Bill Forsyth Brandywine CAD Design, Inc. Using GIS with AutoCAD to Develop Plans for Water Main Replacement Projects Chesapeake Section American Water Works Association Annual Conference August 12, 2009 Good morning everyone. Thanks for your interest in my presentation “Using GIS with AutoCAD to Develop Plans for Water Main Replacement Projects”. My name is Bill Forsyth, I’m employed by Brandywine CAD Design in Wilmington, DE, and I have been providing GIS and AutoCAD support to Aqua Pennsylvania (Aqua PA) for the past three years. Bill Forsyth Brandywine CAD Design, Inc. BRANDYWINE CAD DESIGN INC.
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Project Objectives Measure the time saved by manually exporting selected Aqua PA GIS features to AutoCAD as the first step in developing detailed plans for water main replacement projects, instead of creating those features from scratch in AutoCAD Measure the time saved by using a model of the geo-processing steps created with ModelBuilder Measure the time saved by making the model available to AutoCAD users via a web map service August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Aqua America, Inc. – Bryn Mawr, PA Aqua America’s predecessor, Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. (Aqua PA), was founded as the Springfield Water Company on January 4, 1886 when a group of Swarthmore College professors was granted a charter to supply water to the residents of Springfield Township, Delaware County. Today, Aqua America provides water and wastewater services to approximately 3 million people in 13 states and continues to grow its operations through acquisitions. August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Aqua PA Southeastern Division BUCKS BERKS MALVERN QUAD MONTGOMERY Plate XX-21 PHILADELPHIA Plates were created in the 1950’s and based on USGS 24K quads (72 plates per USGS quad) Quad and plates are stored in GCS_North_American_1983 geographic coordinate system and projected in PA State Plane 2009 - 793 plates Service Territory 5 Suburban counties 157 municipalities CHESTER DELAWARE Aqua PA Plate System Based on USGS 24K quads Projected in PA State Plane South August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Aqua PA’s Water Main Replacement Program Aqua PA’s Southeastern Division water system contains approximately 4,300 miles of water mains, including many cement and cast iron mains installed between 1900 and 1950 Approximately 120 water main replacement projects are completed each year, replacing approximately 120 miles of main A tool was developed for use with GIS to help select main replacement projects August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 GIS Project Selection Tool The main replacement selection tool was developed by ESRI for Aqua PA using the specifications provided by GeoDataModelers, the GIS consultant that designed Aqua PA’s GIS. As each main is selected a 50’ buffer is being created; the cumulative length of selected pipe is displayed along with an estimated project cost based on average cost/ft. The main replacement project shown is approx 3,300’ SELECTION CRITERIA Cement mains Cast iron mains installed before 1951 (unlined) Number of main breaks Is main on a state road? Has the road been re-paved in the past 5 years? August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Developing a Plan in AutoCAD An estimator performs a walk-down of the project area using a measuring wheel and provides notes to the drafting manager A drafter uses a variety of source material to develop a plan in AutoCAD Generally from scratch because there are no AutoCAD plans for water mains installed before the availability of AutoCAD Hydrant Plan 1972 Estimator walk-down notes The estimator identifies which side of road will be used for the baseline, and starting point (0), and notes each significant feature, its distance along the baseline and distance right or left of the baseline The AutoCAD drafter uses the estimator’s notes along with existing main extension plans in PDF format, the current GIS plate in PDF format, existing hydrant plans in PDF format, PA One-Call System documentation for the project area, in hardcopy format, orthophoto(s) of the project area in electronic format, and Google Map for available street-level views August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Orthophoto of project area August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Google Map Street Views August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Completed Main Replacement Plan - Detail Existing mains Proposed mains Mains to be abandoned Other utilities, mains and poles Fire hydrants Valves Macadam roadways & curbs Utility right-of-ways Manholes Storm Inlets Houses with addresses Annotation Dimensions The construction crew relies on PA One Call markings more than the AutoCAD plan. An inspector will make pencil notes on the plan of corrections and actual dimensions An as-built drawing incorporates the foreman’s notes and corrections The real value of a highly-detailed plan is to the crew that needs to fix a water main break at 3 AM in the middle of winter August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Project Sequence Select a pilot main replacement project Identify the GIS features and annotation for export Create one AutoCAD plan with no GIS input Create a second AutoCAD plan with features exported from GIS Measure the time saved by exporting features from GIS Use ModelBuilder to build a model of the geo-processing steps in step 4 Measure the time saved by executing the model Make the model available to the AutoCAD drafters via an ArcServer web map service Measure the time saved by using the web map service August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Identify the GIS features and annotation for export Road centerlines Will eliminate the need to draw road centerlines from scratch Road name annotation Will eliminate the need to type road names Extension and Plan annotation Will eliminate the need to type extension and plan numbers Hydrants GIS point feature will be converted to AutoCAD FH block and act as an anchor for hydrant annotation Hydrant annotation Will eliminate the need to type hydrant ID, plan, and average pressure Will eliminate the need to look up average hydrant pressure August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Create one AutoCAD plan with no GIS input Insert orthophoto as background image Draw road centerlines Type road names Type extension and plan numbers using plate as a reference Insert FH block for each fire hydrant Look up hydrant average pressure (PSI) in AIMS Type hydrant ID, plan and PSI for each hydrant Pilot project time using AutoCAD: 46 minutes Mains and valves will not be exported because it will take as much or more time to correct their placement in AutoCAD as it will to draw them from scratch August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Create a second AutoCAD plan with features exported from GIS Use ArcCatalog to create a personal geodatabase for the project For storage of selected GIS features Will facilitate creation of annotation for the selected features without affecting data in the main database Use ArcInfo to select and export features from main database to personal geodatabase Road Centerlines Includes attribute for road name annotation Extension polygons (5’ buffer of main) Includes attributes for extension & plan annotation Hydrant point features Includes attributes for hydrant annotation August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Prepare GIS annotation for export Edit features in the personal geodatabase Open Layer Properties for each feature that will require annotation and identify the field(s) and expression for each label, e.g., The expression for Hydrants is: "FH "& [HYDRANT_ID] &vbnewline& [AIMS_PLAN_GIS] &vbnewline& [AVG_PRESSURE] &" PSI“ With the resulting label being: FH 27-9 G8413 73 PSI Convert labels to annotation and store as features in the personal geodatabase August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Export to AutoCAD 1. Open Toolbox 3. Select Input Features 2. Export to CAD 4. Select Output Type 5. Select Output File 6. Check Append 7. Click OK August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Final preparation of AutoCAD drawing Use AutoCAD Express Tools Convert Text to Mtext command to convert hydrant annotation to multi-line text Insert the relevant orthophoto(s) Pilot project time using GIS and AutoCAD: 23 minutes Pilot project time using AutoCAD : 46 minutes Measure the time saved: 23 minutes Using GIS to export selected features to AutoCAD saves 50% of the time it would take to create the same features manually in AutoCAD August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Automate the geo-processing steps with ModelBuilder GIS CAD This is a subset of the model that would be built to automate the process User selects project GIS Location Query to select features Export GIS features to CAD August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 Make the model available through a web map service An AutoCAD drafter will be able to execute the GIS model via the map service with an estimated execution time of one minute The process will be repeatable with consistent results The estimated average time saved per project will be 45 minutes Estimated Annual Time Savings 120 projects x 45 mins/project = 90 man/hrs per year Questions? Contact info: Bill Forsyth August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009
Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009 References Dawn of the Replacement Era, Reinvesting in Drinking Water Infrastructure A Study Sponsored by the AWWA Water Industry Technical Fund, May 2001 How To: Create CAD files from ArcGIS 9.x feature classes with the ArcInfo Export To CAD tool How To: Create AutoCAD block inserts with attributes from ArcGIS point features ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 Help – An overview of models Authoring and Deploying Fast Web Maps Don Kuehne GIS CAD Interoperability blog August 14, 2009 Copyright Brandywine CAD Design, Inc 2009