Do Now: What words come to mind when you hear “resource?” Brainstorm at least 5. What resources do you think you might have used today?
SWBAT compare & contrast types of resources. Do Now Video Clip Resource Reading Popcorn Lab Resources Practice Resources HW
Popcorn Lab Your goal: to have the most popcorn per person at the end of 6 rounds. Rules: Empty the popcorn into a pile in the middle of the table. DON’T EAT THE POPCORN YET! During the first round, each person has to take at least one popcorn to stay alive. BUT they can take as many as they want. So, for example, Susie has to take at least 1 but if she wanted, she could take all 12. At the end of the round, write down how many pieces you have.
Popcorn Lab Ms. Goswick will come around and “replenish” your popcorn after every round. She will give you back half the number you have in the pile. For example, if you had 8 pieces left in your pile after the first round, she would give you 4 more. If you had 6 pieces left after the first round, she would give you 3 more. Repeat for 5 more rounds. If you run out of popcorn in your pile, YOUR GROUP IS DONE. TOTALLY DEAD. YOU WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON YOUR LAB SHEET. At the end of 6 rounds, see how many pieces each person has. The goal is to have the most pieces per person!
Renewable Resources Replenished/replaced naturally within our lifetime Organic (living) Plants Animals Inorganic (nonliving) Water Air Can become nonrenewable from pollution or overuse
Nonrenewable Resources Are not naturally replenished/replaced within our lifetime (takes millions of years) Limited amounts available and used up if overused Examples: copper, gold, silver, aluminum Fossil Fuels: coal, oil, natural gas
Perpetual Resources All perpetual resources are renewable Not affected by human use Examples: sunlight, wind, water
Exit Ticket 1. What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? 2. Are perpetual resources renewable or nonrenewable? 3. List 3 examples of the following: A. Renewable resources B. Nonrenewable resources C. Perpetual resources 4. What may cause a renewable resource to become nonrenewable?