15 Scary, Spooky Careers
Grave digger Dig the graves for the dead bodies Yearly salary is $55,000 for digging holes Don’t do this job if you don’t like being in grave yards, digging near graves ,and being around the dead
Diver You dive to the bottom of lakes and ocean looking for something or exploring The yearly salary for diver is $54,750 Don’t do this job if you don’t like being under water, being around creatures, and have a phobia of drowning.
Stunt Person Stunt people perform dangerous falls, are in car crashes ,and are in fights instead of famous people doing it The hourly salary is $17.11 Don’t do this job if you don’t want to die during a stunt, be light on fire, and do dangerous things
Rodeo Clown Rodeo clowns protect the rider that has been thrown off the bull, and provides comic relief Rodeo clowns get paid form $100-$250 each show Do not do this job if you are afraid of bulls, don’t want to get gored by a bull, and you don’t want to be in danger
Miner You work under ground looking for a certain material or exploring for something new A miner makes about $94,758 a year Don’t do this job if you are claustrophobic(cant be if confined places),don’t like dirt of germs, and you don’t like being in a dark small place for hours sounded by rocks
Crime Scene Cleaner You clean up a crime after it has been investigated. As a Crime Scene Cleaner you make $39,000 a year Don’t do this if you don’t like blood, Being in a area where something horrible happened, and you don’t like cleaning this is not the job for you.
Images may be subject to copyright.Send feedback Sewer CLeaner Fixes broken sewer pipes and cleans out all the things that people flush down the toilet The annual salary is $19,300 Don’t do this if you don’t like cleaning things up, being around peoples urine and feces, and hate being underground or under water
Nocturnist A Nocturnist works at night in a hospital while its quiet and everyone's asleep The yearly salary is $200,000 Don’t get this job if you don’t like working at night, want to walk around a hospital where people have probably died, and don’t want to hear loud noises from time to time.
This job is when you study spiders manly but you also study scorpions The annual salary is $61,600 If you don’t like spiders, don't want to get bitten by a spider, or you want to bring your kids to bring your kids to work day. Arachnologist
Undertaker This job you bury the dead body and comfort the family who had the loss The yearly salary for this job is $62,400 Don’t do this job if you don’t want to be around the dead, be carrying a body to its resting place, or your not good at comforting people.
Coroner This job you use the dead bodies to find their identify and to find any clues an how they died. The annual salary for this job is $65,000 Get another job if you don’t like blood, being around the dead, or cutting a person into pieces.
Bomb Squad Technician This job you will go and find the bomb and go defuse it The salary for this job is $54,000 a year Don’t do this job if you don’t work well under pressure, run fast, or want to get blown up by a bomb
Embalmer This job is the art and science of preserving human remains\body parts As a Embalmer you make $44,300 a year Don’t so this job if you don’t like blood, see nasty things or, doesn't want to smell human remains
Pharmaceutical Trial Subject Do drug trials for science You make $65,666 a year Don’t do this job if you don’t like needles, like seeing blood or do something that might not be safe
Animal slaughter Killing animals so people can eat them The yearly salary is $23,790 Don’t do this job if you don’t want to hurt animals, be around farm animals or like being around blood