Practice Grammar With Technology Prepared by: Andrea Stapleton Media Resource Specialist Faubion Middle School 2013-2014
Practice Grammar With Technology Grammar is the one of the most important aspect of teaching and learning a language. It is also one of the more difficult aspects to teach well and motivate students to learn. In the following slides, I would like to share some technology enhanced tools / free websites for helping your students improve their grammar and writing skills.
Grammar Ninja Grammar Ninja: A cool and a fun game that helps you practice parts of the speech. You can choose among three different levels to work. In the game, you choose the correct parts of the speech as you read each sentence.
Road to Grammar Road to Grammar is a site that offers quizzes, games and extra practice for grammar with instant feedback and explanations.
Free Rice Free Rice is a game where you need to find the right definitions of the given words. For each right answer, the site donated 10 grains of rice through the World Food Program to help end hunger.
NoRedInk NoRedInk offers help with apostrophes, subject-verb agreement, comma issues, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and commonly confused words. Create assignments and quizzes without doing any grading Target Common Core skills using your students’ interests Provide students with unlimited help whenever they need it Track growth using our color-coded heat maps
The Adjective Detective The Adjective Detective is another game that teaches you what the adjectives are. You can take the quiz and play the game.
Grammaropolis Grammaropolis is a tool to learn different parts of the speech. There are different characters that stand for an adverb, pronoun, preposition, noun, action verb etc. Those parts of the speech characters interact with each other just as they are interacting in a real sentence. You can watch videos of each character, take quizzes listen to the songs, read books that feature the characters and play games.
Grammar Practice Park Grammar Practice Park offers different games on different parts of the grammar to play and practice your grammar skills.
Fun English Games Fun English Games provides a range of free interactive exercises and practice activities that are perfect for helping students learn English
Daily Grammar Daily Grammar offers grammar teaching tools that are about punctuation, parts of speech and the common mistakes in grammar. It consists of 440 lessons and 88 quizzes.
British Council British Council has many grammar games that provide fun activities to practice English with word order games, gap fill games. You can also download grammar worksheets for additional practice.
References Tech & Learning Ozge Karaoglu April 24, 2013