Sanchez, Rafael Alejandro Loc & Trak Velasco, Herman Sanchez, Rafael Alejandro Chou, Pai Hung Huang, Yen-chang
Introduction Purpose - Tool for Police Force Mobile Apps - Communication system Workstation - Monitoring system Database - Organizational system
Introduction Technology Used Mobile Apps - Android / Blackberry SDK Workstation - Google Web Tookit Database - Linux, Tomcat, SQL
Client (Blackberry) Basic functionality working Sent GPS signals Sent pictures to server
What we desired to accomplish Logging GPS signals Text messaging Video Handling General device requirements Simple interface, save battery, use multiple networks Display officer locations on map
Accomplishments GPS logging Web browsing screens for simple exchange of text messages Multiple networks, easy-to-use interface Display maps with two locations
Client(android) We were given some sample source code so we have an idea on how to proceed. A list of requirements for the project. Without a server to connect to the sample code doesn't do very much.
Client(android) wanted features 4.2-1: Logging – log data when there is no backend connection 4.2-2: Messaging – set up infrastructure that allows for a limited messaging/tasking system 4.2-3 Video Clips Handling 4.2-4 General Mobile Devices Requirements 4.2-4.1 The device shall allow geo-tagging of images. 4.2-4.2 The client program shall have a simple interface, for those who are not familiar with complex computer programs. 4.2-4.3 The client program shall be designed to use battery on the phones efficiently (battery has a limited capacity). 4.2-4.4 The client program shall not consume so much data that it overwhelms the cellular data network. 4.2-4.5 The client program shall be able to use multiple data (cellular, wi-fi ) networks to send data. This applies only to mobile devices that support multiple data networks. 4.2-5 Maps display. Displays most recent location of police officer with the same mission.
What we did Had to learn how to program for android. Started with hello world. Going through the source code to see how data were uploaded to the servers. Had to learn what does the servlet do and what does it return from a servlet.
What we did Fixing bugs on android http://localhost:8080/backend/AddLocation?nodeId=null& missionId=Default Mission 1&nodeDescription=Default User:Mission Name 0xF9A01EC67&latitude=37.422005&longitude=- 122.084095&altitude=0.0&speed=0.0&heading=0.004-01 19:31:40.587: The above is generated by the android program Note the spaces in the url and time and heading with no separations
What we did Learn how to deploy a servlet on Linux. Learn how to make everything work together with mysql, tomcat, and opening ports for tomcat. Added maps functionality previous code would only show current position on map. Written a parser to parse out locations for other police officers on the same mission.
Challenges faced Being inexperienced at android programming. Not having enough experience for Linux and deploying web applications on tomcat apache server. Losing members from the group. Not knowing enough about mysql database. Not having a server with root access.
Original state Servlets and Database that deal with node, mission, location, image data transmission. None of servlets handles message data transmission. No unified error message handling from server. No success message from server. All servlets in one package.
Requirements of Server/DB Message Handling between ground station and mobile devices. Success/error message handling on server side. Servlet packages improvement
Setting up Server/DB Linux-based host Tomcat Server 6.0.32 MySQL Database Server 5.5 - remote access right
Database - tables 1. Table message_from_device 2. Table message_from_station
Database - procedures 1. addMessageFromDevice - nodeId, missionId, message, createdTime 2. addMessageFromStation - extra broadcast field 3. getMessageFromDevice 4. getMessageFromStation - nodeId, missionId
Server - servlets 1. AddMessageFromDevice - request, DB connection, calls stored procedure, response 2. AddMessageFromStation 3. MessageFromDevice 4. MessageFromStation
Server – servlets (cont.) 5. improve error message handling:
Server – servlets (cont.) 6. success message handling:
Server – servlets (cont.) 7. Packages improvement
Workstation Previous Work Goals Servlets GWT Samples Implement Servlets Implement GWT Functionality
Workstation Work Completed GWT Interface Servlet Implementation GWT - Servlet - SQL communication
Thank You Aerospace Computer Science Department Mahan Hajianpour Jeff Lipeles Computer Science Department Russ Abbott Fernando Loza Dr. Pamula