By:Gabby.C,Monica.T.M,Jasmin.G.M. Ancient Rome By:Gabby.C,Monica.T.M,Jasmin.G.M.
Development Of Ancient Rome: Ancient Rome was established around 753 B.C . They developed on the wooden hills above the Tiber River in Italy. Their geographic condition they had was the Tiber River which gave access to trade routes, agricultural benefits, and it was a protection barriers against enemies. There were also 2 mountain ranges, the Alps and the Apennines, these mountains helped to protect Rome from invasion. Also The rich volcanic soil made the Po and Tiber river valleys ideally suited for agriculture.
Life in Rome: Government- They had a Republic government with 2 elected officials which were called consuls. They had shared power to make sure that either one of them could veto the other's vote. The official could serve for one year and they were guided by a Senate, the people also had a say in the government. Then as the Roman population grew, the republic government fell giving birth to a great Empire. Culture-Government and citizenship was the most yearned for right in Ancient Rome. Only citizens could have a say in the republic and only citizens were considered truly roman. Romans were also very brutal. They not only conquered many city-states by killing and torturing those that did not circum to their army they also used violence as entertainment.
Religious Beliefs And Contributions: Contributions-During the Roman Republic and Empire art, architect, and literature developed which was inspired from the Ancient Greeks. Roads, public buildings, palaces, bathhouses, theaters, and aqueducts were built. The Pont Du Gard is an aqueduct in France across the Gardon River. It is 31-miles long and a 161 foot-long tall structure. Religious Beliefs-When the Roman Empire began the Pax Romana was a time when there was peace and at this time was when the people came up with the courage and stood up with the spreading of Christianity in which christians were persecuted but by 400 AD it was the Roman Empire's official religion this was caused when their Roman Emperor Caesar was baptized.
Challenges-When deciding how their government will work the plebeians challenged the patricians for power. When Rome was threatened plebeians decided not to fight until they were given rights, when patricians realized that they would have no army without the plebeians they gave the plebeians the rights they wanted. The Roman Republic started to fall but through conquest and the leadership of Octavian the Roman Empire was born. The Challenges:
Famous Historical Figures: The Romans have a legend about how they turned to their greatest general, Cincinnatus, to save them from an invasion. They made him a dictator with unlimited power for 6 months. Cincinnatus defeated the opponents and returned to his farm with the hope to maintain his normal life Cincinnati ,Ohio->
Romulus And Remus: They had different legends and sayings to represent certain events in their history. An example of one of their legends would be one that describes the origin of Rome. The story says that twin brothers named Romulus and Remus, descendents of a Trojan hero named Aeneas that retreated to Italy after the Trojan War . The boys were put in a basket and placed in the Tiber River but was found by a wolf who raised the boys. When the boys were older they planned to build a city they fought over power and Romulus won. Romulus then started to build the city after he killed his brother and he named the city after himself.
Important Facts: Their innovations like the aqueducts influenced other parts of civilization and that lead to our technology today. They held their government to high standards and made having a strong government important to other civilizations. Their religious beliefs spread all over the world and lasted for hundreds of years and even lead into today’s civilization.
Sources: Ancient History Book Ancient And Medieval History Book NC World History;Human Legacy Textbook