Redistributing Funds & Large Scale Award Set-up Center Quarterly Administrator Meeting Josh Richards, Assistant Grants Officer OSR 08/26/2015
Redistributed Chart-Strings: Proposal Stage Overview Award Set-up: OSR Process Overview Redistributed Chart-Strings: Proposal Stage New and Continuation Awards
Award Set-up
OSR receives award New Award Set-up -GO/Info Team identifies & reviews proposal record. -Email sent notifying GO/GA of award. -Award is evaluated for readiness to be set-up. Have all pre-appropriation requirements been met? Revised budget/Redistribution budgets. IRB/ACUC protocols. FCOI determination.
Grants Assistant performs data entry in InfoEd New Award Set-up Grants Assistant performs data entry in InfoEd Data entry required in the: Summary page Sponsor page Awards summary page Award detail page F&A page Cost sharing page (if applicable) Terms and conditions page GA also creates a subproject for each chart string needed. Documents are uploaded to the institutional electronic filing system OnBase, then notification that the data entry is complete and ready for approval is sent to the GO.
GO checks and approves data entry. New Award Set-up GO checks and approves data entry. GO will check all the fields where GA entered data. GO notifies Info Team of approval and that interface with NUFinancials can be completed. Info Team QA checks the record, and then interfaces with NUFinancials Once interface is completed GA is notified. Interface can only happen once, this is especially important regarding subprojects. Subprojects should be established in InfoEd before interface. note
New Award Set-up Next the GA completes data entry in NUFs. -The InfoEd/NUFinancials interface does not capture all required information, for example manual data entry is required for: Assigning PI as project manager & adding RADM Activity end date Terms and Conditions tab Certain budget line items -After data entry is completed, GA finalizes the budget and the chart-string is established. -Lastly, the GA creates the Project Account Summary and distributes the award mailing. Note when adding new chart-string post interface all data entry must be done manually
New Award Set-up GO – Reviews and approves in InfoEd OSR receives award GO / Info Team - Review and identify proposal record GA - Data entry in InfoEd GO – Reviews and approves in InfoEd Info Team - QA checks & interface with NUFinancials GA - Data entry in NUFinancials GA - Generates PAS & sends award mailing Info Team –Final QA check
Continuation Award Set-up Outyear trigger (e.g., tickler) GA - Data entry in InfoEd Info Team - QA checks GA - Data entry in NUFinancials GA - Generates PAS & sends award mailing Info Team –Final QA check Trigger: Tickler if we get money up front and do not expect any continuation NOA GA data entry in IE reduced because outyears are setup in Y1 (checks data entry for accuracy, updates as necessary. NUFs data entry reduced (might need to adjust award # for continuations, otherwise main thing is adjusting dates and entering budget info. Discuss challenges of large scale projects. Discuss award workflow
Redistributed Chart-Strings
Proposal Stage: Redistributed Chart-Strings: Proposal Stage No redistribution budget is required at proposals stage; however, we do ask that you indicate the future need for multiple chart-strings on the proposal routing form:
Redistributed Chart-Strings: Award Stage Process Overview - New Awards Indication has been received that the project has been selected for funding Time to start thinking about how and to whom funds will be distributed. Award is received Redistribution information needs to be provided to OSR for appropriation. OSR reviews/appropriates redistribution budget OSR sends notes as applicable, once any corrections are made moves on to appropriation. Award mailings are distributed Process Overview - Continuation Awards Next budget period is upcoming Typically at this stage the redistribution budget should be created and finalized based on the anticipated funding amount. Redistribution budget provided to OSR. OSR sends notes as applicable, once any corrections are made moves on to appropriation (adding new subprojects as applicable). Note here that ESPR isn’t perfectly designed for these sorts of requests. Don’t try to use the table for any more than 2 chart strings, attach a spreadsheet instead.
Redistributed Chart-Strings: Award Stage Q. What does OSR need to facilitate the creation of these chart-strings? When a new award comes in that will require redistributed chart-strings, OSR will need a redistribution budget that outlines how funding is to be allocated across each project. The information we need to know is as follows: Who the PI will be on each subproject. A line item breakdown of how funding is to be allocated for each subproject. Please provide a spreadsheet that includes all of this information together (preferably with totals) to facilitate an efficient and effective review by OSR. Q. How should the redistribution information be provided to OSR, over email or through the Electronic Sponsored Projects Request System (ESPR)? A. Typically this information should be provided through ESPR using the “Revised Budget for an Award” request type. Because OSR will need to review the proposed redistribution the earlier this information can be routed the better. Note here that ESPR isn’t perfectly designed for these sorts of requests. Don’t try to use the table for any more than 2 chart strings, attach a spreadsheet instead.
Redistributed Chart-Strings: Award Stage Q. We know that Professor Jane Doe will need a chart-string starting in year 2, should we include her in the year 1 distribution budget? Yes, if you know that an additional chart-string will be needed in the future, please include this information. Q. We provided a redistribution budget to OSR that more accurately reflects anticipated spending and doesn’t cross any re-budgeting thresholds, but we were asked to bring the budgets as a whole in line with the submitted/approved budget, why? It’s important that the funding be allocated in NUFinancials generally in line with The approved budget to establish an accurate baseline from which to track deviations from the approved budget as they relate to re-budgeting restrictions. So while it’s not necessarily ideal, re-budgeting (outside of relatively small changes) should occur after the initial appropriation. If, however, you know that re-budgeting will be required that needs sponsor approval, please notify OSR as early as possible.
Redistributed Chart-Strings: Award Stage Q. Do we need to provide redistribution information for anticipated outyears? No, but you should be prepared to submit revised budget ESPR requests annually. Q. We aren’t sure where we want to redistribute all of the funds, can we have some funding placed into restricted account codes? Typically, no. The funds should be fully distributed to the greatest extent possible. Our project has cash cost sharing committed, can we distribute this to multiple chart-strings? No, cost sharing should generally only be allocated to the main chart-string.
OSR-Evanston Quarterly Network 8/31/15 Please join the Office for Sponsored Research-Evanston for our next Quarterly Network meeting on Monday, August 31st, from 10:00am-11:30am in the Ruan Conference Room (Lower Level of Chambers Hall; 600 Foster Street in Evanston). Agenda for the meeting: From the Desk of the Director Kelly Morrison, OSR-Evanston Interim Director Pre- and Post-Award Cost Sharing: An Overview Josh Richards, Assistant Grants Officer ESPRtise: Setting Up Your Post-Award Request for Success Lauren Keating, Grants Assistant Rebecca Wee, Assistant Grants Officer Info Team Update Kim Griffin, Director for Electronic Research Administration InfoEd Upgrade & Award Workflow Sara Krentz, Business Systems Analyst OnBase Project & Web Survey Melissa Mizwa, Project Administrator