Tammy DeStefano Sikich LLP Tips and tricks in GP Tammy DeStefano Sikich LLP @GPUG
Tammy DeStefano Senior Application Consultant Sikich LLP Tamara DeStefano, senior application consultant, has over ten years experience working with Microsoft Dynamics GP. Her knowledge spans multiple industries, including telecommunications, manufacturing, legal and non-profit. Tamara works closely with clients to review and revise processes in order to streamline efficiencies and improve productivity. She has implemented and trained clients on Management Reporter, FrX and many modules of Dynamics, such as: General Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, Safe Pay, Payables Management, Purchase Order Processing, Sales Order Processing, Receivables Management, Manufacturing, Inventory, Fixed Assets and Analytical Accounting. Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, DePaul University Microsoft GP 2010, 2013 and 2015 Financials Certifications 1415 West Diehl Road Suite 400 Naperville, IL 60563 P: 630-210-3071 M: 630-841-2673 E: tamara.destefano@sikich.com 27 GP Consultants @GPUG
GP Tips and Tricks Change your date Turn off pesky posting journals Exclude inactive customers and vendors Protect your dates Choose your menu bar Customize your Toolbar Find anything Use your user preferences Manage your Auto Complete Help is always available @GPUG
Change your date Month End System Date = Default +/- date entering @GPUG
Turn off pesky posting journals MSDGP > Tools > Setup > Posting > Posting After posting, when you close the window, a series of posting journals are triggered. If you aren’t using them, this can be a hassle to cancel through each of them. Save time by turning off the journals. Select the series, origin and simply uncheck each report you don’t want. REMEMBER that this is system wide not user specific, so these changes will affect everyone. @GPUG
Exclude inactive customers and vendors @GPUG
Protect your Dates Professional Services Tools Library = PSTL Doc Date Verify – won’t protect against dates within set up fiscal years, but will protect against random fat fingers typing 4/12/2107 with the message “A fiscal period for this date has not been set up” PSTL Prior to 2012 PSTL was an expensive add on, but in 2012 the tools became free for download. Some very powerful tools here @GPUG
Choose your menu bar Action Pane Action Pane Strip Menu Bar Remember to close and reopen GP in order to see your changes. @GPUG
Customize your toolbar Right Click With “Standard” Customize and add any window Right click on the toolbar Check standard – Smartlist, Reminders, Tasks and My Reports Check custom – Add any window you regularly access (ie, user preferences). Move up or down to adjust the order Modify Selection to change the display from text or icon or even change the icon! Change order With 3 added “Custom” windows Modify Selection to change display @GPUG
Find anything On any report printed to the screen you have the same Find function you have in most Microsoft products @GPUG
Use your user preferences Horizontal Scroll - display scroll arrows for some fields. Entry Key - Mark Tab or Return to select the entry key used for moving the highlight from field to field. If you select Return, you’ll press the enter key to move from field to field and shift + enter to save or process information on a window @GPUG
Manage your Auto Complete By setting this as my default view, each time I lookup a customer or vendor, the inquiry window will display with active customers only and sorted on vendor name. @GPUG
Manage your Auto Complete Auto complete is a helpful tool, but what happens when you make a typo. Your typo will stay in your list until you hit the expiration date OR quantity limit….unless you delete is Right click on the choice and remove from List @GPUG
Help is always available Printable Manuals Overview Fields Buttons Menus @GPUG
Contact information Tammy DeStefano Senior Application Consultant Sikich, LLP Tamara.DeStefano@Sikich.com 630.841.2673 www.sikichtech.com - Blog @GPUG