Welcome to 7th Grade Integrated Science
Principal Agopian’s Address to the Parents
INTRODUCTIONS About the Teacher Soohee Lee B.S. in Biological Sciences, UCI UCI Dept. of Ed. Credentialed in Biological Science, General Science, Chemistry NGSS Curriculum Leadership Team 18th year teaching: Northwood High School Homeschool Chemistry 5th year at Orchard Hills
Growth Mind Set Philosophy My ROLE is to ensure ALL students learn and grow. I believe, when given the guidance and opportunity, ALL students CAN & WILL succeed. CLASSROOM ATMOSPHERE MUTUAL RESPECT Hands-on, Inquiry Based HIGH EXPECTATIONS Believe in YOURSELF! Never give up! Welcome challenges Cooperate & learn as a TEAM Develop STRONG work habits Prepared and organized
4 Ways to Help Your Child Be Successful 1. Check Haiku for assignments and student work submissions in Google Classroom. 2. Check grades online regularly. 3. Talk about science – ask them what they learned? 4. Encourage ownership of their education/future. Encourage self advocacy. Praise them for their effort and hard work rather than grades.
PowerSchool Learning (Class Website) Student/Private (log-in required) http://tusd.haikulearning.com/splee/7thgradescience All Course Content: Digital copies of everything we do Additional resources(extra help/practice, videos, articles) Videos of direct teaching Showcase of Student Projects/Work Daily Agenda & Homework
Haiku (Class Website) Public (no log-in required) Daily Agenda http://tusd.haikulearning.com/splee/7thgradescience2016- 2017 Daily Agenda Homework
Check Grades Regularly https://aeriesnet.tustin.k12.ca.us
New Approach to Teaching/Learning Science with NGSS A three dimensional approach is used to teach science making sure that students are able to apply knowledge rather than just memorizing facts for multiple choice tests. Roles of Students & Teachers Science & Engineering Practices: Provides the actions that students will do. Disciplinary Core Ideas: Provides the scientific concepts students will learn. Crosscutting Concepts: Provides the frame to make connections across the grade levels.
Discipline Core Ideas & Crosscutting Concepts Matter and its Interactions Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions Energy From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics Earth's Place in the Universe Earth and Human Activity
New Types of Assessments Assessment under the NGSS is defined as: “Student products that provide evidence of what students know and are able to do. These are observable and measureable components that, if met, will satisfy NGSS performance expectations.” We are shifting from multiple-choice tests to student products that show application of knowledge.
Mastery Grading Point Description Grade 4 Exceeds Standards A 3 Point Description Grade 4 Exceeds Standards A 3 Meets Standards B 2 Standards were met with assistance C 1 Does not meet the standards D No attempt was made to meet the standard F
Assessments will be Based on Mastery Students will be expected to master the first part of the assessment before moving on the next part. They will be given support when needed and opportunities for revision and reflection. We will be piloting these new assessments this year and determining the best approach for grading. This is a more personalized approach to help meet the needs of all students.
FULL Implementation This Year Grade Level 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 6 1998 CA Science Standards: Physics - Heat Weather and Climate Geology Ecosystems Natural Resources NGSS: Cells and Organisms Physics- Heat Engineering Human Impacts Accountability for Full Implementation of NGSS 7 Cells Genetics Evolution Earth History Organisms Physics of Life Chemistry (Engineering) Natural Resources and Geology 8 Forces Astronomy Physics-add Waves Transitioning Sciences are integrated
Ed Week Article on NGSS Tests “The tests won't have many (or any) multiple- choice items. There will be open-ended responses, essays, and equations for students to complete.” “Many questions will use computer simulations and have students conduct virtual experiments. Students will, for instance, operate microscopes, use scales to measure weights, and make planetary models through the computer platform.” Link to Article
What Skills Will the Students Learn? Critical thinking Problem solving Laboratory investigations through inquiry Team work Communication Skills Through these thematic units, the students will learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills in order to analyze mathematical, statistical, and scientific data. They’ll design and conduct research through scientific and laboratory investigations using qualitative and quantitative measurements. They’ll exhibit, organize and present the results and conclusions of their experiments and research.
How Will the Students be Graded? 80% NGSS Unit Assessments 20% Science Literacy
Retesting/Revision Policy Students may revise any of their assignments and assessments as many times as they would like within the Unit time period + 30 days after, EXCEPT for the last unit of the semester.
STAYING CONNECTED Google Drive & Google Classroom Aeries PowerSchool Learning Daily Agenda/Homework, Course Content Google Drive & Google Classroom To see student work Aeries Grades Email: splee@tustin.k12.ca.us (best way) Phone: 714-430-2078 x 78532 Haiku (Private & Public)
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