Welcome Network Virtualization & Hybridization Thomas Ndousse ESCC & Internet2 Joint Techs Workshop Madison, Wisconsin.July 16-20, 2006 Network Virtualization & Hybridization Thomas Ndousse DOE, Office of Science
The Internet: The Evolving Global Network Infrastructure Real-time Traffic burst Traffic Data Traffic Video Streaming The Internet – One of the greatest achievement of the 20-th century The Internet must evolve, innovate, and scale to to meet increasing ubiquity Ossification – Difficult to introduce new innovations in the network voice Traffic IP T1 ATM Ethernet SONET Satellite DWDM wireless Soliton
The Internet: then, Now, & tomorrow Original Design Expectations Current Operational Expectations Research infrastructure Commerce, defense, science, Health, education, transportation, national security, etc Best-effort, shared resources Guaranteed bandwidth, dedicated channels, VLANs, VPNs, MPLS, GMPLS, quality of service Twisted pair copper Fiber optics, free-space optics, wireless, satellite, WiFi. WiMax Single flow throughput: 9.6, 56kbps, 10 Mbps 100 Mbps, ~Gbps, ~Tbps Transport stack: TCP Zero-copy, off-load engines, RDMA, Data traffic Data, voice, streaming video, Real-time, etc Single flow throughput: 9.6, 56Kbps, 10 Mbps 100 mbps, ~Gbps, ~Tbps Simple System Ubiquitous System Complex System
Emerging Network Virtualization Virtualization attempts to solve the ossification problem by allowing multiple virtual networks to co-exist within a shared infrastructure Why? De-ossification - expand or eliminate the neck of the IP hourglass Attempt to understand and manage large-scale network complexities Stimulate research and innovations through deployment and testing of disruptive network technologies Accommodate the requirements of diverse types of applications, especially high-end science applications
Overcoming Ossification and Complexity PlanetLab – Larry Peterson, Scott Shenker, Jon Turner A geographically distributed platform for deploying, evaluating, and accessing planetary-scale network services A blueprint for future Internet Platform for testing disruptive technologies before adoption GINI (Global Environment for Networking Innovations ) Beyond existing packet and circuit switching technologies Building security into network architecture and protocol primitives Towards a network science - Network architecture theories, the Internet as a complex system
Topological Representation of Network Virtualization (PlanetLab) Source: PlanetLab and NSF GENI Workshop Report
Expectations of Network Virtualization Each virtual Net (Vnet) is an independent network that operates in a protected partition Inter-Vnet communication is allowed at the shared node Vnet #0 is designated as the network that performs the control and management Vnets can acquire and release resources to the main network infrastructure (dynamically?) Layer 2 Vnet #3 Layer 3 Vnet #n Net #0 Control Net Main Network Layer 4 Vnet #2 Layer 2 Vnet #1
Layered Approach to Network Virtualization Vnet #1 Vnet #2 Vnet #3 Vnet #4 Layer 5, 6, 7 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 3 Control and Management Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 1
Hybrid Network: Minimum Implementation of Network Virtualization Main Network (IP-Based) Vnet (Circuit-Based) Main Network (IP-Based) Vnet (Circuit-Based) Hybrid Network Model 1 Vnet is carved from the main backbone network Resources can be exchanged between the Vnet and the main network Hybrid Networks Model 2 Vnet and the main network are two independent networks No resource exchanged between the two networks
Hybrid Network Node Functions and Capabilities e-GMPLS:GMPLS with scheduling and reservation extensions D C Routing Functions A F Switching Functions G B Hybrid Node Function Input Output Routing Switching Hybrid Node Control Input Output MPLS e-GMPLS E-GMPLS Data Plane Technologies: MPLS, Layer 2 VLANs, Layer 3, SONET, WDWM
Peering Issues of Hybrid Networks A C F A F C A G B G B Hybrid Net A Hybrid Control Plane MPLS e-GMPLS Hybrid Net B Hybrid Control Plane MPLS e-GMPLS
Hybrid Network Research and Engineering Issues Hybrid Network Theory and Foundation Hybrid network architecture Hybrid network node capabilities, functions, signaling, and control Hybrid network traffic engineering and network management Inter-Domain Issues for Hybrid Networks Hybrid network taxonomy – Common terminologies and capabilities Multi-domain control plane: engineering, policies, authentication Hybrid network security issues: vulnerabilities of control planes, Circuit authentication Hybrid network monitoring, performance measurement and prediction
Inter-Agency View of Network Ossification & Virtualization Ossification is a problem across all federal agencies (DOE, DARPA, NSA, etc) GENI is NSF’s view of the problem – A multi-agency approach to the problem is critical Contribution from the science community is especially critical LSN Workshop – The Future of Internet and Experiential Facilities Design, July 24-25, 2006