‘When the angels had left them...’ Sunday after Christmas! A bit depressed? Quite relieved? Counting the cost? What now...? Lots of looking back and looking forward
‘But Mary treasured all these things up and pondered them in her heart’ Finding meaning Eventually told someone all about her feelings... as a widow in her forties whose son had just been crucified in public? A few weeks later, as part of the early church after Pentecost?
What might Mary have been pondering? Seeds of faith growing Pregnancy Becoming a Christian Birth Name-giving A public declaration The child’s future God’s work...
What might Mary have been pondering? A very Biblical pattern: God’s call and mission Abraham Moses Samuel Zechariah Now Mary... You and me? Questions and objections Answered by a promise Sign to confirm the promise
A little more to ponder... Emperor Augustus 100 years later... Never heard of Jesus of Nazareth 100 years later... His successors trying to eliminate the perceived threat of this huge Christian movement 300 years later... The emperor becomes a Christian 2015 years later (or so) ?? down to you and me...