Scheduling Activities
If all gender/age categories report at the same time Example: Badminton Mixed Doubles: All age groups 9:00am Events>>Manage Events Edit the Event to schedule
If all gender/age categories report at the same time, only 1 age/gender category must be entered. This day/time will default for ALL participants
If any gender/age categories report at different times Events>>Manage Events Edit the Event to schedule Example Badminton: Singles: Females-2:15 pm; Males-3:15 pm Doubles: Females-12:00pm; Males-12:45 pm
If ANY participants report at different times, ALL age/gender categories must be entered. i.e. if men and women play on different days…this is how the schedule should look…see next slide for quick entry tip
Edit days/times for multiple age groups Administration>>Events Admin>>Event Dates>>Select Sports or Arts
Add new or edit the age category
Update fields as needed and Save now when you are on the screen shown on Slide 5…all the age categories needed will appear as a drop down