What to do When Nothing Relieves a Sore Manhood
Most men – if not all men – will experience a sore manhood at some point in their lifetime. There are so many causes for a sore manhood that it’s impossible to list them all, but some of the most common issues include overuse, too much friction, chafing from exercise and skin allergies. In most cases, a few days of good member care takes care of the problem and a guy feels just fine. But for some men, all their good member care measures seem to be for naught. That’s because they suffer from male dysesthesia, a painful condition that leads to a perpetually sore manhood.member care
What is male dysesthesia? As with so many other words that are tough to pronounce, this one comes from a combination of terms. In Greek, “dys” means “abnormal” and “aesthesis” means “sensation.” So, technically, male dysesthesia is an abnormal sensation in the member and surrounding area. This abnormal sensation usually presents as pain or soreness. A man who suffers from this might feel a variety of painful issues, including the aforementioned soreness, tingling, burning, hypersensitivity or other discomforts. The problem can be much worse when a man does simple everyday things, like wearing underwear, moving in a certain way or allowing his member to brush up against something. Simply sitting down can be painful for some men; for those with severe pain, normal intimate relations are out of the question.
What causes it? Unfortunately, there is no clear reason why this happens to some men. There has been some connection found between this type of male organ pain and a skin condition known as acne rosacea, which can cause red flushing of the skin of the face. Other causes might include overactive nerves in the member, long-term use of steroid creams, nerve disorders, and some medical conditions that can lead to nerve damage in the member, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. There are a few things that men seem to have in common as they develop this problem: They tend to be in their 60s or older, Caucasian, and might have other troubles with their skin, such as broken blood vessels or areas of tenderness. However, increasingly more men of other races and younger ages have been developing the condition.
What can a man do about the male organ pain? There are several ways a man can fight against the pain that comes from male dysesthesia. The first line of defense usually includes prescription medications, including antibiotics and some medications that treat neuropathic issues. Men are also asked to eliminate things that might make the pain worse; for instance, to change detergents and cleansers to those with more natural ingredients, avoid wearing clothing when possible at home, and practicing top-notch hygiene and member care. Men can also try treatments that ease the member soreness and pain, such as using cool compresses to ease the burning sensation, standing under running water, and using a good moisturizer to keep the skin as smooth and supple as it can be.
Many men find that using a good male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can alleviate some of the discomfort. Though a health crème can’t cure the sore manhood caused by male dysesthesia, it can definitely help in terms of keeping skin smooth and providing the best nutrients for better health. These include Shea butter and vitamin E for hydration, alpha lipoic acid to fight free radicals, vitamin C and D for overall organ health and L-carnitine, which is known for easing peripheral nerve damage. All these ingredients and others, wrapped up in a soothing topical crème, can help ensure a man’s member stays as healthy as possible.male organ health crème