Step0. Plan HTP Experiment Verify scope of work, consult with HTP group Develop field design and polygon shp files Step1. Collect HTP Data Avenger prep, meta notes and data collection Download raw data from data logger Data storage and backup Step3. Quality Control, geospatial Overlay csv file with plot polygons (QC1) Output csv file trimmed data for analysis Step2. Custom Processing Pipeline Merge sensor, IMU, GPS data, calculate UTM coordinates Output csv file georeferenced sensor points Pipeline becomes dependent on experimental design and questions being asked in the experiment Step4. Quality Control, statistical Import and merge GIS and fieldbook files Identify and remove outliers (QC2) Output graphs and outlier removed data Step5. Custom Statistical Analysis Calculate sensor and plot means Generate growth curves Cultivar comparison Multi-trait correlations
Data files and photos moved to HTP Server Tractor captures data Data files and photos moved to HTP Server Data from files is loaded into Database using web tool. Original files remain intact SQL Server Database Full – Last Saturday of month @ 6:10 AM Weekly – Fridays @ 6:00 PM HTP Server backup up to tape (Weekly) IT (Automated) Database is backed up to HTP Server. BAK file. IT (Automated) Full DB – Friday 11:00 PM Daily Diff – Mon-Thurs 11:00 PM Trans Log – Daily/Hourly/7:00-5:00 AM