Unit 13 – Two websites worksheet. Task 1 By Bartosz Cichy
You have been asked to explain the uses and features of two websites: Amazon.co.uk Bbc.co.uk Table 1: Website Part of website Use Feature Amazon The search bar Used for searching purposes on the website Allows you to easily find items you’d like to buy Basket Used to place your orders in one place Allows you to put chosen items in one place A slide show Usually used to advertise latest products Displays products at the first point BBC The weather It allows you to check the weather in your local area It will automatically show up with your local weather and will update itself automatically also Sign in/Register Allows you to choose what you’d like to view on the website Shop by Department Used to search between specific sections It makes shopping and searching for items much easier and faster as everything is located in different areas The ‘white space’ Allows you to see the information more clearly and easily find what you’re looking for Makes the text easier to read which helps your eyes as they don’t get tired very quickly
Table 2: Website Feature Improvement Description Amazon.co.uk Shop by Department Presentation This makes the website much easier to navigate and makes it faster to use as it looks tidy and clear to everyone. It makes the website looks nice. The search bar Usability The search bar will make shopping much easier as you don’t have to go through every single item to find what you were looking for. Accessibility This will help you to access different section of items easier and faster as it will let you to go to one specific department A slide show Performance It takes around 2 seconds for the website to load (even though there are many big images) which mean you don’t have to wait long if you want to use it. Bbc.co.uk The ‘white space’ This makes the website much easier to navigate as eyes don’t get tired quickly and everything is clear to view. Sign in/Register This will let you use different features that you previously saved. These could be the things that you don’t wish to see on the screen and the ones you want to see. This lets you create an account or log into your account. You’ll get access to things such as your previously saved news that you’d like to view. This loads almost immediately. It takes less than 1 second to load the page which means you can do whatever you want straight after you enter the page.
The difference between dynamic and static websites: There are two main types of websites –static and dynamic. Static sites are written by the programmer from the beginning, each page separately with all the information and images on it. It is usually written in plain HTML and the things that are displayed on the screen are the ones written in the code. Dynamic sites are more complex as there can be thousands of information and even pages. It would take ages to write such a website as a static one that’s why dynamic sites are written using a server-side scripting language such as JSP, PHP, ASP, or Coldfusion. In sites like that the scripting language is calling in the content from other files and/or from a database, all depending on the site and the action taken by the user. Examples of static and dynamic websites: Static: I could not find any static sites, but I am building one at the moment for this unit. Dynamic: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Happy-Beds-Vancouver-Finished-Wooden/dp/B00KL9HYUY/ref=sr_1_1?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1492709000&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=bunk+beds&psc=1
Examples of websites that are built in a wrong way: 1). http://www.chestercivilwartours.com/ Chester Civil War website is built in a way where it is hard for the user to view the content of it. Black background and small font coloured grey is difficult to read not just to people with sight difficulties but with most of people. Some of the images on the website don’t load, just like they don’t exist. Some of the red coloured text doesn’t look nice as well. The red colour make it harder to read. 2). https://yvettesbridalformal.p1r8.net/ This website is built in a terrible style, it is so messy and difficult to read. There are too many colours and the text goes under the images. The background is made of other images which makes the text even more difficult to read.