Antigone Scene 4 12.7
Warm-Up: 5 Min 1. Grab your materials and textbook 2. Update your reading guide TITLE AUTHOR PAGES FOCUS Antigone Scene 3 Sophocles 669-675 Conflict b/w Creon and Haimon Antigone Scene 4 677-681 Antigone’s trip to the vault Pride D. Ravikovitch 693 Compares Pride to a Rock
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Friday - Meet in the Library We will take Mid-Quarter We Will Renew or Check Out New Books
We Read “Pride” Page 693-694 List the qualities of rocks mentioned in the poem. What is the writer trying to tell us about pride by comparing it to rocks? Is this poem more similar to Creon or Antigone? Explain your response.
Discuss A tragic hero is the main character in a tragedy. They must have a tragic flaw Based on what we’ve read so far: 1. Could Creon be our tragic hero? 2. If so, what might his tragic flaw be?
Antigone Scene 4 Page 677 – 679 Characters: Antigone Focus: Antigone laments her fate as she awaits her death. Creon orders her taken to the vault of stone. Our Purpose: Gather evidence to support our view of Antigone Based on what we know about Antigone: How do you feel she will handle the possibility of her death now that is real?
When We Finish the Scene You Will Be Able To: Decide whether or not Antigone deserves her fate Examine the reasons why she is in this situation
Read Scene 4 Page 677 Read to Line 14 Answer the following: What is Archeron? How does Antigone describe this place?
Read Scene 4 Page 677-678 Answer the following: Based on line 30, how might Antigone be “unjustly judged”? Whom does Antigone and the Chorus appear to blame for her fate (35-44)? What final piece of evidence do we have to make Antigone a tragic hero?
Read Scene 4 Page 679 When Finished: What is a dirge? Does Creon assume any guilt for Antigone’s fate? What can we assume Antigone means when she calls the tomb her “bride-bed”? According to Antigone, why is she being put to death?
Exit Questions 1. Antigone defied the law knowing what the consequences were. Does she deserve mercy now? Explain why you believe this is so.