Battlefields Trip 2016
Please arrive at school at 5:20am (no earlier) so that we can load the coach. We will depart at 5:50am. The school will not be open so please make sure you are fully prepared for the journey. Students should have one rucksack/satchel with a packed lunch for the journey to Belgium and one medium sized suitcase/holdall with belongings. (Please note these will not be accessible until we reach the hotel in Belgium so all essential items, including medicines, need to be packed in the rucksack.)
Day 1 Depart York High at 5:50am. Travel by coach to Folkestone. Catch the 12:50pm Eurotunnel to Calais. From Calais, drive to the Oude Abdij in Belgium. Arrive at the hotel by 5pm (4pm GMT)
Day 4 Depart the hotel at 8:30am. Travel by coach to Calais. Catch the 12pm Eurotunnel to Folkestone. Drive back to YHS. Estimated arrival 5pm.
Accommodation Shared bedrooms of up to six. Single sex rooms. Oude Abdij, Lo-Reninge, Belgium Shared bedrooms of up to six. Single sex rooms. En-suite. Hairdryer. Television.
Passports and EHICs All passports and EHICs need to be handed in prior to departure. These will be kept in the hotel safe for the duration of the visit and handed back after we have passed through border control on the way home. European Health Insurance Cards will be kept by staff for the entire journey.
Mobile Phones and Cameras Mobile phones are not necessary but students are allowed to take and use them at your discretion. School will accept no responsibility for mobile devices. Signal can be patchy, don’t expect constant contact as many sites are in the middle of nowhere. No Wi-Fi, even though it is advertised at the hotel, it doesn’t reach the student accommodation. Check your carrier for charges before we go to avoid any surprises in your bill. Students will want to take photographs but as with phones, they will have to take responsibility for cameras. If you chose to send your child with any high value devices we recommend that you purchase extra insurance as the school insurance will not cover them.
Spending Money Students will only need money for any drinks, snacks and souvenirs that they want to buy. All other expenses were included in the cost of the trip. They will need a packed lunch for the first day, whilst we are on the coach. There is no guarantee that we will stop at a services at the appropriate time for lunch. We would recommend spending money of no more than €100 as the opportunities for shopping are minimal. Money needs to be exchanged before the trip and the Euro is used in both France and Belgium. Some English money may be taken for stops at the motorway services if they want to purchase drinks etc.
Weather The weather in areas around Flanders and the Somme is changeable and forecasts are unreliable. Students need to be prepared for variable temperature and precipitation. We advise that they take a variety of clothing items that are versatile and appropriate for our visits which will be mostly outdoors. As we will be visiting memorials, cemeteries and places of cultural and historical significance, students need to make sure that their clothing is appropriate and we would ask for no revealing outfits.
WWI Material Students will be briefed before travel, however it is necessary to mention that students must not purchase or pick up any World War One materials as many objects are still live and as such are dangerous. Main walkways and exhibitions have been cleared of all hazardous material and as such students must not stray into restricted areas (which are always fenced off).
Alcohol, Drugs and Cigarettes Hopefully a completely unnecessary section: any student found to be carrying or using any restricted substances will not only be subject to sanctions by the school but will also invalidate insurance and as such parents and guardians will be liable for any and all costs incurred as a result of dangerous behaviour.