Global Messenger – Public Speaking


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Presentation transcript:

Global Messenger – Public Speaking Presenters: 1 2 3 This PowerPoint presentation is designed for a trainer to use in full or in part. There are core elements that the Athlete Leadership committee in Special Olympics believes all Programs need to use to train their Global Messengers to be the best speakers they can be. There are also optional elements and activities that can be used to enhance your training. If you follow the best practices, you should have offered the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course prior to training Global Messenger I. If you conducted the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course, there are certain slides that you will hide in this training (Section B). There will only be a short review of Athlete Leadership, Mission, Facts and What is Unique about Special Olympics at the beginning of Section C. Parts A & C are used if athlete has been through the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course, and you are conducting Global Messenger I for Athlete Leadership University. It is in your best interest to offer the stand alone Introduction Course as an athlete learns about options he/she has in Athlete Leadership, and this helps him/her decide what role he/she may want to pursue. You may have people signed up for Global Messenger I who would rather do something else, other than be a speaker. Athletes should have a choice. If you are a beginner trainer you should use the document call Trainer Notes for your first several trainings. The notes page for each slide is a summary/script for you as the trainer to use. This gives you a very good idea of what you need to say for that slide. Instructions are Italicized and scripts are plain text. If you want a more detailed script, you would use the “Word for Word” script in the Trainer Notes The “Word for Word” script is great for new trainers and athletes who would like a little more guidance in their presentation. At the least, you should have an athlete trainer helping with the Mission statement section. 1 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger Part A Welcome and Introduction Welcome the new “class” of Global Messengers and tell them they have been chosen because of their outgoing personally and their ability to talk to people. Let the trainers introduce themselves, giving their experience that make them an expert in the eyes of participants. 2 minutes 2 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Introductions Name Where are you from? How long in Special Olympics? Question: What would you do with a room full of money? Introduce your partner … Your partner introduces you…. The point of this exercise is to help get rid of initial nerves and to give everyone practice standing up to make a presentation in front of a group (the introduction). ESSENTIAL: Each person introduces someone else. This forces them to listen and get out of a comfort zone to prepare a presentation of facts they may not have known before. This exercise also gives them experience in introducing someone, which they may be asked to do for Special Olympics. Option #2. Another question that could be used is: “If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?” Encourage Global Messenger Speech Coaches to split up for this exercise. Give everyone a couple of minutes to talk and get their information. At the end of the exercise, ask “how people felt about standing up in this exercise and then note that everyone is an experienced public speaker since they have already given a speech.” Now we are down to refining our skills.” 10 minutes 3 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Objectives of Training Why are we here today? Learn about Athlete Leadership & Special Olympics Learn how to create a speech Provide the tools to seek speaking engagements Write a speech Focus your speech on a specific audience Present a 1 – 5 minute speech Each Athlete Leadership training offers objectives (reasons for doing it). These are our objectives for the Global Messenger training. Let’s review these together. Establish your “House Rules” and review with group: Pay attention to the trainers and especially to your fellow Global Messengers when they are speaking. Turn off your cell phones. Do your assigned work when asked. Listen to your coaches. Actively participate. Add your own “House Rules.” 2 minutes 4 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger Part B Facts about Athlete Leadership and Special Olympics The following slides (6-27) address What is Athlete Leadership, The Special Olympics Mission Statement, Facts, Divisioning and Advancement Criteria. This section is used if athletes have not gone thru the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course. If they have, you would move on to Section C (Slide 28). Hide Slides 5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,21. Save slides 7,22,24,27 for Review in Part C. All you need to do is right-click on the slide and click on HIDE, and they will not become part of your presentation, but they will still be within the document. 5 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

What is Athlete Leadership? Trainer asks questions and waits for response. 2 minutes 6 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

How do we describe Athlete Leadership? Athlete Choice Meaningful Involvement Training for Special Olympics Leaders Athlete Leadership was developed to allow athletes to choose how they want to participate in their Program. It is developed to support athletes as they seek meaningful leadership roles within their Program other than only as a competitor. And finally Athlete Leadership is designed to help provide training for the existing leadership within each Program to find a way to have those meaningful roles available to these Athlete Leaders. An Athlete Leadership participant is defined as a person with an intellectual disability who participates in at least one Athlete Leadership program. He/she must be an athlete in good standing with a current Application for Participation (Medical Form) on file. He/she may or may not be training or competing as an athlete currently. Each Program may make their own criteria for Athlete Leadership participation as long as the athlete is in good standing. 3 minutes 7 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Athlete Leadership Athlete Leader Role Options Training/Resources to Support Public Speaking Sargent Shriver Global Messenger Training Committees, Input Councils, Boards of Directors Governance training Handbook to Inclusive Boards Team Captain, Assistant Coach, Coach, Officials Athletes as Coaches/Officials Special Olympics Coach Certification Trainings Sport Federation Coach/Official Certification Helping Local Programs with Technology Email, Internet, Search Engines Healthy Lifestyle Athletes as Peer Health Coaches, Healthy Athlete Overview, Healthy Lifestyle training. Volunteering Volunteering Training Fundraising Athletes Assisting with Fundraising Training ESSENTIAL: It is important to note that not all Athlete Leadership roles REQUIRE training. While trainings are available, they are seldom a requirement for serving in a leadership role. Exception to that is the role of Coach or Sport Official. Cover these Roles well so Global Messengers understand what other roles are available within your Program. 4 minutes 8 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Athlete Leadership Training … Two Models Training Series which is a list of courses that can be taken in any order; focus areas include promotion and awareness; communications; sports; governance; technology; health; others University Curriculum: from which an athlete chooses a focus and works toward obtaining a major in it Pass out the one-pager which reflects the model of Athlete Leadership Training your Program is going to offer. Currently, there are two models – taking a series of courses based on interest with the ability to change areas of focus or focusing on one area and obtaining a major in it. Athlete Leadership University model allows an athlete to choose a major and pursue courses in that major. (Remove the model that you will not be using from the slide. However, if you may be working toward a University Curriculum, feel free to keep it in.) Special Olympics feels very strongly that every athlete and mentor/speech coach should be offered the best training possible to fulfill their new roles. Let’s review the courses in the Training Series (or University model) that is listed in the handout Athlete Leadership Training Series (or University Curriculum). Part of the process in taking the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course is to determine what you really like to do and what courses are right for you! 4 minutes 9 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Note 1: This section (slides 11-20) is great for an athlete trainer as they are most familiar with this content. Note 2: Hide slides 5-21, SAVE 7,22,24,27 for review for part C. This slide is designed to introduce the Mission statement and highlight the fact that we can break it down to smaller concepts by looking at individual words and what they mean. Let’s review The Mission Statement. Did you know it is really several different thoughts rolled into one? It’s a roadmap for all of Special Olympics. Each of the following slides give a chance for athletes to share their thoughts on that part of the Mission before you give an explanation (if needed). Only do the Voting Activity on Slide 21 if you have enough time built into your training day. But it is a very good activity. 3 minutes 10 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Year-round Change the pictures of your Program’s athletes (get your technology athletes to help you!). There are different options for definitions of YEAR ROUND (i.e. different sport seasons to allow athletes to participate in several sports, or a year-round training plan for one sport). The point here is that we do NOT want to see places offering Special Olympics for only a few weeks each year. Our athletes need to have options ALL year. Ask athletes their favorite sport or how many train and compete ALL year. 3 minutes 11 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Sports training Recreation Vs Sports Can athletes truly compete without training in that sport? Can an athlete train 1 or 2 times and be “good” at their sport? Can they be in condition to do that sport? Where does an athlete “learn” the skills to do their sport? You can ask them how often they feel they should be training each week? You can ask them how often they train in the sport they are currently doing? 3 minutes 12 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Athletic competition Ask the athletes if they would like to just train, train, train? Why do we need competition? That’s why both Training AND Competition are in the Mission. 3 minutes 13 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Olympic-type sports Special Olympics trains and competes in Olympic-type sports. Special Olympics has an agreement with the International Olympic Committee; we are one of only two organizations that has the rights to use “Olympics” – Junior Olympics is one, and Special Olympics is the other. In order to use “Olympics,” we needed to ensure that certain things were upheld. They included such things as Rules, use of the Torch, Sportsmanship, Awarding of Medals, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and the Parade of Athletes. 3 minutes 14 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Children and adults (eight years old or older) Ask how many are 18 or older – how often are you called kids? A lot of people think that Special Olympics is just for kids. Athletes need to remind people that Special Olympics is a program for youth AND adults. If you have time, you can ask the group what is the youngest athlete in their Program. (Hopefully, you get 2 years old and Young Athlete Program) and what their oldest athlete’s age is. 3 minutes 15 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics with intellectual disabilities You can Insert a slide with a description of Intellectual Disabilities here – People with intellectual disability – what does that mean? Let them give you some answers. Learn more slowly – does that mean that people with an Intellectual Disability don’t or can’t learn? Special Olympics started when Eunice Kennedy Shriver had the idea that people with ID could grow and learn through sports. The First Games were held in 1968 at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois, USA. 3 minutes 16 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Develop Physical Fitness Why is Physical Fitness important? Healthy Body makes for a Healthy Mind, Longer life, Staying Strong, Etc…. What is it? The World Health Organization states that everyone in the world has a right to physical fitness. Do we believe that? 3 minutes 17 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Demonstrate Courage Coaches/Parents/Global Messengers – tell me a time when an athlete demonstrated courage? Example – you’ve already shown courage today by getting up and introducing someone, which can be very scary for most people. You can ask them if they know what the #1 fear for most people around the world is….. That’s right; it is public speaking. And you are doing it!!! 3 minutes 18 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Experience Joy Tell me something about Special Olympics that is FUN and that brought you JOY! 3 minutes 19| Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics Share gifts, skills and friendship with their families How do you think Special Olympics can help people to share gifts, skills and friendship with their family? My family can see that I CAN do things. My family can see that I am successful. I have sports skills; I can make friends; I can be happy, etc. I can make friends; my family can make friends. Special Olympics becomes part of your family. 3 minutes 20 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics VOTING Joy Courage Competition Sharing gifts, skills & Friendship… Children/Adults Physical fitness The voting exercise gives everyone in the room a chance to say which aspect of the Mission is the most important to them. Post these key words around the room somehow (large poster paper, on chalk board, etc.) with enough room that Global Messengers and coaches can place things on it. Give each person in the room 3 colored dots (or colored post it notes). Decide how you want to identify people (Global Messengers and Coaches, men and women, under 21 and over 21) and then give each group a different color dot/post it. It is usually done with Global Messengers and Coaches getting different colors so you can identify later to your staff how athletes think versus how volunteers think. Instruct each person to vote for their 2 or 3 favorite aspects of the Mission by placing their 2 or 3 dots on 3 different areas. Take a short break while you count up the results. Once voting is complete, fill in the NUMBER text box at the end of each line to indicate the number of votes each term received. Then explain to them that the athletes in your Program believe that. Is the most important aspect of the Mission what the volunteers in your Program believe? It is the most important. You can go through all areas if you have time. Year-round Olympic-type Sports Training Intellectual Disabilities 20 minutes 21 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

The Mission of Special Olympics The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. All of the parts come together to create the Mission statement. If you have Athlete Trainers working with you, have them read the full Mission, emphasizing the underlined words. Otherwise, a trainer should read in order to show how to emphasize words. After the trainer has read, explain why trainer emphasized the words a particular way. This is part of an later activity that reinforces a speaking enhancement that you will discuss. 1 minutes 22 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

What makes Special Olympics Unique? There are things that make Special Olympics different from other sports organizations like Pop Warner Football, AAU, or the Olympics. Can anyone think of some of these? 1 minutes 23 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

What makes Special Olympics Unique? No charge to athletes Awards for all who compete Advancement to higher levels of competition All ability levels can participate Divisioning No Charge: Eunice Kennedy Shriver wanted to make sure that ALL individuals would be able to join Special Olympics, not just the ones whose families could afford it. Everyone needs to help support the fundraising efforts in order for Special Olympics to continue. However, it does mean that athletes and their families should not be told they have to “pay to play”. Awards for all. There are awards for 1-8 place; unlike the Olympics that awards 1-3 places. Advancement of competition to higher levels: In order for an athlete to be eligible for National or World Games that athlete must have received a gold medal from the previous year in the sport in which they are applying. Names of all eligible athletes are then put into a hat and selected by a random draw.   All Ability Levels: For track and field, we have athletes that are in wheelchair events or may only be walking 10 meters all the way to athletes who are running half or full marathons. Divisioning: Special Olympics allows athletes with intellectual disabilities to compete in the fairest way possible.  Within each sport, events are divisioned based on athletes' age, gender and ability.  Each division can have up to eight athletes but no less than three.  Sometimes exceptions are made according to each Program's circumstances. Every athlete in a division/heat has an equal opportunity to excel in his/her division. OPTIONAL: Or you can do the next slide which is Stork Stand. (If you have enough time in day, show how Special Olympics divisions differ from other sports organizations.) OPTIONAL: The picture exercise: Show athletes doing the softball throw. Global Messengers pick who they “think” would throw the farthest. Have the length thrown written on the back and then have them “division” the athletes. If you would like to do the picture exercise, you will need to take pictures of at least 6 athletes in various stages of throwing a softball. 10 minutes 24 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Unique: Divisioning The Stork Stand! 15 minutes OPTIONAL: First, go over what divisioning is and how it is decided (age, gender, ability with ability the most important). Ask how many weeks training (8) and how many should be in each division (minimum of 3, maximum of 8). Then advise the group that they are going to be in a made-up event (because they haven’t had eight weeks of training) – the Stork Stand. (You may use any activity that will give you different times/distances within the group.) They should be in groups of two or three and one person must have a watch with a second hand. Ask each delegate to pretend to kick a ball. That is their stronger foot, and that will be in the air. They are to cross their arms, close their eyes, and stand on the weaker foot (the other should be lifted behind them). When their partner says, “Go”, they are to try to stand this way, eyes closed, without moving (no wobbling!); the partner times how many seconds the person can stand this way. The person write her name and time on a post-it note. When all have completed this task, they place their notes on one of three pieces of flip chart paper labeled (high, middle, low) – they decide where they think they fall. Then ask for volunteers to see if they have made good “divisions”. They may move the notes around to make better divisions. There should be someone who has stood for much longer than anyone else – discuss what you can do with this single person – combine in another group, have a single person division, combine with another group but award separately, etc. Explain that making good divisions can be very difficult, but that games management teams do the best they can. Then ask, “If this was a local event, and how do we handle being invited to a national event and can have three athletes participate, who should go?” If no one comes up with the rule of random draw, you should tell them (and this is one of the points that makes Special Olympics unique). You then take all the first place winners in each of the divisions of that particular event, put them in a hat, and draw three names. Make sure you explain this is not a real event and that they are not being chosen to attend a real games. Discuss why Special Olympics does this – our Games are not just competition – they are a celebration of what people can achieve, etc. The gold medal is the same for each division – each first place winner should have an equal opportunity to attend higher-level competition. Information & rules about divisioning and athlete advancement may be included in their Participants Guide to reinforce the main points in this exercise. There is no need to review these in detail, but let participants know that they may refer to the Participant Guide when they have questions about the process. 15 minutes 25 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Facts about Special Olympics Special Olympics Facts 26 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Special Olympics Facts For people with intellectual disabilities Free for athletes and their families to join For athletes 8 years and older Young Athletes Program for ages 2-7 Worldwide – Programs in nearly 170 countries Offers 32 official sports Year-round Sports training AND competition opportunities Team AND individual sports Unified Sports for people with/without ID Who can tell me some important facts about Special Olympics that you might want to share in a speech? Get answers before showing this slide. Be sure to modify this slide to reflect facts for YOUR Special Olympics Program. This information should also be put into your Participant Guide so they have it as a reference when looking for selling points to their audience. - # of Sports offered - Unified Sports® offered and what it is - Fundraisers you do - R-Word Campaigns - Unified Champion Schools - If you have a 6-7 year old Program - If you have a Motor Activities Training Program 10 minutes 27 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger Part C Welcome to Global Messenger Training Parts A, B, and C are to be used if the Program does not offer the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course. Athletes must have a basic knowledge of Special Olympics and Athlete Leadership to be effective. Parts A & C are used if athlete has been through the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course and you are conducting a Global Messenger I for the Athlete Leadership University Curriculum model. NOTE: If you are doing only A & C you should have saved slides 7, 22, 24, 27 for the Review on the next page. 28 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger Let’s Review Note 1: This is for classes who have completed the Introduction to Athlete Leader Course and only need a short review. Slides 7,22,24,27 & 29 should not be hidden Note 2: The idea is a quick review. Ask the question before the slide is shown. Athlete trainers are perfect for this section. Randomly call on each athlete to give you Who can define Athlete Leadership? – then show Slide 7 Who can share The Mission or parts of The Mission? – Then show Slide 10 Who can give at least 3 reasons why Special Olympics is unique – different from other sports organizations? Who can give 2 more reasons? – Then show Slide 24 Who can give 4 Facts about Special Olympics? Who can give 4 more Facts about Special Olympics? Then show Slide 27 Who would like to share what Special Olympics means to you? This is a GREAT warm-up activity. 6 minutes 29 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Using your Participant Guide Show your Global Messengers how to use their Participant Guide. There are certain things that Global Messengers will be expected to know and after a while you will know them by heart – like the Mission statement and the facts about Special Olympics. Other things you might have to “look up” or “research” to put them into your speech. Select items for them to “find” in their Participant Guide. Note: Participants that do not read well will need help from their Speech Coach, but you want them to learn the value of using the information in this Guide as well. 5 minutes 30 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Role of a Global Messenger Be attentive during the training Understand Special Olympics Mission and Facts Learn different ways to provide information to audience Prepare and practice a 1 to 5 minute speech Demonstrate the ability to give a public speech to different audiences with enthusiasm Maintain contact with Speech Coach and Special Olympics staff Represent Special Olympics professionally in manner and appearance Be a spokesperson of Special Olympics always Cover the topics in the slide Lecture - Explain 3 minutes 31 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Global Messengers Need to know … Mission and Facts about Special Olympics The misconceptions about Special Olympics Key Elements of Philosophy Selling points of Target Audiences Know Spread the Word to End the Word Know your Program’s Facts and structure Know how to make 5 minute presentations Global Messengers should be able to talk about Special Olympics wherever they go and to whomever they meet. Not all this information will be taught in Global Messenger, most of the information would be covered in the Introduction to Athlete Leadership Course. Add your Program’s information on your Major Fundraising events, your Program competitions, YAP, MATP, Sports offered, etc. 3 minutes 32 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Ambassadors Ambassadors for Special Olympics Are persons waiting to be trained as global messenger Need to be able to state the facts about Special Olympics Able to make eye contact and smile Meet and greet people Able to attend events and say thank you on behalf of Special Olympics Ambassadors are not necessarily Global Messengers. An Ambassador can be any of our athlete leaders that represent our Program. Ambassadors need to know as much information about Special Olympics as they can. Ambassadors Are persons waiting to be trained as Global Messenger. Are able to state the facts about Special Olympics, our mission and how we are unique. Are able to recite the athlete oath. Meet and greet people. Attend events and say “thank you” on behalf of Special Olympics. 3 minutes 33 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Elevator Speech What is it? “An elevator speech is a concise, punchy, planned description that overviews the value provided by a person or organization” It needs to be in the time it takes to ride in an elevator with a stranger. About 30 seconds. An Ambassador or Global Messenger might be asked by their Program to come to an event to just talk with people. You might be asked to do elevator speeches. An elevator speech is a concise, punchy, planned description that overviews the value provided by a person or organization. It should be about the length it takes you to ride in an elevator, which is about 30 seconds. You should be able to talk about yourself and key Special Olympics facts in 30 seconds. See next page for the Template. 2 minutes 34 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Elevator Speech Template Hello my name is _________. I am an athlete from Special Olympics __________. Part of the mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. I have been involved in Special Olympics for ___ years. The sport I am best in is _____________________ though I also compete in _____________, _____________, _____________, and _____________. I have earned ________ medals and ribbons. Special Olympics has helped me _________. And what I like most is _________. If you would like to know more about getting involved with Special Olympics you can visit our website at __________. Have each Global Messenger work with their Speech Coach for just a minute or two. Turn to Page 19 in the Participant Guide. Once again, you do not want them to have to write this information down. Have each Global Messenger get up and read through and answer each question in a flowing manner. 15 minutes 35 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Role of the Speech Coach Know your Global Messenger Support your Global Messenger Understand Special Olympics Mission and Facts Provide support as needed: not to little/too much DO NOT write speeches for your Global Messenger. Allow the Global Messengers to express themselves in their own way Provide constructive feedback to help skill development while staying positive Represent Special Olympics professionally Maintain contact with Program Office Cover the topics in the slide: “Support” here includes: helping Global Messenger write speeches (not writing them for them); research logistics of venue, schedule, dress, transportation, etc. It is strongly suggested that you send this information to your Speech Coaches before your Global Messenger training which will help put them into a more comfortable level. You will find that many of the Speech Coaches are anxious about this training as well. The more they know coming into the training, the better the training will be and the more prepared they will be. 5 minutes 36 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Speeches 37 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

What is a Speech A speech is simply telling a group of people about something that interests you and your audience. A speech is simply telling a group of people about something that interests them and their audience. 2 minutes 38 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Preparing for a Speech Why should I give a speech? Because YOU are the expert! What type of speech will I give? It depends on who you are talking to. You are the “voice” of Special Olympics. The people that you will be speaking to do not want to hear from me or even our CEO; they want to hear from you. You are the people that are most important in Special Olympics. They need to see and hear what you do. You are expert. You are credible. No one knows Special Olympics You ARE Special Olympics! OPTIONAL: Types of speeches: there are all kinds of speeches that athletes give. Refer them to their Participant Guide for this list. 1. Informative: You give information to your audience. 2. Demonstrative: Give information as well as “teach” the audience something. 3. Persuasive: You are trying to convince the audience to do something such as give us money or come out and coach. 4. Entertaining: This speech will not be given by you as a Global Messenger. It has no real purpose, except to make people laugh and enjoy the moment. 4 minutes 39 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

What’s wrong here? 6 minutes Have a guest speaker arrive to give a “sample” speech. This speech should be classically BAD! Suggestions are: coming in the room late, asking the audience who they are talking to, dressed very badly, talk about how they were rushed getting there and they forgot their notes, answer their cell phone in the middle of their speech, close it without thanking them, etc. Once the speaker has finished, give athletes an opportunity to comment on what went wrong. Then talk about what the person should have done. (Record comments on flip chart if you want.) Do NOT have this person do a long speech, the Global Messenger’s will get the picture within a couple of minutes. Stress that we don’t want to make the same mistakes, so we need to prepare. OPTIONAL: Some trainers like to do a speaker feedback (critique) here just to show the Global Messenger what it will be like during their speech. 6 minutes 40 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Speech Enhancements 1 minutes There are all kinds of ways for a Global Messenger to enhance or make his/her speeches better. 1 minutes 41 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

A Gold Medal Presentation Smile! Be Friendly & Courteous Body Language: facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, etc. Not too loud - Not too long Know your audience: what organization are you talking to Personal space: don’t stand too close Arrive on time Appropriate dress and hygiene Tools for Talks: don’t forget your script, flyers, podium banner, etc. Cover things that are necessary in presenting a good speech. Be demonstrative as you review each one. This is a great time to talk more about enhancements: The following slides (43-47) cover a variety of how to enhance your speech. If you don’t have time to use them all, then HIDE the slides you don’t have time for. These are very good activities that involve kinesthetic, visual and verbal cues which help athletes remember. 5 minutes 42 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Body Language Posture: how you stand Eye Contact Gestures Movement Facial Expression Body language is an important part of speaking. It helps to establish credibility, enhances the message, provides speakers with a means of control and helps to release any nervous energy. NOTE: Be demonstrative with these examples. Body Language: Demonstrate slumping shoulders, head down. Eye Contact makes the audience feel like you are talking directly to them. Looking Up: If you highlight it in your notes where you want to look up, it helps you not to lose your place. You can underline it, put a smiley face at the end of a sentence, color highlight it, etc. Gestures: Don’t use too many. Use gestures to emphasize a point in your speech. Only use a gesture when it means something such as Number 4, you hold 4 fingers up. OPTIONAL: Practice gestures. Have them work with their coaches on pointing, shaking their fist with anger, slapping one hand into another to emphasize a point, etc. It is OK to read from notes when giving speech. Movement – Can you walk around the room and leave your notes? See the Facial Expressions in the Participant Guide on page 22. Have the Global Messengers make a happy face, angry face, upset face, sad face, shocked face, etc. 10 minutes 43 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Vocal Variety Volume – how loud or soft you talk Pitch – how high or low your tone is Rate – how fast you talk Quality(tone) – emotion in your voice Pauses – appropriate breaks of silence Vocal variety can help to make a speech more interesting and helps to hold the audiences’ attention. Trainers should give examples of each item listed above. Ask athletes to give examples, too. 5 minutes 44 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Volume Activity: What Special Olympics Means to Me Tell a story about your favorite experience with Special Olympics without writing it down. Always start with … My name is ______, and I want to tell you: About my favorite experience with Special Olympics OR Why __________ is my favorite sport About my favorite experience with my coach One of the most important qualities of a good speaker is to be understood by the audience. It is very important to learn to adjust your voice’s volume or loudness. Speech Coaches will learn to develop hand signals to cue their Global Messengers. For this activity, have the Speech Coach go to the back of the room. Have Global Messengers work with Speech Coaches to develop some signals to use during this exercise as well as in the future. Personal stories are important when giving a speech to an audience. They want to know about you and your success and yes, even the hardships you may have gone through to get to be the person that you are today. The best way of doing that is speaking from the heart. You don’t need to write this information down; you just need to tell your story. See page 23 in Participant Guide. They must introduce themselves again, being loud enough that everyone can hear them, but not too loud. Look at their audience and to SMILE. Sometimes Global Messengers are not ready at this point to stand and talk alone; coaches can stand by them. If you have enough time: Have the Speech Coach do a VERY quick critique on what they did well and one thing to work on. This helps to get them used to it and begins the process of how they need to evaluate each time they speak and make changes for the next time. 20 minutes 45 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Word Punch Your voice is a powerful tool. By emphasizing words or the way you say something adds to your message. Practice each sentence below while you emphasize highlighted words. I was born in (your place of birth) If you are working with Athlete Trainers have them demonstrate these sentences for the group. If not, any trainer should demonstrate. Have each Global Messenger work with their Speech Coach saying each sentence. After they have done all 5 sentences, ask them if they felt that by emphasizing a different word, did it give the sentence a different kind of meaning? For example: when I emphasize place of birth, does that tell the audience that I was really proud to be from that town? Worksheet is on page 24 of the Participant Guide. 10 minutes 46 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Developing Your “Catch Line” Some examples: Special Olympics changes lives Special Olympics inspires all Special Olympics creates heroes Special Olympics celebrates differences Special Olympics provides training for life Special Olympics promotes inclusion Develop your own "Catch Line" … A "Catch Line" is something that you like to say in most of your speeches. It is a phrase that you think will grab the attention of your audience. You hope that when they leave, they will remember your "Catch Line". Have athletes and mentors take a few minutes to come up with a Catch Line that they think summarizes how they feel about Special Olympics. This is a line they will incorporate into many of their speeches from now on. Have each athlete stand and share their catch line and why they think it works for them. Here is one example of a catch line that one athlete uses: “Andy is my name, Swimming is my game, and Special Olympics is my Life.” See page 25 of the Participant Guide. 20 minutes 47 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Who you might talk to … And what they need to hear! Target Audience Who you might talk to … And what they need to hear! Recommend that you send the list of your target audiences for your Program to your Global Messengers and Coaches before the training and have them select one or two that they might want to focus on during their speech. If they select this early, then they are able to do each of the activities throughout the training specifically to this audience. It will help give them depth to their speeches. If you want diverse speeches, then you as the trainer will need to select which of the 2 audiences each Global Messenger will have. See page 43 in the Participant Guide for Target Audience Worksheet. Who knows what a Target Audience is? It is who you want to “sell” Special Olympics to. If you want to use a softball field for free you might have to talk to the city government or recreation department and “sell” them on the idea of giving you a field free of charge because Special Olympics is a good program and does not charge its athletes. Let’s look at 2 target Audiences: families and potential Athletes in group homes. 10 minutes 48 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Special Olympics Target Audience Schools (administrators, teachers, superintendent) Civic Club Members Athlete Workplace Families Potential athletes (group homes, day programs) Unified Partners (schools) Potential and/or Current Sponsors Potential Fundraising Participants Law Enforcement Torch Run Members Sport Fans Volunteers Government / Parks and Recreation Dept. (administrators/officials) Potential and/or Current Coaches This is a list of potential Target Audiences that might be encountered in public speaking. Review and edit this slide to match the markets YOUR athletes might encounter. Possible Script: Can someone tell me who needs to know about Special Olympics? Let athletes tell you all the types of people that should know about Special Olympics. All Target Audiences are in the Participant Guide. It is suggested that you do cover at least 1 slide to show your Global Messengers how to use the information within the Guide, but let them know you have main points for all of them. After reviewing the target markets on this page and showing them all the target market selling points pages, review the selling points to potential athletes and families (page 33 and 34 in Participant Guide) and give them examples of how to use them. Next have them look up their own Target Audience that they have decided to focus their speech in the Participant Guide.   Give them time to complete, then have them stand and give us the information using full sentences. If you have an Athlete Trainer with you have them read the completed sample worksheet using full sentences. If not, you read it. 5 minutes 49 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Target – Potential Athletes Learn different sports Have fun Travel out of town Learn to use community facilities Meet sports celebrities Wear uniforms Win medals and ribbons Be part of a team Compare Families slide to Potential Athletes slide and have Global Messengers tell you what is different about the selling points for each one. 5 minutes 50 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Target – Families New social avenues with the whole family New recreational opportunities with the whole family Family pride in athlete accomplishments Brothers and sisters become Unified Partners Gives the whole family self-esteem Chance for families to meet other families Chance for families to be Fans in the Stands. Selling points are items that should mean something to the audience you are speaking to. Selling points will be different for every audience. What 2 selling points are most important to you? Call on several athletes. Can some tell me what the differences are between the selling points for athlete and families? Cover the List and then show after discussion. Have them fill out the Target Audience worksheet with their Speech Coach, found on page 43 of the Participant Guide. There is an sample on page 44. 5 minutes 51 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

5W’s and an H Who: (name, age, city) What: (do you do in Special Olympics i.e. Sports, Athlete Leader) When: (do you train and complete) Where: (do you practice and compete) Why: (I like Special Olympics) How: (Can the target market get involved and make a difference) This activity will involve each Global Messenger working with their Speech Coach to come up with information that can be used when preparing speeches. The use of the 5W’s: Who, What, When, Where, Why and the How will be used in almost every speech that the Global Messengers give. The worksheet in your Participant Guide, page 45, 5W’s and an H can be used to do this activity. Have them fill out this information and let them know that they can use the information that they are writing down in the speech they will prepare AND for many of the speeches they will give from now on. They do not have to use everything every time. Make sure they understand that the 5 W’s is information about themselves and/or Special Olympics. The HOW is based around the audience. How can they get involved? Give them time to work with their Speech Coach, remind them that they have all chosen a target audience and they should keep that in mind when they are putting this together. Coaches, it helps if you write down this information in full sentences. If you have time, have each Global Messenger go to the lectern with the speech coach going to the back of the room. Remind Global Messengers to speak in full sentences and tell us about themselves. It is essential that you understand who your audience is (Target Market) and then decide what it is that they want to tell that audience. There is a worksheet on page 45 in the Participant Guide. 52 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger

Research for your Speech As a group you will select a target audience You will use your handbook to find the “selling” points for that audience Decide how you will present those ideas? Tell them; show them a video; give them a brochure What information about Special Olympics will you share? What things about yourself will you share? RESEARCH means thinking, planning and deciding what it is that you are going to write about. Things like: - Who is your target audience - What are the selling points of that audience. - How will you present it to them? Talk, show a video, make a brochure? - What Special Olympics things do they need to hear about? Mission, Facts, where the money is spent, how they get trained, etc. - What personal things about yourself do you want to share with them. If you are talking to families, do you think they might want to hear about your family and how they are involved? - What is it that you want your audience to do? Volunteer, give money, join as an athlete, etc. - HOW can they get involved? - How are you going to dress for this audience? - Do you need to take anything with you such as video, brochure, props, business cards, etc.? If you have enough time, have each Global Messenger get up and present their worksheet information. This is a sample on Page 46 in the Participant Guide for the target audience of volunteers. If you choose volunteers as your target audience, you can’t use those points. 30 minutes 53 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

How to put it all together! Parts of a Speech How to put it all together! This starts the section on how to write and deliver a good speech. 54 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Opening Body Closing Parts of a Speech 3 minutes Every speech that the Global Messenger will give MUST have an Opening, Body and Closing. There are specific things that should be covered in each section of the speech. The next slides will cover each aspect. 3 minutes 55 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Parts of a Speech Opening: Thank the person who introduced you Thank the audience for having you Tell them your name Purpose of speech: why are you there Tell them what you are going to tell them The Global Messengers have already put together many aspects of their Opening in the activities that they have done throughout this training. Thank the person that introduced you to the audience (look at them when you thank them) Thank the audience for having you come and speak with them. Tell them who you are and what organization you are with. Tell them why you are there: what you are going to talk to them about. Your opening has to be very smooth and well rehearsed. You want to catch the attention of your audience. You might want to see if your Catch Line works in the Opening in order to "Catch" their attention early. OPTIONAL Activity: Ask each athlete and Speech Coach to work together and come up with an introduction to their audience. Don’t have them write it down, just practice it with their Speech Coach several times. 5 minutes 56 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Parts of a Speech Body: (time to tell them) Your “Catch Line” if it fits here A personal story about your Special Olympics involvement The Facts of Special Olympics The Special Olympics Mission Tell the audience what you want them to do (i.e. volunteer, financial support, come to games, get more athletes involved.) Talking points for your target audience: WHY should they do what you are asking Show video, medals, etc. Be sure to not overwhelm Global Messengers with this section. Remind them that they have already written or seen all these components. Putting them together in an organized manner that is natural for the athlete to deliver is the most important assignment here. Emphasize the Selling Points on WHY their audience should do what they are asking. The "Catch Line" can really go anywhere in the speech depending on what it is! Opening to grab their attention, Body to spice things up, or Closing to leave that thought in their minds before you close. 5 minutes 57 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Who Am I Your Personal Story I have _____ people in my family. I love to ____________. I do not like having to ______________. A recent event that I just got done doing was ____________________. In my free time I enjoy _____________. Part of writing a speech is about sharing a small part of yourself with your audience. As Global Messengers, they will be taught that this aspect MAY be part of their speech. This worksheet should be in their Participant Guide. Give them a minute or two to speak with their Speech Coach on how they will answer these questions. We DO NOT want them to write them in the worksheet; they need to be able to speak about things freely without a script. Each Global Messenger stands and reads/fills in the blank. At the end, reinforce that these are the kind of things they may share in the Body part of their speeches. See page 48 in the Participant Guide. 15 minutes 58 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Parts of a Speech Closing: time to tell them what you told them Remind the audience what you want them to do Tell them HOW they can get involved. Give material if appropriate. Ask if anyone has questions Thank them for inviting you and learning how you can ___________. For more information you can go to our website at _______________. You are in the Closing part of the speech. You need to tell the audience what you want from them and HOW they can do it. It is always good to ask your audience if they have any questions. If you brought things to give out, you tell them where they can pick them up. If you are asking them to sign up, tell them how to sign up. Thank them for asking you to come and talk about whatever you are there to talk about and that you hope to see them again. Remind them that sometimes it is good to leave them with their Catch Line. Review “Tools for Talks” and how they can help sell your speech (page 50 in Participant Guide). And then review Getting Ready for a Presentation Checklist (page 51 in Participant Guide). Let’s put it all together now. Look at page 49 in your Participant Guide and let’s review what goes into the Opening, Body and Closing of your speech. 5 minutes 59 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Guest VIP 7 minutes 60 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1 Demonstration of 5-minute speech by current Global Messenger   Give these instructions to the Global Messenger making speech or your PR Chairman or PR Staff Person. Speech will happen at the end of day 1 training, right before the new Global Messengers begin to develop their speeches for presentation the next day. The Trainer will say: _______________________ is going to demonstrate what your speech should sound like tomorrow. I am going to provide feedback on the speech so you have an idea of what that will be like tomorrow as well. After you speak: That was terrific ______________________. Here is feedback on your speech? Global Messenger: You will need to develop a 5-minute speech on Who you are, What Special Olympics is and what it means to you and your family, why you continue with Special Olympics and most important your message will be to Donors and what you want them to do. You will need to write out this speech completely in order to practice, practice, practice. Make sure you are close to 5 minutes in length, and then you can write out your NOTES (such as bullet points) for the speech anyway that you want to for your presentation . Please make sure you put your notes in a 3-ring binder. Make sure you have: Opening: Thank whoever is introducing you, Thank the audience for letting you come; give your name and tell the audience why you are talking to them. Body: Information about yourself, information about Special Olympics (Mission for sure), what Special Olympics means to you and your family, why you continue to stay in Special Olympics and then tell them what you want them to do for Special Olympics (for this speech, donating to us and why they should). Closing/Conclusion: Remind them of what you what them to do, tell them HOW they can do it, see if they have any questions, and thank them. Review page 49-50-51 in the Participant Guide. 7 minutes 60 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Your First Speech Choose your audience Identify what you would like to tell them Write a 1-5 minute speech Using Opening, Body, and Closing Practice speech You should build into your schedule at least one to one and a half hours to build and practice their speeches. Explain the rest of the process: are they writing their speech, practicing, giving their speech, etc. Review the DAY and what they need to do next. Use pages 49-50-51 of the Participant Guide to help review your speech structure and tips. Identify their target audience again. Remind them of what you expect to see in their speeches and how long it should be. Practice, Practice, Practice. 75 mins. (1 day) 90 mins. (2 day) 61 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Speech Time Feedback How did you think you did? How did you feel? After each speech, it is best to by asking athletes to provide POSITIVE feedback on the speech. “What did the speaker do well?” It is NOT recommended that you have the audience tell them what they need to improve on. This should only be done by a trainer or Speech Coach. Use page 53 in the Participant Guide to give written feedback helping athletes see visually what “tips” they should keep in mind of “what makes a good speech.” After the audience feedback, constructive feedback can then be delivered by the trainers. This should be followed with concluding remarks that are positive and encouraging for each speaker. It is suggested that you have at least 4 things that are positives and only give 1 thing they need to work on. On rare occasions, you can give 2 if it is absolutely necessary. This is what they will remember from your training … so make sure it is upbeat. OPTION #2: If you have time, have each Global Messenger give their speech without videotaping. Give the feedback. When everyone is done, then you will have each Global Messenger give their speech again this time videotaping it. 90 minutes 62 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Next Steps Back Home 3 minutes What do you think you need to do when you get back home. Wait for answers. Meet with your Program; do a speech for them. Ask Management Team that you need to give speeches in the future. Best Way to Contact Decision on Business Cards or not. Make your plan for speeches. Go to page 54 in the Participant Guide and fill in what you are going to do. 3 minutes 63 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Practicum Form Review 3 minutes Review all parts of the form with Global Messengers and Speech Coaches. Fill out the top part. Be sure they understand all the criteria. Turn to page 54 in the Participant Guide. 3 minutes 64 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Training Feedback What are two things you learned from this training? Please complete the Global Messenger Training Feedback Form before you leave At this point it is good to have mentors go with one instructor/Program staff member to receive instruction about follow up activities and to receive any supplies, additional information or suggestions that the Program offices may want to share. Athletes can go with another instructor/staff member to address the questions above or your own training feedback. It is up to the Program to determine whether to do this as a written exercise or with the facilitator taking notes. Review forms are on page 55 of the Participant Guide and complete before leaving. 10 minutes 65 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Closing Ceremonies 30 minutes Most Programs do a Closing Ceremonies after the speeches. You may want to give out 1 or more: (suggested items) Certificate of Participation, NOT completion, to each participant: May choose to wait till completion after Practicum Form is received. Global Messenger polo shirt to wear on all their presentations: can give Global Messengers one color and Speech Coaches another Business Cards: recommend you do not allow Global Messengers to put their own personal information on here. You might set up a Gmail account they can have access to. Put Program office and/or speech coach information here. Briefcase to carry speeches/tools in OR Portfolio. Podium Banner (should try to give each Global Messenger one) for the sake of branding correctly. Take pictures of the Global Messengers separately and as a group. 30 minutes 66 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1

Thank you for being such wonderful Speakers and Coaches Thank you for all of your efforts! 67 | Athlete Leadership - Global Messenger 1 67 | Athlete Leadership – Global Messenger 1