Big Cat Roman Life in Britain Activity Sheet Roman Roads in Britain Can you draw in the routes of three well known Roman roads that criss-crossed Britain around 100CE and are still part of today’s road network? 1/ Choose three different coloured pencils 2/ Using a different colour for each road, draw in these routes: Roman road 1 Watling Street – (route – Dover / Canterbury / London / High Cross / Chester) Roman road 2 Fosse Way – ( route – Exeter / Cirencester / High Cross / Lincoln) Roman road 3 Ermine Street – (route – London / Lincoln / York) 3/ Create a key to indicate which colour represents which Roman road. 4/ At which point did two roads cross? Hadrian’s Wall: In 117CE Emperor Hadrian ordered a wall to be built across Britain to stop barbarians from the north attacking and raiding Roman settlers. The wall started at Solway Firth and went eastwards towards the sea. 5/ Create a wall symbol and draw it on the map to show where Hadrian’s Wall was built across the country. 6/ Find the name of the place where the wall finished on the western side and write it in. 7/ Add the wall symbol to the key. ©HarperCollinsPublishers 2016