ESN Nicosia, fall semester 2017 Welcome Erasmus Welcome everyone and introduce yourself. ESN Nicosia, fall semester 2017
Look at the people sitting around you. Start by telling the story of how “They often say at the universities; look at the people sitting next to you, one of them won’t be here when you’re finished. Well, let’s hope this doesn’t happen here :D”
These strangers will become your family. “But do look around, you’ll spend your time here with these people. This is one of the most beautiful things about Erasmus, how quickly people become friends and how quickly they become family.”
#Erasmus Generation “It’s important to remember that we are the first generation of people who can travel, study, and work wherever they want. It’s our responsibility to get the most out of this, to step out of our comfort zone, to explore other cultures, and to be proud to be members of the #ErasmusGeneration.”
It may sound scary… Tell them a personal story how it was scary for you as well at the beginning.
… but it will be the time of your life! Tell them there’s nothing to be afraid of though, they are going to love it.
ESN is here to help you get the most out your Erasmus. Because ESN (point at your members in the audience, make them raise a hand) is here to help you.
ESN Drink Team!!!
The Erasmus Student network (ESN Nicosia) is a non-profit organization Our mission: Integrate the erasmus student to the Cypriot student community and lifestyle by organizing numerous events and activities Making their stay UNFORGETABLE 14000 members from 529 local section in 40 countries Our motto ‘Students Helping Students”
Getting settled Taking the first steps. Tell them that we’ll start with some practical information. They should take notes of this even though the presentation will be made available for them in the end (have a Google Drive folder with all these documents ready to be shared with the students each semestre). Taking the first steps.
Survival guide Taking the first steps. Everything we talk about here is in the Survival Guide Get the Survival Guide at <>
Semester overview January February March April May Welcome week 27/01 Carnival Parade 26/02 March One day trip April May Farewell Trip to Paphos Adjust to your own section
ESN buddies You can all get a local buddy to help you With picking you up With language With university registration, classes, and stuff Don’t have a buddy? Mention that everyone should have a local buddy. Adjust to your own section.
Getting the most out of your Erasmus How not to get bored.
Paint Ball (Welcome Week) Adjust to your own section. Paint Ball (Welcome Week)
Last year’s Carnival Parade Adjust to your own section. Last year’s Carnival Parade
Last year’s Boat Party
Last Year’s Farewell Trip to Paphos
Enjoy discounts on our events and partners with the ESNcard! 5€
WVW Renaissance (beauty & health center) 50% off in all services One free face treatment for each ESNcard holder 35€ per person in unlimited gym services The Godfather café/bar 25% off in all services ATC Coffehouse, Coffee n’ liquor 10% off in all products and services Fagompleximata (Φαγομπλεξίματα) 15% off on the total bill for the following days and hours: Monday-Saturday noon Monday-Thursday evening La Croissanterie (Solomos Square-Main Bus stop) 10% discount on all items on the final bill
How to keep up with the news. Staying updated How to keep up with the news.
Facebook Facebook page Erasmus group Upcoming events, news, updates Erasmus group Only for you, no spammers Ask questions, mingle with others, etc. Erasmus Student Network Nicosia-ESN Nicosia [ESN Nicosia Cyprus] Erasmus students in Nicosia 16-17 Adjust to your own section. Duplicate this slide and add any other social media channels if you’re using them.
Face-to-face Use your buddies Ask any ESNer you meet Anything you might have a problem with Ask any ESNer you meet We’re all here to help you, not just your buddy Come to the ESN office Even if it’s just to keep us company :) Don’t have a buddy? Let us know Adjust to your own section.
Where to find what you need. Important contacts Where to find what you need.
ESN office Makariou Avenue 28 City Plaza Building, 2nd floor Open hours: announced soon Adjust to your own section.
General email Adjust to your own section.