Question: How do we generate map products within WasserBLIcK ?


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Presentation transcript:

Question: How do we generate map products within WasserBLIcK ? Discussion of the properties of WasserBLIcK in the context of WISE Geodata: WasserBLIcK concept <> COM approach Question: How do we generate map products within WasserBLIcK ? Answer: In line with the recommondations of the EC GIS Guidance document ! Question: Will WISE present map products? Answer: to be discussed ?

4.1.1 Geometric Harmonisation of Data The problem: 4.1.1 Geometric Harmonisation of Data (GIS-GD, 4.1.1)

We strongly recommend to prepare a fully connected network: 4.1.1 Geometric Harmonisation of Data (GIS-GD) We strongly recommend to prepare a fully connected network: - The connection at the borders should be under responsibility of the Member States. - The cartographic generalisation of data should be done at the level of the Member States. - The use of common political boundaries (e.g., SABE) as well as of a European common layer for a coastline is strongly recommended in order to support the geometric harmonisation in the border areas. The Result: a common geometry

The adoption of the option “Agreement on a 4.1.1 Geometric Harmonisation of Data (GIS-GD) The adoption of the option “Agreement on a common geometry at the beginning of the implementation phase” is recommended because: - it makes it possible to adopt a de-centralized solution in the future (in fact harmonization is a prerequisite to do it) - it makes it possible to have a full coherent picture of the European status (same data at European and National level), and - in the long-term it is saving costs (the initial investment to agree on a common geometry will be recovered by the lower costs of updating and maintenance).

It is recommended to use seamless harmonized 4.1.1 Geometric Harmonisation of Data (GIS-GD) It is recommended to use seamless harmonized reference data in order to facilitate the vertical integration. The availability of such data is addressed and specifically perceived a as priority under INSPIRE. ....... Until this happens other European reference data (such as EuroGlobalMap (1:1.000.000), EuroRegioMap (1:250.000) if available, or IMAGE2000) could be used as European reference for the thematic information and to support the vertical integration.

WasserBLIcK concept WasserBLIcK-community has to stand two rules. The use of 1. Common geometries for background data (reference data: administrative boundaries, coastal line, cities) 2. Common geometries for River basin district boundaries

WasserBLIcK concept 1. Common background data We choose EuroGlobalMap (EGM) as the common background data because - it is administrated by appropriate center - it is well documented - and it presents a digital landscape model (including administrative boundaries, coastal line, cities, hydrography,...)

COM approach Project Name: 13243 WFD Framework Title: GIS Workshop / Brussels Date: 15/11/2004 John Cima Statements from the project notes: - The DG Environment is not promoting the use of a common system or data set but intends to use a central system (possibly based on CCM) which will be able to use national data sets. - In this respect, Member States will not be required to reference their 2005 submissions against the CCM. - The CCM dataset does not have to be used by Member States. - The DG Environment has decided to use the CCM to meet their short-term requirements to support analysis of the Reporting Submissions for 2005. - The DG Environment will improve the existing CCM data set to meet the DG Environment short term reporting requirements.

COM approach Title: GIS Workshop / Brussels Date: 04/06/2004 Background paper: Technical Challenges of Using the CCM Dataset Member States define water bodies in different ways and at different scales. The main technical challenge is how to relate these water bodies to what is displayed on the map so that the feature on the map can be used to access the data for the corresponding water bodies. Another key issue is how to symbolize the map features to reflect the status of the water bodies and the pressures and impacts acting upon them. These issues will arise regardless of the choice for the common dataset.

COM approach Title: GIS Workshop / Brussels Date: 04/06/2004 Background paper: Technical Challenges of Using the CCM Dataset For example consider the following example. Fig 1 displays the common dataset feature at 1:250000. Fig 2 displays the more detailed water bodies held at a larger scale by the Member State.

CCM River and Catchment Database towards Version 2.0 Presentation by Jürgen Vogt CCM River and Catchment Database towards Version 2.0 ........ is a tool for environmental research and monitoring at medium to small scales. is intended to support scenario analysis (cause-effect relationships). is NOT intended for replacing mapping products. Its goals are very different from mapping. Joint Research Centre European Commission Institute for Environment and Sustainability Soil and Waste Unit

WISE starting page

WISE Map view

WISE Map view

WasserBLIcK Map WISE Map

WasserBLIcK Map WISE Map 1:250 000 WasserBLIcK Map WISE Map 1:500 000

EuroGlobalMap (EGM) background data

CCM in the context of WFD reporting Discussion of the properties of WasserBLIcK in the context of WISE Geodata: WasserBLIcK concept <> COM approach CCM in the context of WFD reporting, discussion thesis: The improvement of CCM requires too much work in order to meet short-term reporting requirements. For the MS the dimension of work for coding is unpredictable. (How will the concept look like? How can this approach deal with data updates?...) The WasserBLIcK concept of exclusively using MS data needs less work for the MS for harmonisation. The WasserBLIcK approach meets all necessary requirements for WFD reporting information (mapping) services and compliance checking. The WasserBLIcK concept on geo data meets the long term requirements in terms of INSPIRE.