Arizona Western College Assessment for Administrative Departments Part 2 Workshop Objectives Enter collected evidence of assessments and notate the findings in your assessment plan. Evaluate the findings and measures utilized and document recommended strengths, weaknesses, and/or proposed changes regarding the measures. Formulate an action plan to improve teaching, learning, and/or services based on the assessment plan findings. Complete and submit your assessment plan.
Finishing an assessment plan in Tk20 Using the Firefox browser, go to Log into Tk20 with your AWC username and password.
Entering measure results in Tk20 Step 1: Click on the ‘Planning’ link in the left side menu. Step 2: Click on ‘Assessment Planning’ box in the center of the screen. Step 3: Click on ‘Assessment planning’ and then on Plan Data Entry. Select your department from the organization drop down. A list of the departmental goals you identified should appear.
Step 4: Add measure results by clicking on the outcome or goal you wish to enter results for.
Step 5: Enter the results for each of your measures in the ‘Measure Results’ textbox(es). Results can be entered as they are obtained, at the end of a semester, or the end of the academic year. Assessment plans are due on June 30th each year. Scroll down the page to click on ‘Yes’ at the bottom of the page to confirm you are finished entering the data for the Measures tab for that outcome.
After indicating that the data entry is complete for the measures tab, you can continue entering the information for the outcome/goal you just entered results for by clicking on the remaining assessment plan tabs (Results, Analysis, Recommendations, Actions) across the top of your plan. The next several slides will guide you through filling out the remaining assessment tabs. If you click on ‘Save’ at the bottom of the measures page you will be taken back to the list of outcomes/goals for your assessment plan. That’s ok! Just click on the outcome/goal to go back in so you can finish entering the plan information in the remaining tabs. NOTE: When you have entered the information in each of the tabs and you have indicated that the data collection for each tab is complete, click on ‘Save’. That outcome/goal, on the main page, will then show that the assessment plan tabs for that particular outcome/goal have been completed:
Step 6: Results. Because you should have results for more than one measure, the Results tab allows you to enter the overall findings for each outcome/goal. On this tab you are able to indicate whether or not the outcome/goal was met, not met, or partially met and if any further action is planned. Once you are finished entering all of the results, click ‘Yes’ at the bottom of the page to confirm you are finished entering the data for the Results tab for this outcome/goal.
Step 7: Analysis. The analysis sections provides the plan administrator an opportunity to reflect on the strengths and/or weaknesses of the measures used for the assessment. When you are finished entering your analysis, click ‘Yes’ at the bottom of the page to confirm you are finished entering the data for the Analysis tab.
Step 8: Recommendations Step 8: Recommendations. Considering the overall results of the outcome/goal in question, as well as the analysis of the measures utilized, what recommendations do you have to make improvements in student learning and/or services? Once you are finished entering your recommendations, click ‘Yes’ at the bottom of the page to confirm you are finished entering the data for the Recommendations tab.
Step 9: Actions. Identify the actions you intend to take to improve learning, teaching, and/or services as well as the responsible person or group, a target date for implementing the changes, and any resources necessary to implement the changes. When you are finished entering your recommended actions and responsible party, click ‘Yes’ at the bottom of the page to confirm you are finished entering the data for the Actions tab.
Step 10: Submit. Once you have checked ‘Yes’ to each ‘data entry complete’ field at the bottom of each form (Measures, Results, Analysis, Recommendations, Actions) your plan information for that outcome/goal will be submitted and the status of that outcome/goal should change from ‘Not Complete’ to ‘Complete’. When all of your outcome/goals show complete, the assessment plan is complete.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed an assessment plan! If you have any questions regarding the quality of your assessment plan check your plan information against the assessment plan rubrics on the Assessment and Program Review website: Individuals who submit well developed assessment plans and demonstrate closing the assessment loop may be awarded the Excellence in Assessment Award. Everyone is eligible! The recipients of the awards are listed each year in the Annual Assessment Report. Check out last year’s report to see who earned an award:
Questions? Problems? If you have questions, run into any problems, or just need a little more guidance, please contact the Assessment and Program Review Office Monday through Thursday, 7am-5pm. Brenda Ellis, Assessment Specialist- 928-344-7651 Elaine Groggett, Director of Assessment, Program Review, Curriculum and Articulation – 928-317-6043