Your Example Twitter Name facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Your Example Twitter Name @YourExampleTwitterHandle is trying to look as much like the actual Twitter as possible. Feel free to add #hashtags and hyperlinks in this area. Philadel 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 99K FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername Life is like a box of chocolates… @tomhanks #forrestgump Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername I’m wondering if the Eagles will ever win the Superbowl. Probably not. Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is really exciting. Better than expected and better than advertised. In fact, I’ll take the whole thing to go. #hungry Expand @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername If you think fun and education can’t exist together, then I think you don’t have a very good idea of either @randypausch #wemissyou Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is an example of an expanded tweet. 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE
facebook Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Your Example Twitter Name View My Profile Page 335 988 1,256 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS Tweets Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername Life is like a box of chocolates… @tomhanks #forrestgump Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername Life is like a box of chocolates… @tomhanks #forrestgump Expand Compose new Tweet… Who to Follow Refresh View All Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername Life is like a box of chocolates… @tomhanks #forrestgump Expand Example Twitter @exampletwitter Promoted Follow Example Twitter @exampletwitter Follow Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername I’m wondering if the Eagles will ever win the Superbowl. Probably not. Expand Example Twitter @exampletwitter Follow Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is really exciting. Better than expected and better than advertised. In fact, I’ll take the whole thing to go. #hungry Expand Browse Categories Find Friends Trends Change #edchat Promoted EducationIsMyLife #obama2012 #romney2012 iPhone ISTE Flat Classroom Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername If you think fun and education can’t exist together, then I think you don’t have a very good idea of either @randypausch #wemissyou Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is an example of an expanded tweet. 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE
facebook Charlotte Doyle Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Charlotte Doyle @TheHardLife Seriously, I can’t even believe that my parents are making me go on a boat with poor people alone. Providence, RI 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 9999K FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets Charlotte Doyle @UnfortunateEvents So, the families I was supposed to be traveling with have all not shown up, so I guess I’m going to have to brave the horrors of life on a ship alone Charlotte Doyle @UnfortunateEvents The only decent man I’ve met so far is that wonderful Captain Jaggery. #NotSoLonely Captain McJaggery @HaveANiceRide Welcome to the Sea Hawk! Please do enjoy your stay >:) @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Charlotte Doyle @UnfortunateEvents So, two of those decrepit sailors have come up and talked to me, I don’t know the first man’s name, but I’m quite sure the other man was named Zachariah. So both come up and practically tell me I shouldn't be on this ship. #HatingThis Charlotte Doyle @UnfortunateEvents The only escape I can ever get from my boredom and talking to the crew besides exiling myself to my cabin is talking with Jaggery. #Chillin’WithMyHomeSlice Charlotte Doyle @UnfortunateEvents I saw a rat! In my cabin! A RAT! That dirk Zachariah gave me finally comes in handy.
Charlotte Doyle @ Providence, RI facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Charlotte Doyle @ Providence, RI 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1,256 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets Charlotte Doyle @ Charlotte Doyle @ Seahawk Crew @ @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Charlotte Doyle @ Charlotte Doyle @ Charlotte Doyle @
Character’s Name @ Providence, RI facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Character’s Name @ Providence, RI 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1,256 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets Character’s Name @ Character’s Name @ Other Character’s Name @ @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Character’s Name @ Character’s Name @ Character’s Name @