Sports Medicine: Professions
Sports Medicine What is the definition of Sports Medicine? The branch of medicine that deals with prevention, research, education, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries that occur to athletes and the active population of all ages
Circle of Care Athlete/Individual in motion Injury Immediate Treatment Diagnosis Rehabilitation Prevention Return to play/activity Professionals in the sports med field have the ability to bring their patients full circle with care provided
Professions Anybody who works in the sports med field must study a vast array of disciplines: Anatomy Study of structure or organisms and their parts Physiology Study of function within living creatures Kinesiology Study of body movement Strength Training Physical exercise to build muscular strength & endurance Psychology Study of the human mind and it’s functions Nutrition Study of providing/obtaining food necessary for health and growth
Professions What are some professions you believe are a part of the Sports Med field?
Athletic Trainer Division of Sports Med dealing with prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities National Athletic Trainer’s Association (NATA) non-profit organization for athletic trainers committed to advancement, encouragement, and improvement of profession Certified Athletic Trainer: Must hold ATC credential Degree from accredited athletic training curriculum Under-graduate, graduate, or entry-level master’s degree accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)
Athletic Trainer
Physical Therapist Division of sports med dealing with the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by surgery or medication Must hold Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Physical therapy Education (CAPTE) Must pass a board exam and be licensed Physical Therapy Assistants (PTA) Earned a 2-year associates degree and is involved in clinical tasks under direct supervision of DPT
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapy Assistant
Strength & Conditioning Specialists A Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) deals with the evaluation of existing levels of fitness and athleticism, along with helping to increase the strength and endurance of an individual or team Must pass a written exam CPR/AED certification CSCS could have different professional identities determined by job setting: Gym/clinic: personal trainer, fitness instructor, or strength/conditioning specialist HS/college: strength coach
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Other Professions Teacher/College Professor Massage Therapist Health/Physical Education Teacher or Professor Massage Therapist manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person's health and well-being Exercise Physiologist analyze their patients' fitness in order to help them improve their health or maintain good health Sports Psychologist the study of life stress, mood, motivation on sports performance and sport-related injury as well as relaxation and imagery techniques Dietitian nutritional specialist; proper diet for maximum performance and for problems such as diabetics and eating disorders
Other Professions Podiatrist Emergency Medical Technician Physician examines and diagnoses problems below the knee; performs foot surgeries, prescribes orthotics Emergency Medical Technician Dispatched by the 911 operator. Provide emergency care and transport patient to a medical facility. Physician athlete’s general doctor Orthopedic Surgeon a physician devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of injuries, disorders and diseases of the body's musculoskeletal system Equipment Manager purchases and maintains appropriate and supportive athletic equipment Chiropractor treat musculoskeletal disorders through bone manipulation; focuses on spinal misalignments
Pick 2 We just went over a variety of Sports Medicine professions. Look back through your notes and choose TWO careers that interest you and note them on your notes sheet.
Attributes Needed to be Successful People Skills Communication Skills Leadership Skills Compassion Good Listening Skills Ability to follow directions and work as a team member Healthy and Passionate about profession Sincere Desire to Learn Positive Attitude Using one of the professions you just chose pick 5 attributes listed and explain how they would relate to that profession.
Sports Med Team Team Physician (if applicable) Athletic Trainer The coach The athlete The athlete’s parents/guardians Athletic Administrator (Athletic Director)
The Sports Med Team & Ethics
Ethics Morals Principles of right, wrong, and duty that guide our behavior
Team Physician The “captain” of the sports med team If the school does not have a team physician, the family physician takes this role They will establish the plan of care & it will not be overridden by anyone Maintain good ethics: No influence by personal/professional motives No persuasion by outside (athlete) Long-term & mental well being should never be compromised
Athletic Trainer Available for daily care & prevention of athletic injuries Ethics: Athlete’s well-being and safety should be upmost priority Able to discuss athlete’s safety and well-being until everyone is on the level of understanding
The Coach Ethics: Emphasize commitment to providing a safe, unbiased, and positive environment All participants can excel Battle between a desire to win vs. best interest of athletes
Athlete’s Parents/Guardians Treated with respect & make sure to emphasize important role in athlete’s life & as a part of the sports med team Ethics: Not disputing coaching staff in front of athletes Refraining from overly enthusiastic support
The Administration Ethics: Know & adhere to state laws, policies, procedures School policies that promote athlete safety Take care of damaged/worn out equipment
AMA Journal of Ethics: Athlete Return-to-Play Decisions in Sports Medicine Take a moment to read the first 4 paragraphs of the article handed out to you What ethical issue do you predict will arise between Jordan & Dr. Brown? Continue reading the article until you finish the paragraph with my notes next to it Besides himself, who else might be putting pressures on Jordan to return to play? What are some tools Dr. Brown should utilize with Jordan? Who holds the final decision on Jordan’s return to play?
In your book: Open your book to page 40 and read “Thinking it Through” Is this an example of negligence by the coach? What could the athletic trainer have done? What changes need to be made for the future? Turn to pages 41-42 and read “Thinking it Through” Do you believe the parents are correct in filing the lawsuit against Stacy? Coach Bordner? The school? What could Stacy have done differently? Turn to page 48 and read “Thinking it Through” Do you agree with the courts ruling? What changes are needed to be made on this coaching staff?
Your Turn Find your “Ankle” partner and sit with them Every pair will be assigned a different member of the Sports Med Team You and your partner will come up with a scenario in which this member of the sports med team’s ethics will be tested Be creative as possible! Be prepared to share with the class!