What is Community Development? A Private Sector Business Perspective And Why we are “Involved”
What is Health? At NVRH we define health in the broadest terms. The healthcare delivery system made up of doctors, nurses, mental health and other professionals is one piece of the puzzle. To get the full picture of health, we need to add the basic needs of healthy living: safe and affordable housing, access to healthy food, and a good paying job. To complete the puzzle, we need strong supportive communities where children, families, and older adults of all income levels live and thrive together. In our communities in Caledonia and southern Essex counties, we have a strong core of healthcare providers, social service agencies, educational and governmental organizations, and engaged individuals. We are committed to harnessing the collective capacity of these local leaders, partner organizations, and community members to build a sustainable framework – to complete the puzzle – and meet our mission for health.
START talking about financing and partnering opportunities here Currently, we at NVRH are funding many of our community improvement initiatives from hospital operations: Community Connections Program, etc. Our Accountable Health Community is now jointly funding community improvement efforts through “shared savings”. Exploring sustainable funding opportunities for the Accountable Health Community structure. The near future: pooling endowment funds to join Community Development Fund Institutional financing initiatives to accelerate change.
Caledonia & s. Essex Accountable Health Community Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital Service Area Nine Elements of an Accountable Health Community MISSION Our Accountable Health Community is committed to our shared goal of improving the health and well-being of the people in Caledonia and southern Essex Counties by integrating our efforts and services, with an emphasis on reducing poverty in our region. (Adopted December 2015) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 5 Community Member Focus Groups were held with member organizations’ clients. A total of 37 participated in the interviews. (December 2015 – February 2016) Additional community engagement activities planned. FINANCING Current: John and Laura Arnold Foundation Matching funds provided by Leadership Partners Future: Investments of shared savings; and financing partners e.g. CDFI GOVERNANCE Collective Impact Model: Leadership Partners have entered into an MOU that outlines purpose, mission, geographic scope, commitments, and decision making. (signed January 2016) COMMUNICATION Monthly meetings of all partners INDICATORS Results Based Accountability Population Level Data Partner: Vermont Center for Rural Studies Cost-Burdened Households -Combined % of households considered cost burdened by their housing expenses relative to their incomes for homeowners and renters SNAP & Free/Reduced School Lunch % households participating Household Income by Income Brackets % of different household income levels Poor Mental Health Days % of adults reporting poor mental health days (BRFSS) Leadership Partners
Potential Areas for Investment with Health Impacts Areas of focus Housing development or renovation Services such as retail (e.g. food) Child care Small business development Alignment strategies Geographic focus Social capital investments Adapted from the Public Health Institute