PSHCE Top Tips
Making PSHCE a success Enthusiasm from teachers Importance as a subject area Consistency (Year groups, key stages and academy as a whole) Relevance to students (developing skills and knowledge that are transferrable)
What are the skills I need to use? 3 Sorting out and planning things before you do them. 1. Organisational skills 2. Application Using an aid to help you outline the most important information then putting that into written work. 3. Analysis Looking at a lot of information but take the main/ important parts from it. 4. Research skills Finding out information using lots of different sources e.g. books, TV, internet. 5. Team work Being able to work with other people. 6. Communication skills Being able to put across your ideas using special vocabulary 7. Listening skills Not just hearing what people say. Listening means you think about and maybe act on what people say. 8. Problem Solving Giving ideas to solve (answer) any problems. 9. Reasoning Skills Giving an opinion but supporting it with a reason. 10. Presentation Skills Sharing your ideas with others. Critically examine information and make judgements. 11. Evaluation Going over work and bringing it together. Using fun activities to help me remember important work. 12. Synthesis
Examples of PSHCE in 8P tutor group
Marking booklets
Pupil Presentations
Human Rights/ Irish Potato Famine (IPF) British Values Learning objective Discuss Human rights Analyse the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights in relation to the IPF TOPIC Human Rights/ Irish Potato Famine (IPF)
What are British Values?
Starter The United Nations is an organisation involving 192 countries including the UK. Every country gets to vote on issues such as the Environment, Trade and Human Rights. Task: Discuss in pairs any human rights you know. List them on the front page of your booklet (2mins) Communication skills UN logo (right) and meeting of the General Assembly (192 counties)
Did you know any examples of Human rights? Task: Have a look at the 29 Human Rights on the next slide. In groups: Discuss which 1 Human Right you think is the most important. Be prepared to share your choice with the class and give a reason for it. Add at least 3 examples to the list on the front page of your booklet. 29 Human Rights… Reasoning Skills Communication skills Team work
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Everyone… 1. Is born free and should be treated in the same way. 16. Has the right to marry. 2. Is equal despite differences in colour, sex, language, etc. 17. Has the right to own property and things. 3. Has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety. 18. Has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. 4. Should be free from slavery. 19. Has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. 5. Has the right not to be hurt or tortured. 20. Has the right to meet others. 6. Has the right to be recognised before the law. 21. Has the right to take part in government and vote. 7. Has the right to be treated equally before the law. 22. Has the right to social security. 8. Has the right to ask for legal help when their rights are not respected. 23. Has the right to work and join a trade union. 9. Has the right not to be imprisoned unjustly. 24. Has the right to rest and leisure. 10. Has the right to a fair trial. 25. Has the right to an adequate standard of living and medical help. 11. Has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. 26. Has the right to go to school. 12. Has the right to privacy. 27. Has the right to take part in their community’s cultural life. 13. Has the right to travel within, to and from their own country. 28. Is entitled to a social and international order that is necessary for those rights. 15. Has the right to a nationality. 29. Must respect the rights of others.
Watch the video about the IPF Watch the video about the IPF. How is this related to Human Rights and British Values? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights had not yet be established at the time of the IPF. But today the following rights would have helped saves lives…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Everyone… 1. Is born free and should be treated in the same way. 16. Has the right to marry. 2. Is equal despite differences in colour, sex, language, etc. 17. Has the right to own property and things. 3. Has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety. 18. Has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. 4. Should be free from slavery. 19. Has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. 5. Has the right not to be hurt or tortured. 20. Has the right to meet others. 6. Has the right to be recognised before the law. 21. Has the right to take part in government and vote. 7. Has the right to be treated equally before the law. 22. Has the right to social security. 8. Has the right to ask for legal help when their rights are not respected. 23. Has the right to work and join a trade union. 9. Has the right not to be imprisoned unjustly. 24. Has the right to rest and leisure. 10. Has the right to a fair trial. 25. Has the right to an adequate standard of living and medical help. 11. Has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. 26. Has the right to go to school. 12. Has the right to privacy. 27. Has the right to take part in their community’s cultural life. 13. Has the right to travel within, to and from their own country. 28. Is entitled to a social and international order that is necessary for those rights. 15. Has the right to a nationality. 29. Must respect the rights of others.
Reflection activity- Evaluation skills Task Discuss what impact the IPF has had on British life in Britain today? As a class... (3 mins) Give reasons What do you think (opinion)? Complete your reflection booklet with your answer (5 mins).
Today’s skills! (Useful in future education or a career) Listening skills Communication skills Reasoning skills Reflection activity Evaluation
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