Mark Fell, Associate Transport & Travel Research Ltd
Introduction to ECO Stars A FREE Membership Scheme for van, truck, bus and coach operators Recognition to operators for existing best practice in: Fleet Composition Operational Management Reduce fuel consumption – meaning reduced operating costs, reduced vehicle emissions and improved air quality Encourage use of further fuel efficiency measures
Origins and Development Part of the South Yorkshire Care4Air campaign Funded by the 4 South Yorkshire Authorities, supported by NHS Barnsley and DEFRA Impact of Transport on Local AQ ever greater Engage, reward and encourage Fleet Operators to operate cleaner fleets Development from August 2008 Launch 20th January 2009 30+ Members (Household names and smaller, local operators) 5,000+ vehicles registered Now expanded to Mid-Devon
Target Audiences Fleet operators of light and heavy goods vehicles, buses and coaches All sizes of operators and sectors Based in and/or operating within South Yorkshire and Mid-Devon Other local businesses
Application and Assessment 5 Star Recognition for individual vehicles Euro engine standard, type of fuel used, exhaust after-treatment plus ‘booster’ stars for in-cab technology 5 Star Recognition for overall operation Percentage of fleet achieving minimum star ratings Evidence of fuel management process, driver skills development, vehicle specification, use of supporting systems and performance monitoring
Benefits to Operators Recognition for current operational practices Support in implementing measures to help improve performance, potentially leading to higher operational star ratings over time and reduce costs and vehicle emissions Opportunities to raise operational and environmental profile, particularly in the eyes of other operators, customers and local communities Star rating certificate for overall operation ‘Road map’ for improved operational efficiency Advice from operational efficiency specialists FREE ongoing guidance to progress to higher star ratings
Local Authority Benefits A tool to help with: Reduction in Air Pollution (NOX, PM10) Reduction in CO2 Emissions Meeting EU and National (Local Air Quality Management Area) targets Importantly, builds a communication channel with local freight and transport operators
Existing Members Include
Evaluation – Emissions Reduction The 2010 Environmental Evaluation used two ‘case study’ fleets to examine the trajectory of environmental progress made from participation in the scheme: Clipper Logistics Doncaster Council The evaluation focused on the environmental progress seen as a result of the fleet review and replacement policies and practices in place within each of these two fleets. Note that other measures within the ECO stars programme, such as fuel management, driving training and anti-idling measures, also help to reduce emissions.
Methodology The fleet profile for four years was examined for the two operators: At registration – the data provided when joining the scheme. Start 2010 – the actual profile of the fleet registered with the scheme. Start 2011 – the estimated profile of the scheme Start 2012 – the predicted profile of the scheme The fleet information was analysed to identify the types and numbers of vehicles complying with each vehicle emission standard - known as Euro standards, and consequently the emissions. Keep? Or delete?
Evaluation - Emissions Reduction Scheme Evaluation – based on ‘road map’ measures provided Profiled for four years LA Fleet 25% cut in NOx, 50% cut in PM10 3PL Fleet 50% cut in NOx, 75% cut in PM10 Fleet renewal has a significant impact in a short timescale
The Future (1) Continue to develop the scheme in South Yorkshire Rolling out in Mid-Devon AQMA Crediton and Cullompton MDDC liked ECO Stars Concept Successfully applied for DEFRA Grant Launched March 2010 Gregory Distribution, Sainsburys, Clipper Logistics, NEXT, Mid Devon DC Refuse Fleet, Stagecoach LSTF application to extend across Devon submitted
Thanks for listening Mark Fell Associate Transport & Travel Research (TTR)