COTTON SECTOR IN SPAIN Dimas Rizzo President of the Spanish Association of Cotton Ginners Barcelona 7th of October 2016
PRODUCTION Kg-Gross/Ha Statistics on surface and cotton production in Spain YEARS SURFACE Hectares PRODUCTION Kg-Gross/Ha PRODUCTION Fibre/Ha PRODUCTION TM-Gross PRODUCTION TM-Fibre 2005 84.431 4.007 1.362 338.315 115.027 2006 61.924 2.114 719 130.907 44.508 2007 95.131 1.945 661 185.029 62.910 2008 52.531 919 312 48.276 16.414 2009 58.599 1.348 458 78.983 26.857 2010 62.853 2.215 753 139.201 47.335 2011 67.036 2.722 925 182.463 62.040 2012 69.860 2.717 924 189.822 64.535 2013 63.935 2.297 781 146.852 49.932 2014 74.537 3.018 1.026 224.955 76.484 2015 63.272 172.255 58.557 AVERAGE 68.555 2.366 804 167.005 55.148
Significant data 100% of the surface of cultivation in Spain is located in Andalusia. More than 90% of the area is irrigated. It accounts for 25% of European production and 2% of world production.
Farm characteristics Cotton is produced in 6,500 farms. There are two models of farms: 1,500 small farms with one single cotton cultivation. 5.5 hectares of average size. 5,000 farms where cotton rotates with other crops. 13 hectares of average size.
Environmental Details 70% is grown under Integrated Production System. In the EU it is forbidden the use of genetically modified seeds. There are significant energy costs.
Social Importance The productive sector generates 850,000 working days per year. Equivalent to 3,500 full-time jobs. The ginning sector provides 100 permanent jobs and 400 jobs in the season.
Industrial Sector There are 8 ginning factories. Ginning capacity exceeding 300,000 Tons per campaign. Capacity for 100,000 hectares of crop.
Medium and Long Term Future Continued enhancement of SUSTAINABILITY resulting in improvement of economic, environmental and social aspects. Optimization in the use of INPUT. Optimization in the use of NATURAL RESOURCES (energy, water, soil). Reduce GHG emissions and waste. To combat the different types of crop stresses (pests, diseases, weeds). GROW MORE WITH LESS
Three Fundamental Key Points 1. Obtaining new varieties. 2. Using latest technologies in irrigation systems. 3. Setting up integrated crop management programs run by specialized technicians.
Thank you Dimas Rizzo