班級:應英四乙 學號:497c0106 姓名:李國溢
Introduction Students could produce sentences accurately in a lesson, but could not use them appropriately when genuinely communicating outside of the classroom. It is a difference between what we know, and how we use the knowledge of language rules.
Introduction outline 1. The purpose of CLT 2. Characteristics of CLT 3. Activities of CLT
The purpose of CLT The goal is to enable students to communicate in the target language. Fluency and acceptable language is the primary goal.
The purpose of CLT Or to put things more formally… The goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as “communicative competence.”
The purpose of CLT Communicative competence Knowledge of the linguistic forms Knowledge of the meanings Knowledge of the functions Knowing when and how to say what to whom
Characteristics of CLT 1. focus on real-world contexts Using authentic materials newspaper Weather forecast novel
Characteristics of CLT 2.use the language through communicative activities role play picture strip story
Characteristics of CLT 3. activities in CLT are often carried out by students in small groups
Characteristics of CLT 4.Fluency may have to take on more importance than accuracy
Characteristics of CLT 5. ignore errors during the activities
Characteristics of CLT 6.use of the students’ native language is permitted
Activities Picture strip story ? ? ?
Activities Picture strip story ? ?
Activities Picture strip story ?
Activities Picture strip story
Morrow’s three feature of communication information gap choice feedback
Instruments Information gap an information gap exists when one person in an exchange knows something the other person does not
Procedure Choice the speaker has a choice of what shw will say and how she will say it
Reading Material feedback True communication is purposeful a speaker can thus evaluate whether or not this purpose had been achieved based upon the information she receives from his listener.
Conclusion Thank you for listening