Supervisor observation and sign off process Training & Competence Supervisor observation and sign off process June 2017
Supervisor Competence Requirements Following the supervisory development programmes, Conduct, Culture and Customer (CCC) and Managing Customer Outcomes through Performance Conversations (MCOTPC), people managers must achieve competent supervisor status through a number of validation exercises within 12 weeks of attendance. 2nd line managers (e.g. CSM) are responsible for observing and assessing 1st line managers (e.g. STM) and signing off as fully competent 3rd line managers in UK Insurance Service teams (e.g. Senior Managers) are responsible for observing and assessing 2nd line managers and signing off as fully competent Senior Managers competence is assessed through the Performance Conversation process 1st & 2nd line managers will be signed off as competent once the following programme aspects are successfully completed: Attendance at Conduct, Culture & Customer Attendance at Managing Customer outcomes through Performance Conversations with successful completion of role-plays and knowledge assessments undertaken on the course Objective setting, coaching and conducting effective 121’s and team meetings Knowledge test Post course on the job observations by people manager to assess competence: T&C 121 development conversation Coaching (can be conducted during a 121) Team Meeting Documented T&C record keeping audit confirming standards meet T&C scheme requirements 2
Supervisor observation timescales On the job skills observations and record keeping audits must be completed within 12 weeks of attendance at Culture, Conduct and Customer and Managing Customer Outcomes through Performance Conversations Observations must be documented on the standard templates (available on People Place) and stored in the relevant managers T&C file along with the completed Supervisor Competence Certificate Completed sign off’s must be documented on the Supervisor Competence Tracker (available on PeoplePlace) and returned to once a month 3
On-going competence requirements All supervisors are required to have direct, “honest and often” 121’s with their line manager in line with the performance conversation framework. We recommend this is a monthly conversation. Supervisor competence is assessed in the following ways, with all observations and record keeping audits completed by a competent supervisor – typically the supervisors line manager Criteria 1 – Supervisor skills observations: All Supervisors on the job skills must be observed and assessed each year – with a minimum of one activity observed every six-months: 121 Development Meeting Coaching & Feedback Team Meeting Criteria 2 – Annual assessments Completion of an annual accreditation assessment (tailored to each function) e.g. ‘observing to standard’ QA assessment Completion of annual product knowledge tests Completion of all insurance mandatory training modules Criteria 3 - Record Keeping Audits: 1 x T&C file audit every six months to confirm record keeping standards meet T&C scheme requirements 4
Next steps Ensure all supervisor observations and record keeping audits are completed within 12 weeks of your teams attendance at Culture, Conduct and Customer and Managing Customer Outcomes through Performance Conversations development programmes Send the Supervisor Competence Tracker template to once a month Read the people manager FAQ‘s available on the T&C page on People Place Email T& if you have any further questions or if you want to let us know how implementation is progressing in your area