Welcome & Introductions Shanaze Suleman The ‘Apprenticeships Explained’ Welcome & Introductions Shanaze Suleman National Apprenticeship Service
Objectives of today’s session Find out who NAS are and what we do Find out what apprenticeships and traineeships are Find out about the benefits of apprenticeships Learn how to apply for apprenticeship vacancies Find out where to get further support in promoting apprenticeships Learn about the apprenticeship reforms National Apprenticeship Service National Apprenticeship Service
More than 850,000 people were earning and learning on an apprenticeship in 2013/14. More than the capacity of Old Trafford, Emirates Stadium, Anfield and Stamford Bridge combined National Apprenticeship Service 3
The National Apprenticeship Service The National Apprenticeship Service is part of the Skills Funding Agency and has end to end responsibility for apprenticeships in England. We are jointly funded by the Department of Education and the BIS, with an annual budget apprenticeship budget of £1.4 billion. NAS has been operating since October 2009 The NAS has been designed to: increase the number of apprenticeship opportunities provide a dedicated, responsive service for employers NAS have simplified the process of recruiting an apprentice through apprenticeship vacancies, an online web-based vacancy service. Our main role is to work with employers, helping more of them take on apprentices; and to work with those who advise learners so that more young people and adults are able to benefit from the experience of work based learning. National Apprenticeship Service
Consumer Services - Partnerships Our Main Responsibility is to work with Partners local and nationally to drive up the numbers of apprenticeships and traineeships starts And other education and employment outcomes Increased use of NCS, AV and Small Business Service Resulting in increased apprenticeship and traineeship starts, priority 16-18, 19-24 and Highers Head of Partnerships Carolyn Savage Business Support Pauline Kingsley Manager Adviser ALG Area EDS Area (former) Claire Cummings Liz Glaze North East, Yorks & Humber North East Caroline Mason Diane Jones North West Richard Nutt Rachel Hopkins East Mids and West Mids Central Steve Jenkins Amna Ali South East Lucy Richards Dena Read South West Seymour Pearman Amina Begum Poonam Joshi London National Apprenticeship Service
Option for young people after leaving school Since 2013: Young people who have completed Year 11 (age 16) have to stay in education or training until they turn 17. From 2015: this will be up until they turn 18. The options are to: Continue at school or college into the 6th form Leave school and start a full time programme at College/Training provider Leave school and find an apprenticeship Leave school and find employment with in-house training National Apprenticeship Service
What is an Apprenticeship? A full-time job with training (it’s not training for a full-time job) National Apprenticeship Service
An Apprenticeship? Three parts make the whole Training Provider Employer 8 National Apprenticeship Service 8
What is an Apprenticeship? A framework of qualifications All apprentices work full time All apprentices are paid Apprentices are regularly assessed by their college or training provider A real job, gaining nationally recognised qualifications National Apprenticeship Service
How does an Apprenticeship work? Apprenticeships are made up of a series of qualifications and modules that make up a Framework Competency Technical Knowledge Functional / Key Skills / Functional G.C.S.E Personal Learning & Thinking Skills Employee Rights & Responsibilities Guided Learning Hours Additional: Entry Conditions Equality & Diversity Progression National Apprenticeship Service National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Frameworks Accounting Activity Leadership Agriculture Animal Care Aviation Operations Barbering Beauty Therapy Building Energy Management Systems Business Administration Cabin Crew Campaigning Children & Young People’s Workforce Civil Engineering Community Arts Construction Building Contact Centre Costume & Wardrobe Creative & Digital Media Cultural & Heritage Venue Operations CusDebbieer Service Driving Goods Vehicles Electrotechnical Equine Fashion & Textiles Floristry Fundraising Gas Services Engineering Hairdressing Health – Clinical Dental Nursing Emergency Care Optical Retail, Pharmacy Services Health & Social Care Horticulture Hospitality & Catering IT Software Web and Telecoms Leisure Management Live Events & Promotion Management Marketing Playwork Plumbing & Heating Property Services Providing Financial Advice Rail Services Retail Sales & Telesales Sports Development Technical Theatre The Gas Industry Travel Services Vehicle Body & Paint Veterinary Nursing Warehousing & Storage Youth Work National Apprenticeship Service National Apprenticeship Service
What the levels mean Advanced Apprenticeship Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Intermediate Apprenticeship A level or IB BTEC National BTEC First GCSE grades A*-C First year of degree course, HND, Degree, Masters Level 4,5,6,7 Level 3 Level 2 12 National Apprenticeship Service 12
How long does an Apprenticeship take? At least 12 months, but could take longer depending on… The apprentice’s own ability The level of the apprenticeship The framework type the apprentice is working towards How long is a piece of string? National Apprenticeship Service National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Wages From 1st October 2016 The National Minimum Wage for apprentices is £3.40 per hour. From April 2017 this rises to £3.50 per hour. This rate applies to all 16-18 year olds and those aged 19 or over in their first year of their apprenticeship. For all other apprentices the National Minimum Wage appropriate for their age applies. Apprentices must work a minimum of 30 hours per week (although an exception may be made if the employer/apprentice has a specific case) Other Employment benefits may apply such as: Pension, free meals, free uniform etc. National Apprenticeship Service
Who can do an Apprenticeship? There are different entry requirements for apprenticeships depending on the occupational sector, level and employer requirements An apprentice must be living in England and not in full-time education An apprentice must be 16 years and above and be at the statutory school leaving age An apprentice must be committed to work and learning and aware of their responsibilities to themselves, their employer and training provider National Apprenticeship Service National Apprenticeship Service
Who can do an Apprenticeship? – other useful facts Apprenticeships should not be viewed as the easy option Apprenticeships are competitive A good application will help secure an interview and then ultimately a job National Apprenticeship Service National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Funding The employer pays the apprentice’s wage 16-18 – the cost of delivery of the apprenticeship is fully funded by the government Graduates can undertake an apprenticeship but are not eligible for funding The following link can be used to get information and advice about funding/ loan eligibility for Apprenticeships https://www.gov.uk/advanced-learner-loan/eligibility National Apprenticeship Service
Traineeships Perfect preparation for an apprenticeship Can be as short as 6 weeks Clear route for young people to gain essential work preparation training, maths & English & work experience needed to get an apprenticeship or job Meaningful work placements giving young people skills and experience to apply for apprenticeship or other job. National Apprenticeship Service
What’s new? Who could benefit from a Traineeship? Available for 16 up to 24 year olds who have not achieved a full level 3 For those up to the academic age 25 and in receipt of a Learning Difficulty Assessment Focused on those motivated to work Not specifically aimed at those most disaffected (these groups may need more support) Flexible with the content of the traineeship because the group itself is diverse. National Apprenticeship Service
What’s new? Three Core elements: A high quality work placement to give the young person meaningful work experience and develop workplace skills. A focused period of work preparation training, covering areas like CV writing, interview preparation, job search and inter-personal skills. English and maths, as these are seen as crucial employability skills. National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship A new digital service for candidates to search, register and apply for vacancies Apprenticeship vacancies is one of the 25 government `exemplar` services chosen for re-design Aim to make services simpler, clearer and faster to use New service based on user needs and over 100 hours of user testing Launched in December 2014 National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship Candidates using Av for the first time will be directed to the new Find an apprenticeship service. New users will have to create an account. Candidates previously registered/applied through Av will now need to register on Find an apprenticeship Candidates looking for a traineeship will need to search and apply through www.gov.uk/find-traineeship Once registered, candidates use the same login for Find an apprenticeship and Find a traineeship Contact the Helpdesk for further support on 0800 0150400 National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship The Candidate Journey How to search, register and apply for vacancies National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship Link to `Find an apprenticeship` is through: https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship National Apprenticeship Service
Find an apprenticeship Contact information for technical support: National Helpdesk Tel: 0800 0150400 Email: nationalhelpdesk@findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk National Apprenticeship Service
Higher Apprenticeships “The Government’s ambition is for it to become the norm for young people to achieve their career goals by going into an Apprenticeship or to university to – in the case of some Higher Apprenticeships – doing both.” Vince Cable Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills National Apprenticeship Service
Higher Apprenticeships The ‘Highers’ Ambition Programme ambition for higher and degree apprenticeships is: to increase take-up to 20,000 starts between August 2013 to July 2015 to offer higher level vocational routes as a choice on equal parity with an academic only option to provide a simple to access route for employers and employees to gain the skills they need to position Apprenticeships (all levels) as a positive choice for young people and adults, and their employers and parents National Apprenticeship Service
Higher Apprenticeship Frameworks Accounting Advanced Diagnostics and Management Principles Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Advertising and Marketing Communications Agriculture Banking Broadcast Production Broadcast Technology Business and Professional Administration Business, Innovation and Growth Care Leadership and Management Construction Management Contact Centre Operations Management Criminal Investigation Digital Learning Design Engineering Environmental Technologies Express Logistics Facilities Management Fashion and Textiles: Technical Furniture Manufacturing Technician Health: Assistant Practitioner Hospitality Management Human Resource Management Information Security Insurance Intelligence Operations Interactive Design and Development IT, Software, Web and Telecoms Professionals Jewellery Manufacturing, Silversmithing and Allied Trades Legal Services Life Sciences and Chemical Science Professionals Management Mineral Products Technology Power Engineering Professional Aviation Pilot Practice Professional Services 4 Professional Services 7 Professional Development for Work Based Learning Practitioners Project Management Public Relations Recruitment Retail Management Social Media and Digital Marketing Supply Chain Management Sustainable Resource Operations and Management The Water Industry National Apprenticeship Service
Here`s what real apprentices have to say! Memona Mohammad, from London, had been offered a place at university after achieving A-Levels in Chemistry, Biology and Physics, but instead decided on an apprenticeship with BT. “I chose to do an apprenticeship over university because it would allow me to receive on-the-job training, gain qualifications, earn a salary and build a career,” she explains. “My apprenticeship has offered endless development opportunities, I would never have thought that by the age of 21 I would be given the chance to manage a team, travel to BT offices abroad and contribute to the business economy”. National Apprenticeship Service
Here`s what real apprentices have to say! National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Reforms and Trailblazers The Trailblazers will pave the way for full implementation of the reforms during 2015/16 and 2016/17 The aim is that all new apprenticeship starts from 2017/18 will be on the new programme Dual running in the interim, with potential switch off of some frameworks/pathways earlier National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Reforms Standards designed by employers will replace existing frameworks. New standards will be clear and concise, written by employers and no more than two pages long. All apprenticeships will have an end-point assessment (synoptic) Apprenticeships will be graded for the first time. All apprenticeships will last a minimum of 12 months. National Apprenticeship Service
What if you need more information? For Find an apprenticeship enquiries please call 0800 0150400 or 02476 826482 Tweet us:Twitter.com/apprenticeships Follow us: Linkedin.com/company/national-apprenticeship-service Visit us: gov.uk/further-education-skills/apprenticeships To access our branding centre, click and register on below link: https://nationalapprenticeshipservice.williamslea.com/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2f The National Careers Service https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/Pages/Home.aspx National Apprenticeship Service
Consumer Services, Partnerships Adviser amna.ali@sfa.bis.gov.uk Any more questions? Amna Ali, Consumer Services, Partnerships Adviser amna.ali@sfa.bis.gov.uk M: 07768 031599 National Apprenticeship Service