2017 Garnet Valley Football As you enter the auditorium, please sit in the middle section, toward the front. Thank you!
Garnet Valley Football Selflessness Hard Work Character *
Philosophy “Do What You’re Supposed to Do!” “If it is to be, it’s up to me!” “Oneness” Easy to measure success on the field: Since 2006, our overall record is 110-26 (93-15 regular season)…not important Football is the least important thing we do *
Efficiency We want our players to be as strong as they can—and as well rounded as they can; thus, developed very efficient weight program/off-season program (“60 minutes”) 2-Platoon Evolution Mini-Camps Huge advocates of kids playing multiple sports *
9th Grade Football Program History/Purpose of 9th Grade Program *14th year of program To develop 9th graders so that they are ready to be varsity football players. How to practice, how to carry selves on field, how to lift, how to run systems, etc. As long as know what they’re doing, they get to practice, they’re not afraid and they’re not acting like a jackass, all kids will play in every game. *
Coaches Mirror the Philosophy/Expectations/Coaching Style of Varsity Program Van Wyk, McManus, Johnson, Conrad Others (more than most varsity staffs) *
Practices We have created a practice for every day of the freshman season Drills/Terminology/Team Periods—same as varsity Weight lifting built in to practice schedule (as varsity does) *
Weight Room One of the problems with having so many kids (110 10-12)—what to do with them during the course of the summer Varsity Summer Schedule—M – Thursday (progression—we lift by class) Freshmen: www.garnetvalleyschools.com; pick “Garnet Valley Middle School”, then teachers, then Van Wyk. Look for freshmen football. Body weight exercises--prep *
Start Time of Season Varsity starts on Monday, August 7th In past, freshmen did not start until school began We (freshman team) begin on Monday, August 21st. For the 1st day, please report at 3:00. Tuesday the 22nd we will hand out equipment/lockers. *
First Week of Practice Monday, August 21st – Friday, August 25th: 3:00 – 5:10 (pre-practice meetings will be held at 2:30 each day that week) Monday, August 28th – end of season. 3:00 – 5:10 PM. Mandatory Parent/Player/Coaches Meeting: Monday, August 21st, 7:00 – 8:00. NO PRACTICE ON LABOR DAY! *all practice information can be found on Mr. VW’s GV school website. *
Physicals Must have by 8/21. MUST BE DATED BETWEEN JUNE 1ST AND AUGUST 21st. Good for entire year. Athlete must be registered on FamilyID. Paper Physicals no longer accepted. Detailed instructions can be found on GVHS Athletic Department website. *
Mini-Camps Why/Purpose—10th/11th/12th only This year, June 5th – June 9th and July 18th – July 19th 7 on 7’s: Wednesday nights, 8:30 – 9:30. Sometimes with other teams, but usually with ourselves. *
Future Planning Purchase own helmet?: July 19, 2016, 5:30 PM, GVHS parking lot. Jason Hunter, Riddell (if rains, in GVHS cafeteria) 2018 Mini Camps: June 5th – June 9th, 3:00 – 5:10 PM & July 18-19-20: 3:00 – 5:10 PM 2017 Official Start: Monday, August 7th (heat acclimation)
Future Planning Continued 2017 7 on 7’s: Wednesday nights, 8:30 – 9:30 PM, beginning June 21st 2017 Banquet: Sunday, January 28th, Concordville Inn (I think: It’s always the Sunday the week before the Super Bowl) Senior Day, 2019: For all parents and upcoming seniors: Sunday, May 19th (the Sunday the week before Memorial Day)
Future Planning Girdles (we practice, typically, in shoulder pads, helmets and shorts): https://www.efootwear.com/m-295-garnet-valley-football-cleats-accessories-16.aspx
Conclusion Signed up? www.garnetvalleyfootball.com Eric Van Wyk Build people AND football players We will work hard, we will have fun, we will be successful *
Contact Information Coach Ricci cell: 610.742.7096 Coach Ricci: riccim@garnetvalley.org Coach Van Wyk cell: 610.506.6398 Coach Van Wyk: vanwyke@garnetvalley.org *