Principles of Financial Accounting I


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Presentation transcript:

Principles of Financial Accounting I Fall Semester Orientation Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Teacher Ray Gregg “Mr. Gregg” or “Professor Gregg” Dr. Gregg Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Teacher Ray Gregg “Mr. Gregg” or “Professor Gregg” Dr. Gregg GC 3F10, School of Business (south end of Hall of Mirrors) 495-6561 (“6561”) (voice mail) Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Office Hours Monday 9:50 Tuesday 10:50, 3:30 Wednesday 1:30, 3:30 Thursday 10:50 Friday 3:30 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Bookstore Required: 7th edition of Weygandt, Keiso, Kimmel Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Bookstore Required: 7th edition of Weygandt, Keiso, Kimmel Working Papers Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Bookstore Required: 7th edition of Weygandt, Keiso, Kimmel Working Papers – Electronic Version Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Working Papers Compare and choose wisely! Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Bookstore 3 Required: 7th edition of Weygandt, Keiso, Kimmel Working Papers Scantron Sheets (three) Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Bookstore Required: 7th edition of Weygandt, Keiso Working Papers Scantron Sheets (three) Recommended : General Ledger Software (GLS) Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Bookstore Required: 7th edition of Weygandt, Keiso Working Papers Scantron Sheets (three) Recommended: General Ledger Software (GLS) “Study Guide” Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Should Be Enrolled In One of Each Lecture Lab Discussion Group Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Lecture Meets once per week GC 5114 8:50 or 1:30 Attend another to make up for one missed Assign seats on Monday Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Discussion Group Meets twice per week in GC 3B16 8 sections scheduled TR or WF Listed at back of room, on VISION, and on class web site Attend another to make-up for one missed Seats assigned in 1st group next week Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Labs Student assistants give individual help with homework Meet 10 x per week in GC 3B16 Schedule in syllabus, at back of room, on VISION, and on class web site Prefer you attend the time for which you are registered May attend as many other times as you would like Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Labs Attendance taken on first 3 rows No attendance on row 4 Attend another to make-up for one missed (no limit) 80% rule Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Labs no labs this week no HW this week first HW due in first discussion next week labs begin meeting on Monday to help with HW Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Final Exam Comprehensive Given according to LECTURE time in lecture room Consult published, standardized schedule Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. available on class web site Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Attendance Policy attendance required no bonus points for perfect attendance allowed FOUR total absences without penalty see syllabus for penalty for excessive absences Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Grading Procedures (from syllabus) 500 total points possible will drop lowest 100 points* everyone benefits!* *exception for homework minimum no make-up exams (exceptions) Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. 500 Points Possible 2 hour exams = 200 Comprehensive Final = 200 HW and Pop Quizzes = 100 Total Points Possible = 500 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. 500 Points Possible 2 hour exams = 200 Comprehensive Final = 200 Homework = 50 Pop Quizzes = 50 100 Total Points Possible = 500 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework Minimum must achieve 60 points (100 possible) for HW AND quizzes 5 quizzes = 50 possible approx 10 HW problems to achieve minimum if not met, nothing dropped; avg based on 500 points; hurts twice! Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework use pencil possible marks on homework check mark n/c (no credit) still n/c I (less than 70% complete) ok (late) 10 bonus points possible Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Importance of HW should be highest -- not lowest grade help available in labs, from peers, and teachers will help you understand material in class, perform better on quizzes and exams, retain more Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework 25 problems @ 2 each = 50 pts Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework 25 problems @ 2 each = 50 pts 35 total assigned Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework 25 problems @ 2 each = 50 pts 10 problems @ 1 each = 10 pts 35 total assigned Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework 25 problems @ 2 each = 50 pts 10 problems @ 1 each = 10 pts 35 total assigned = 60 pts Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. 500 Points Possible 2 hour exams = 200 Comprehensive Final = 200 Homework = 50 60 Pop Quizzes = 50 100 Total Points Possible = 500 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. 500 Points Possible 2 hour exams = 200 Comprehensive Final = 200 Homework = 50 60 Pop Quizzes = 50 100 110 Total Points Possible = 500 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Importance of HW HW/Q Total Points 90s 80s 70s 60s <60 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Homework is important!! Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. 500 Points Possible 2 hour exams = 200 Comprehensive Final = 200 Homework = 50 Pop Quizzes = 50 100 Total Points Possible = 500 Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Pop Quizzes unannounced will have more than 5 looking for 5 best will drop lowest in excess of 5 no make-ups Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Using Technology Expected to have an e-mail address and check it on regular basis General Ledger Software (GLS) Class Web Page “Broaden Your Perspective” Internet exercises from the textbook Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

General Ledger Software available in bookstore may install on computer where you have access data disk is the key!!! may solve one problem per chapter Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Class Web Page expected info about class syllabus, office hours, class schedule other useful information solutions to exercises solutions to questions solutions to quizzes others have found material beneficial Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Class Web Page Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

“Broadening Your Perspective” BYP assignments at end of chapter follow text instructions and find Internet site type question(s) and response(s) in an e-mail message send by 9 a.m. Monday of the following week 10 bonus points Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. The Calendar Be sure to understand what assignments are to be turned in when Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved. Have a great semester! Copyright © 2002 by M. Ray Gregg. All rights reserved.