European Standardization Enabling market innovation Vincent Laflèche CEN President-Elect
Standardization enables market innovation Does it?
Example 1 – bio-based contents in products Europe’s ambition: bio-based polymers X10 by 2030 EN 16785-1:2015 method of determining bio-based content basis for certification scheme for assessment of claim of bio-based content supports transparency and market penetration
Example 2: Vehicles with hydrogen as fuel (FCEVs) Hydrogen: carbon neutral when based on renewables Possible applications: FCEVs – competition with eVehicles - refuelling stations Also Hydrogen combustion engine vehicles, HCNG, etc Planned FCEVs on the road (2020) Europe 350 000 Japan 100 000 Korea 50 000 USA 20 000 ISO/TC 197 and CEN/TC268/WG5: EN ISO 19880 series on fuelling stations; 19881 and 19882 on vehicle fuel tanks CEN/CLC/TC 6 on Hydrogen
Example 3: electrical vehicles Market take up of eVehicles and batteries Standards enable necessary infrastructure: Connection to the grid, Charging stations, Battery swaps, … A broad variety of standards needed
YES! Standardization enables market innovation? Bio-based polymers FCEVs Electrical Vehicles YES!
How does this work?
Fundamentals – CEN and CENELEC standards … Consensus among all interested parties Voluntary Developed by independent organizations clearly distinct from authorities Open and transparent process National delegation principle
European Standards - Evolution 1960/1980 Industrialization Product standards Test Methods 1980/2000 Single market Machinery safety Pressure equipment Lifts Construction Toy safety 2000/2010 Processes & consumers ICT convergence eBusiness Management Systems Environment 2010 – 2020 New (green) Technologies Eco-design Renewable energy Smart grids Smart Cities IoT 2020 - Services? System of systems? Everything connected? Digital economy? European Standards - Evolution …meeting stakeholder needs
The Eco-system Industry (incl. SMEs) Market Innovation
The Eco-system Industry (incl. SMEs) Market Innovation Standardization
The ECO-system: Standardization CEN and CENELEC provide standards infrastructure … … European and international
The Vienna Agreement in figures
The Dresden Agreement in figures
The Eco-system Industry (incl SMEs) Market Innovation Standardization Policy
The Eco-system Industry (incl SMEs) Market Innovation Standardization Research/ Innovation Policy
The Eco-system Industry (incl SMEs) Market Innovation Quality Assurance Market Innovation Standardization Research/ Innovation Policy
What is next?
Ever faster technology cycles
Ever faster technology cycles
An increasingly connected world
Our future world …
Will standards still be needed?
Yes, more than ever! Bringing innovations to the market place through: Common language Certainty and trust Agreed safety levels Economies of scale Enabling interoperability Ensuring compatibility …
Innovation through the European Standardization system The CEN and CENELEC Standardization System supports innovation: flexible and timely - new technologies and emerging needs Inclusive process Coherent standards portfolio Aligned International and European Standards Support legislation, where relevant