Contact: International Society of International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) ( Who are we? ISONG is a global nursing specialty organization dedicated to genomic health care, education, research, and scholarship. Contact:
International Society of Nurses in Genetics ( International Society of International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) ( International Society of Nurses in Genetics ( The Vision: Caring for people’s genetic and genomic health throughout the lifespan and across the continuum of health and disease. The Mission: to serve the nursing profession and the public. Contact:
International Society of Nurses in Genetics ( International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG): Our Goals ( International Society of Nurses in Genetics ( Build and sustain a vibrant international community for the development of nurses in genetics and genomics in relation to education, research and professional practice. Promote the integration of genetics and genomics across nursing education, research and care at all levels of professional practice. Demonstrate and promote leadership in the development and implementation of standards of healthcare practice in genetics and genomics for the benefit of patients and families. Contact:
International Society of Nurses in Genetics ( International Society of International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) ( International Society of Nurses in Genetics ( Member benefits: Members of > 17 countries have the opportunity for education, leadership, exchange and socialization. Receive the latest references, educational programs, job opportunities Eligible to apply for the annual research grant awards to support research related to the mission of ISONG
Memberships by Country Income Group Full $ 150/year Affiliate/retired/student $ 100/year - *Like US Try Us Country Class M $ 50/year Country Class L $ 25/year Country Class F $ FREE Contact: Source: Year 2016 World Bank Group
ISONG 2016 Congress held in Dublin, Ireland Join us Nov, 3-5, 2017! Reston, VA, USA