint Etc. Closing statements
Opening Statements Introduce yourself and establish authority “My name is Mohamed and I am a leading expert in the field of English as a foreign language teaching.” Clearly state your argument “Today I will argue that in beginner English classrooms, all interaction should be 100% in English. State the facts supporting your argument “Having 100% of classroom interaction in English will give students greater English input and speed up their learning process. Explaining things in a native language other than English will only be confusing.” Conclusion or summary “In conclusion, today I will show you how English classrooms should best be run using facts and my expertise.”
Points and Counterpoints A debate goes back and forth between points and counterpoints Point – “It is a fact that the more input you receive in the target language, the more of that language you will learn. Therefore, English classrooms should aim to give students as much English input as possible.” Counterpoint – “For beginning students who have never studied a language before, a class entirely in English will be overwhelming. It will be too difficult and they will lose their motivation.”
Closing Statements Brief summary of your main points “Throughout this debate, I have talked about the benefits of target language input on English language learners.” Show how you refuted the other sides points “The benefits of learning the language faster outweigh the downsides of overwhelming students. English students will improve their language faster and if they really want to learn English, they will not be unmotivated and just give up.” Recommend a course of action – motivate your audience to respond to your ideas “Now it’s time to put these ideas in action. Let’s make it a rule that all English teachers must use only English in their language classrooms. Students will be speaking fluently in no time!”
Debate etiquette Listening is as important as speaking in a debate. You have to be ready to counter the opposing sides viewpoints. Acknowledge the opposing sides ideas a valuable and then share your own ideas. “That is a good point, but I believe…” Body language Gestures
“Political” Debate Example
Your turn! 10 groups
Your turn! Our debate: Do aliens exist? Groups 1-5 – YES Groups 6-10 – NO Come up with all the possible reasons supporting your groups answer. Then, organize your ideas into opening statements, points, counterpoints, and closing statements. Then we will debate?!