15th INTOSAI WGEA Steering Committee Meeting François BEKEMEN MOUKOKO,


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Presentation transcript:

15th INTOSAI WGEA Steering Committee Meeting François BEKEMEN MOUKOKO, Auditing Agriculture and Food Production: Guidance for Supreme Audit institutions François BEKEMEN MOUKOKO, Auditor, Supreme State Audit Office of Cameroon

Background Objective and outcome Focus Structure FiBL 13.05.2018 Outline of presentation Background Objective and outcome Focus Structure www.fibl.org 2

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Challenge in Agriculture and food production Global trends and challenges influencing food security, poverty and the overall sustainability of food and agricultural system Economic growth and population dynamics Agricultural investments and technological innovations are increasing Feeding 9.1 billion people in 2050 would require raising overall food production by some 70 percent between 2005/07 and 2050

Challenge in Agriculture and food production Global trends and challenges influencing food security, poverty and the overall sustainability of food and agricultural system Climate change Hunger and extreme poverty It affects disproportionately food-insecure regions, jeopardizing crop and livestock production, fish stocks and fisheries. Increased capital-intensive food systems, vertically integrated and concentrated in fewer hands

Challenge in Agriculture and food production Global trends and challenges influencing food security, poverty and the overall sustainability of food and agricultural system Conflicts, crises and natural disasters are increasing in number and intensity

Challenge in Agriculture and food production Produce more food and fibre to feed a growing population with a smaller rural labour force, more feedstocks for a potentially huge bioenergy market, countries, Contribute to overall development in the many agriculture-dependent developing countries Adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods and adapt to climate change.

Main challenge in Agriculture : ”increased productivity of agri- culture in a sustainable manner” To holistic integration of Natural Ressource Management with food and nutritional security From focus on increased productivity alone

Agenda 2030 End hunger and ensure wide access to food End all forms of malnutrition Double agricultural productivity and incomes Etc....

Main challenge in Agriculture : ”increased productivity of agri- culture in a sustainable manner” A diagram on sustainable agriculture :

Objective and outcome The project aims to develop an INTOSAI WGEA Guidance Material to SAIs on Auditing Agriculture and Food Production. The main objectives are to increase knowledge about agriculture and food production and to encourage more audits in this area.

Objective and outcome The project seeks to reach the following objectives:  To provide information on status, recent development and prospects on agriculture and food production; To highlight the role of governments in managing agriculture and food production To provide audit steps and methods to perform agriculture and food production audit; To identify best government practices and audit case studies based on the reports submitted to WGEA Database.

Scope The project will focus on the governance of agriculture and food production, including an overview of potential areas for auditing, risks and government actions therein related. It will also identify best practices on food production management worldwide that could improve on related policies as well as Sustainable Development Goals.   The project will also use SAIs experience to identify relevant audit topics on food production and suggest appropriate steps and methods for audits on issues relating to agriculture, through the use of case studies.

Structure Chapter 1: Introduction, scope, and background information. Trends, challenges and prospects for agriculture and food production management Government responses to challenges and issues relating to agriculture and food production management Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents.[ Zeolites have a porous structure that can accommodate a wide variety of cations, such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and others. These positive ions are rather loosely held and can readily be exchanged for others in a contact solution. Natural zeolites form where volcanic rocks and ash layers react with alkaline groundwater. Zeolites also crystallize in post-depositional environments over periods ranging from thousands to millions of years in shallow marine basins. Agriculture In agriculture, clinoptilolite (a naturally occurring zeolite) is used as a soil treatment. It provides a source of slowly released potassium. If previously loaded with ammonium, the zeolite can serve a similar function in the slow release of nitrogen. Zeolites can also act as water moderators, in which they will adsorb up to 55% of their weight in water and slowly release it under plant demand. This property can prevent root rot and moderate drought cycles.

Structure Chapter 2: Choosing and designing audits of agriculture and food production. Determining a focus and a scope for the audit Selecting audit topics and priorities Deciding on relevant audit approaches Chapter 3: Experiences in auditing agriculture and food production: possible audit approaches and methodology from around the world. Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents.[ Zeolites have a porous structure that can accommodate a wide variety of cations, such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and others. These positive ions are rather loosely held and can readily be exchanged for others in a contact solution. Natural zeolites form where volcanic rocks and ash layers react with alkaline groundwater. Zeolites also crystallize in post-depositional environments over periods ranging from thousands to millions of years in shallow marine basins. Agriculture In agriculture, clinoptilolite (a naturally occurring zeolite) is used as a soil treatment. It provides a source of slowly released potassium. If previously loaded with ammonium, the zeolite can serve a similar function in the slow release of nitrogen. Zeolites can also act as water moderators, in which they will adsorb up to 55% of their weight in water and slowly release it under plant demand. This property can prevent root rot and moderate drought cycles.

Thank You !