Making your day a little easier Tips for the new user Making your day a little easier
Development Manager @ 360 Visibility & Microsoft MVP Soren Klemmensen Development Manager @ 360 Visibility & Microsoft MVP
Freezepanes Freeze the left most columns on a list
Quick Entry Improve your data entry speed and efficiency
Quick Entry Improve your data entry speed and efficiency
Quick Entry Works with Improve your data entry speed and efficiency ENTER Not with TAB
Workdate Change your work date if you are working in the past Especially handy when you close a month or a year and you work on 12/31 even thought it is now January 9th
Date shortcuts Dates are something everyone have to select all the time. Here are some great shortcuts that are worth to remember. Type Result T or t Today’s date W or w Working Date m, tu, we, th, f, sa, su Days of the week m5 or m-5 5th Monday of the calendar year 5 or 05 The fifth of the current month and year 1005 or 105 or 10/5 The fifth of October current year
Date filter shortcuts Dates are something everyone have to select all the time. Here are some great shortcuts that are worth to remember. Type Result cm+1d-1m..t Current Month to Date Y Current year range P1 Current Accounting Period P1..P3 Current Accounting Period 1 to 3
Shortcut Keys Stop using the mouse and become mush more efficient Key Action ESC Close Window or undo data Entry Home or Ctrl + Left Arrow Move to the first field on a line End or Ctrl + Right Arrow Move to the last field on a line Ctrl + Home Move to the first record in a list Ctrl + End Move to the last record in a list Ctrl + Delete Delete a record Tab Move to the next field Enter Move to next quick entry field Alt + Enter Move to next Quick Entry w/o opening dropdown Ctrl + Enter Ok
Shortcut Keys Key Action F1 Help for current field with focus F2 Edit Move the cursor a list filter field F4 or Alt + Arrow down Opens lookup dialog for Drop-down field F5 Refresh active window (great to clear an error) F6 Navigate focus to the next frame F7 Display Statistics F8 Copy the field above when in a list view F9 / Shift + F9 Post / Post & Print F10 or Alt Display access keys on the menu bar
Shortcut Keys Key Action Alt + F2 Toggle to display / hide fact boxes Filter to the field with focus in the list view Alt + F6 Collapse or expand the active frame or fast tab Alt + Left Arrow Go to the previous window in the navigation history Alt + Right Arrow Go to the next window in the navigation history Ctrl + Alt + F1 Open About This Page on a subpage
System Indicator Have you ever wondered if you are in the right database and company?
Watch out for filters Filters are powerful tools but can also trick you. Any one that knows what the difference is between these?
Save Views Looking for the same things over and over again? Sales orders with you as the sales person!
Customizing …
How to open different profiles Most of us only have one user, but if we are to help others we need to work using their profile. How to do that? -Language:1033 -Profile:“BOOKKEEPER” "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe" –Language:1033 -Profile:"BOOKKEEPER"
Batch configuration Most of us only have one user, but if we are to help others we need to work using their profile. How to do that? -Language:1033 -Profile:“BOOKKEEPER” -Configure "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe" -Configure -Language:1033 -Profile:"BOOKKEEPER"
Show as Chart!
Add Charts
Create Generic Charts
Web Services ODATA / SOAP Expose Data in NAV represented by Pages, Queries or Codeunits Permissions still rule Make your data work for you. PowerPivot Power BI Or any other consumer of data
Creating and Running Hyperlinks Copy Link to Page dynamicsnav://localhost:7046/NAV/CRONUS%20International%20Ltd./runpage?page=22&mode=View Read more here:
Step Recorder It is frustrating for all parties when something is not clear. It is time consuming to create clear reproduction scenario's, but also costly when some one resolves an issue that did not exist. From a developers point of view: How do I know I fixed it if I cannot reproduce it in the first place? + psr.exe
Development Manager @ 360 Visibility & Microsoft MVP Thank you Soren Klemmensen Development Manager @ 360 Visibility & Microsoft MVP Blog: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @sorenklemmensen