Chapter 9 The Cross: The End or a Beginning Watch “The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ From a Medical Perspective” On almost every important issue of the day, Jesus’ opinion (“The Way”) differed from those of people in positions of authority Jesus made the outcasts of society the cornerstone of His message about God’s Kingdom Jesus claimed for Himself a position of power above the religious and political authorities of His day
Jesus death and resurrection are at the heart of the Christian story His Crucifixion had to be explained to the early Christian community Jesus experience was contrary to what Jews of His day expected of the Messiah – Look at 3 videos on “Jesus Mission” The Evangelists were preaching to audiences who recognized that their conversion to this new religion might well cost them persecution and their lives
We view the crucifixion from an objective, scientific standpoint – converts in the early Church saw the “real thing” along their roads every day It took COURAGE to convert to Christianity in the Early Church!!! – Watch “History of Christianity” 1 & 2 The different Passion accounts were probably standardized in the oral tradition even before he Gospels were written Not standardized yet: Update on Vatican’s position on the Shroud of Turin
Watch video “Early Christian Martyrs” Understanding the Cross: The Crucifixion Jesus suffered became the fate of many early converts, whom we refer to as “martyrs” And yet converts continued to come - and in growing numbers throughout the known world Watch video “Early Christian Martyrs” Understanding the Cross: Jesus, the Suffering Servant from the Book of Isaiah The Paschal Lamb sacrificed on Passover A Ransom for Many God’s Love: Jesus died for our sins: Jesus bridged the gap between God & man due to sin
If time permits, read pages 211 and 212 together in class End of Chapter 9