Cold mass design, assembly plans and QA/QC at CERN


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Presentation transcript:

Cold mass design, assembly plans and QA/QC at CERN H. Prin With contributions from: CAD design: A. Temporal MQXFB: P. Ferracin, J.-C Perez MCBXFB: F. Toral, J.-C Perez Instrumentation: L. Grand-Clement Cryostat interfaces & integration: D. Duarte Ramos, C. Eymin Alignment: E. Todesco, R. Carcagno, J.-C Perez International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC CERN, Switzerland – 7th to 10th June, 2016

Outline LMQXF Cold Masses Design Parameters LMQXF Design vs. existing LHC Cold Masses Known Failures and Mitigations Assembly Process Assembly Tooling Quadrupoles Polarity and Internal Connection Scheme Busbars Integration Instrumentation Integration Summary H. Prin International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC

Internal Connection Scheme and Integration Option 1   Q1 Q2A Q2B Q3 P1 P2 P4 P3 P1 P2 P4 P3 P1 P2 P4 P3  HL-LHC ECR - WPs: CHANGES IN CIRCUIT BASELINE AFTER CIRCUIT REVIEW HELD IN MARCH 2016 (EDMS 1682952 not circulated yet) Option 2 B A P1 P2 P4 P3 Q1 Q2A Q2B Q3 H. Prin International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC

Instrumentation Integration Instrumentation connectors presently used in the vertical test station in SM18 Courtesy of P. Viret New Old Instrumentation Integration Option 1 MB IFS Capillary Local cover flanges on top of each cryoassembly: Well known configuration System present during cold test Distributed instrumentation racks Obstacle to slide the W bellow More distributed heat loads Instrumentation feed box accessibility (assemblies close to the experience) for ELQA campaign Standard LHC Cover Flange Feed through at the triplet string end: Centralised location in the end of the triplet Easy and fast plug-in connectors Off the shelves standard components No capillary to integrate but Additional housing line for instrumentation Connectors reliability to be demonstrated at cold under radioactive environment Cold test station to be addapted Connectors in each interconnection or only the extremities Option 2 H. Prin International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC

General Remarks Required inputs to go further ahead: Cryogenics parameters to be confirmed Electrical scheme to be approved (ECRECO) and internal connection scheme to be agreed Instrumentation inventory (on going) and routing scheme Different circuits tests and voltage levels CLIQ conductor cross section and possible routing through a dedicated line BLM (if any) inside the cold masses would lead to a significant integration issue and a cable routing concern in an environment that is already overcrowded (see Delio’s talk) Assembly tolerances are fixed from the magnetic point of view, further analysis is needed to determine mechanical alignment tolerances. Both Q1-Q3 and Q2 cold masses types should get common orders and procurement (at least raw material) in order generate companies interest, cost reduction, components reproducibility and compatibility, and maintenance (shells, end covers…). Already foreseen for cold bore and heat exchanger tubes. QA aspects and tools are not treated in this presentation as they are similar to the 11T cold masses presented during the Review of the 11 T Dipoles at Collimator Section for the HL- LHC in April. H. Prin International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC

Summary Cold masses design has started, stakeholders are well defined but many parameters still to be defined or confirmed. Interfaces are not fixed yet. As far as possible the design is such to standardise one cold mass for Q2A or Q2B. Components design, assembly procedures and welding processes are based on existing experience and proven technologies used in the present LHC Inner Triplet and “standard” cold masses. The Busbars routing and the cryogenics requirements are two major drivers for this study (cable housing and routing, polarity requirements, paths trough the end covers, interconnect, ergonomics for splicing, developments…). Busbars routing was presented during the Conceptual Design Review of the HL-LHC Magnet Circuits in March and “appears to be on the right track” according to Appendix 3 of the report from the Review Panel. Considered as a strong input. Global integration in the interconnection is studied in close collaboration with the cryostat design team (D. Duarte Ramos, C. Eymin) who assesses the soundness and efficiency of cold masses standardisation proposals. H. Prin International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC