FY18 Budget Update: Boylston February 27, 2017 Presented by: Nadine Ekstrom, Superintendent of Schools Robert Conry, Director of Finance and Operations
FY18 Budget: Boylston Elementary School
Your Investment in Our School Focus on STEM Engineering is Elementary (EIE) The incorporation of EiE to support this work, providing students with hands on exploration of discovery. MakerSpace Through parent fundraising and an outside grant, BES has created a “MakerSpace” in the library. This space, designed to foster creative thinking and cooperative work among students, includes both high-tech items like a 3-D printer and various robotics kits, as well as a collection of raw materials for students to use in their own creative activities. Parent Involvement The BES PTO has supported school assemblies on robotics and other STEM related fields. Our BES STEM committee has supported student learning by providing insight, connecting scientists with teachers, and creating support “kits” to address specific standards. Science MCAS results
Summary of Budget Changes FY18 Budget Prelim. Dec. figures $3,019,470 FY18 Line Item reductions ($16,096) Increased use of school choice ($53,000) Revised Feb. 2017 Budget $2,950,374
Summary of Budget Changes FY18 line item changes from Preliminary to Revised Proposal - net reduction of $69,096 Preliminary - Dec. 2016 = 8.1% increase Revised - Feb. 2017 = 5.6 % increase
FY18 Budget - Revised Proposal FY18 line item reductions of $16,096 Utilities $6,000 Recess aide $4,700 Copier lease $3,396 Paraprofessional – salary diff. $2,000 Use $53,000 of additional school choice funds in FY18 $28,000 projected increase in school choice revenues $15,000 strategic use of school choice reserves $10,000 in anticipated budget savings in FY17 Offsetting reduction in general fund in FY18
5 Year Budget Trend
Revenue Sources Beyond the General Fund (Dec 2016) Revised (Feb 2017) School Choice Kinder-garten Afterschool Program Circuit Breaker School Lunch Grants Total FY17 Beginning $255,690 $30,736 $87,568 $2,196 $1,780 $0 $377,969 Anticipated Revenue $95,000 $106,000 $115,000 $2,421 $89,500 $120,177 $433,098 Anticipated Expense $180,000 $170,000 $26,704 $113,592 $3,620 $90,000 $524,093 FY17 Proj'd Ending Balance $170,690 $191,690 $4,032 $88,976 $997 $1,280 $286,974 FY18 Beginning $85,000 $102,000 $118,422 $424,922 $100,000 $153,000 $120,000 $485,454 FY18 Proj'd Ending Balance $155,690 $140,690 ($0) $83,976 $780 $226,442
School Choice Savings - Boylston Municipal Budget $21K reduction for student being billed via tuition and via school choice (coordinated with DESE to have dropped from School Choice billing) $57K reduction for 5th grade students moving to Tahanto (Boylston residents attending Berlin Memorial) Totaling = potential $78K reduction
Boylston Elementary School Budget Comparisons Overall Increase from FY17-FY18 = 3.11% General Funds Increase = 5.58%
FY18 Assessment Summary FY17 FY18 Change ($) Change (%) FY17 FY18 Change ($) Change (%) Boylston Elementary 2,794,454 2,950,374 155,920 5.6% Region Operating Assessment 4,247,120 4,489,014 241,894 5.7% Capital Assessment 883,766 953,379 69,613 7.9% Total 7,925,340 8,392,767 467,427 5.9% Vocational Tuition 375,861 414,675 38,814 10.3% Vocational Transportation 47,665 49,095 1,430 3.0% Total Education 8,348,866 8,856,537 507,671 6.1%
FY18 Capital Requests $15,000 - Boiler Equipment Replacement $10,000 - Walk-in Cooler/Freezer Repairs $10,000 - Phase 1 of 3 of Window Sealing $10,000 - Repairs to Dishwasher $15,000 - Flashing Lampposts – School Zone $ 5,000 - Infrared Survey of Roof Moisture $65,000 Subtotal
Thank you for your support of the Boylston, and Berlin-Boylston School Districts