CEIAG at Grosvenor grammar school A Guide for parents
Questions as a parent. What is it and who is responsible? Why bother and what is it about? What is Grosvenor doing to help my child? What can I do as a parent?
What is it and who is responsible? Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Mrs Browne – Head of CEIAG Department
Why bother? Rapid changes taking place in the labour market Technological change and global economic activity Working life is changing Increased choices post 16 and post 18 Lifelong learning Employers want skills Ultimately to ensure pupils are employable
What is it about? The programme throughout the school focuses on three main aims: Self-awareness and development: pupils look at and asses the skills and qualities they possess and what are necessary for a particular career plan Career exploration: pupils research and evaluate information Career Management: pupils develop their career planning skills and learn how to make decisions All of these are underpinned with support, advice and guidance by the school and the Careers Service
What is grosvenor doing? Six week module in 3rd form and weekly classes in 5th, L6th and U6th forms to focus on the three main aims Two opportunities for work experience Annual careers convention for all pupils in 3rd, 5th and 6th forms Careers days in 2nd, 4th and 5th forms Support from the Careers Service NI Interviews with careers staff for all pupils in 3rd, 5th and 6th forms Many other talks and activities
LMI Labour Market Information/Intelligence Looks at trends and patterns now and in the future Can be extremely difficult and challenging to predict Unpredictable! Wide variety of sources Only predicts growth areas
Trend in qualifications demand (NICEP) 2002 2012 2022 (Forecast) Masters degree/PhD 6% 9% 14% Bachelors degree 23% 31% 37% A Levels 20% 17% GCSE A*-C 22% 21% 19% No qualifications 29% 13%
Skills, employment & income (NICEP) Average gross annual salary/£ Degree or equivalent 86 31,000 Higher education 72 26,000 A-level or equivalent 65 17,000 GCSE A*-C 60 16,000 No qualifications 38 13,000
Top 10 recruited for industries (2014) (NI Job Finder) Engineering Medical and Healthcare Manufacturing Accountancy and Finance Sales Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Secretarial and Administration Public Sector Customer Services
Forecast growth in employment 2013 – 2018 (NICEP) Administration Services ICT Manufacturing Professional and Technical Health and Social Work Construction Education Agriculture Transportation Retail
What can I do as a parent? www.grosvenorgrammarschool.org.uk (Parents) www.nidirect.gov.uk/careers (Parents zone) www.ucas.com (Parents section) Feedback to the school